Chapter 16

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Chase's POV

"Are you sure you'll be alright with this guy here?" Jay asked me concerned as he put me down on my bed.

We were finally in my apartment and as soon as we stepped in, Jay bolted to my bedroom. He's never been here so he was probably just following his nose to figure out where my bed was.

"You're really starting to test me giant." Travis snapped at him and I exhaled slowly.

I didn't get why they didn't like each other so much. They just met and it wasn't even an hour into them meeting yet.

"Seriously Chase, what if you mark this human because you're not in the right state of mind? You know that's frowned upon." Jay mind-linked me while I took off my flannel, causing them both to eye me.

My body was starting to get hot and my layered clothing wasn't helping me cool off at all.

And I knew it wasn't acceptable to mark a human. I didn't plan on marking him, I was just going to see if he could stay by my side since he was the only one that could. My friends were all wolves so they couldn't stay by me, and they had their own business to take care of tonight.

And my parents? I couldn't let them know about this yet. I wouldn't even know what to tell them. I didn't understand this myself.

I'd rather tell them after I got this stuff figured out but I couldn't even see a pack doctor until tomorrow when the full moon was over. I'd still be in heat since apparently this wasn't a one night thing, so tonight I just had to wait it out and deal with these affects on my own.

"It doesn't look like it's just a stomach ache. Are you sure you're going to be okay without going to the hospital? Even this friend of yours is starting to look flustered." Travis asked worried and I smiled at him.

"Okay we might've uh..." I started to say but I couldn't even come up with an excuse.

What was I supposed to tell him? I can't just tell him our secret or tell him I needed Juno to be at my side right now.

"At the party...when he was helping us set up, someone put an aphrodisiac in the punch as a prank. We all drank some without knowing but Chase got affected the most so I brought him back home." Jay lied to Travis with his arms crossed.

He lied so effortlessly which made me think this wasn't his first time deceiving humans. But it was good that he was quick and could make them believe him so easy.

"My god what fucking friends do you hang out with Chase? Seriously? An aphrodisiac as a prank? What kind of twisted shit is that?! That's a crime don't you know?!" Travis shouted at Jay and I winced.

"Like we knew what that idiot was going to put in the punch? And why are you yelling at me? I brought him back here didn't I?" Jay asked Travis loudly and I whimpered, causing him to stop.

"Look. I'm leaving him in your care for now brat. If you hurt him, I promise you, it won't just be me looking for you." Jay emphasized before taking off his shirt.

I could tell Travis was confused but I completely understood his intention. Jay left his shirt on my bed and ruffled my hair before shooting me a sad smile.

"I'm sorry this happened to you. I know it's your first time but I swear I'll bring a doctor here tomorrow." Jay leaned down to whisper in my ear and I nodded silently.

Then he left.

I heard him close the door behind him and it made a loud clicking noise, signaling that he locked it so no one from the outside could get it.

I sighed with relief that I was home and that they were finally done arguing.

My heart was still thumping so loud that I thought it would jump out of my chest, and my face was still the same hot temperature it has been for a while now.

"I don't know what to do to help do I get you some water or something?" Travis asked quietly as I began to take off the rest of my clothes.

His face lit up, probably even brighter than mine, and he looked away.

"Would you help me?" I asked him seriously as I felt my sense of reason start to fade away.

My bedroom curtains were cracked, letting in the moonlight that was now illuminating the sky. It creeped into my bedroom and it was already triggering my instincts through the window.

If I was outside, feeling it directly, it would've affected me even more; which made me feel bad Jay was going through it on his way back alone. So I was grateful that I still was sort of conscious.

"H-help you? Help you how?" Travis asked me with a blush on his face as I pulled his arm.

I was stronger than him even without the affects of the full moon, so he let out a surprised gasp once I got him onto my bed.

I crawled on top of him, straddling him now fully naked as I placed my hands on his chest.

Even though I knew he was attracted to me and didn't mind openly flirting with me in class, I still needed to make sure he was willing to help me with this.

"Can you sleep with me to make the pain go away?" I asked him loudly as I heard his heartbeat start to get beat faster.

"Are you sure? You didn't really seem to want to sleep with me before...but I understand. It's because of the situation you're in right? I'm happy that you chose to do this with me over that guy so yeah. I'll sleep with you." Travis said as he reached up and caressed my cheeks.

I felt my eyes start to tear up because I felt bad. It was like I was using him and that's the thing I wanted to avoid the most.

I wanted him initially just to stay here by my side during this entire fiasco but I knew my instincts would take over at some point. So it was better to see if he was okay with it now while I'm still conscious so I didn't do something I'd regret.

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