Chapter 20

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A/N: This chapter is in Juno's point of view!

Juno's POV

"No dude I'm telling you! I saw him and he doesn't even look the same anymore." Romeo shouted to our group of friends causing me to roll my eyes.

"You're telling me the emo twink isn't emo anymore? So what now? He's goth or scene?" Juan joked before laughing at his own question.

"Nah, I saw him too. He's actually pretty cute after taking off all those dark clothes and piercings. He even changed his hair up too and is wearing more revealing clothes ya know?" Jose said seriously, causing everyone to look at him.

They were talking about the guy I was fated to be mates with, Chase, but I didn't see why. We all have been clowning on him for ages and now that he's changed his clothes and hair everyone won't shut up about it.

"Did you see what he had on yesterday? Fuck did he look so good. I can't believe you rejected him dude." Diego laughed before putting his hand on my shoulder.

I felt my right eye twitch unconsciously as the words left his mouth.

Chase wasn't dressing the way he was for them. It was clearly to get MY attention and he was doing a damn good job at it. I just didn't want to cave in because that meant we'd have to end up talking this mate thing over so pretended not to notice.

Did I find him attractive? Yeah I sure did, even when he was wearing dark clothes I found him cute. We used to hang out when we were younger and I always thought he was cuter than everyone around us.

I only started clowning him for his sense of style to get other wolves to stop looking at him so sexually.

But now he was drawing attention to himself again and it was pissing me off. Every day in class he came in wearing different styles and eyeballing me the entire class period.

It was like he was trying to prove something to me but I don't regret rejecting him. We might be fated to be mates with each other but that didn't mean we had to be with each other.

We haven't had an actual conversation without arguing with each other for over ten years and just because we were mates, we were supposed to forget about our past and move on?

I don't think so. It shouldn't work like that.

And we mainly started arguing because every time I see him my mouth says the opposite of what my brain was thinking. Like one day I wanted to compliment his outfit but I ended up calling him a freak so my guy friends just rolled with it.

Do I feel bad about that? Yeah all the time because it happens every time we talk. That's why I've been choosing not to talk to him too. And he didn't need to be with me even though we were mates.

Plus it wasn't like he can't find someone else to look cute for. That ugly guy that sits next to him in our art class is like glued to his hip every time I see them. And I get that Chase is kind of cute but that guy clinging to him was just ugly. He was so damn desperate to get Chase's attention all the time but it was always going to be on me.

"You wouldn't understand." I told him while I took my seat down at our table.

We always met up in the cafeteria during our free time and chilled until we had to go to our next class. Maybe it was a wolf thing but we just liked being grouped together.

"Yeah Diego, you're so stupid. Juno's going to be the next Alpha so he can't just mate with some guy who isn't even an omega. Maybe he would've had a chance if he were one or at least a female but he's neither!" Juan shouted and Romeo punched his side to signal for him to shut up or quiet it down.

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