Chapter 39

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Chase's POV

About a few minutes later he came back to where I was with a bunch of packaged up meat, stacked high and balancing up on his left hand. And on his right hand he had a big styrofoam cup of something that was steaming.

My stomach growled again and this time I let out an uncomfortable groan.

"Thanks. Sorry I didn't really know how to order anything. H-How much do I owe you?" I stuttered as he came around the counter.

I looked up at him confused as he bent over and placed the steaming cup in my hand. Once I grabbed it, he used his now free right hand to pull one of my tote bags out of my left hand.

Inside the styrofoam cup was some chopped up brisket with a sweet smelling barbecue sauce poured nicely on top of it. My mouth was pretty much salivating as he put the meats in my tote bag carefully.

I even smelt some corn that must've been under the steaming brisket and I quickly took the fork out of the cup so I could eat.

"Huh? It's free Love. Don't even worry about it. Why don't you just focus on eating real quick? I haven't heard a stomach growl like that since my neighbors wife got pregnant! She used to cry to him cravin' my pulled pork at 2 A.M. sometimes." He laughed hard as he recalled his fond memory.

But I couldn't possibly keep taking all this stuff for free. It felt weird and unnatural. Why wasn't anyone charging me for anything? And wasn't meat like super expensive now?

"No no no. I have the money please just let me know a price." I pleaded as I forced myself to look away from the delicious smelling cup.

"Maybe you're new here Love but this market place has always gone by the same rules for decades. We don't charge omegas, for numerous reasons." He said and I swallowed the saliva pulling in my mouth.

"But why? I feel like I'm taking advantage of everyone..." I confessed to him honestly before he stopped bending over.

"Don't feel that way! Whenever we give omegas things here, we get good luck. It's like the moon goddess's way of blessing our crops and looking after everything here since we looked after her blessed children." He explained but I was completely lost.

I've never heard of anything like this before. Maybe it was just an omega secret but it still made me feel like I was taking things without giving anything back to them.

"Look I see that sad look on your face Sweetheart. But I'll prove it to ya. See that cup of brisket I gave ya? It was all the proof I need to know the moon goddess blessed me for looking after Emery." He said but I tilted my head to the side in confusion.

Emery...that name sounded familiar but I couldn't figure out where I've heard that name from. I didn't have that many friends so there was a lot of wolves I didn't know but that name made my head throb.

It was a weird feeling I started to have in my chest the more I tried to remember where I heard that name from so I let it go and decided to just hear how this butchers story ended.

"Emery came up to my stall like you did one day, hungry and curiously looking over everything I had here. But he suddenly went into heat and started to panic. Lucky for him, the smoke from my smoker masked his pheromones from everyone pretty well so no one else noticed! I carried him home after letting one of the other stall vendors look after my pit and even took him a cup of brisket. That night after I went home, some foxes tried to get some of my cows and can you guess what happened? Before I could shift to try to run them off, they mysteriously retreated back into the woods! Not one of my cows had even a scratch on 'em. I definitely know it was the moon goddess's way of telling me thank you for helping that omega." He told me as I clutched the cup of brisket in my hands.

It could've been a coincidence but foxes didn't typically retreat like that, especially if they were hungry with such easy prey in front of them.

"And other vendors got stories of their own! So please don't try to offer us any money, y'all do a lot for us as it is. Plus we feel a little bad for y'all. Normal females go into heat but it's nothing like the heat y'all experience. It's a whole other level, and wolves in our pack instinctively look after our omegas. It's in our genes ya know sweetheart." He explained before pointing down to his arm and tapping it dramatically.

"Ok...I guess that all makes sense. But that's not going to stop me from feeling bad." I told him seriously and he chuckled loudly again.

He was a big guy, about 6'6 or something, so his chuckle was deep and loud. His muscles were huge, as you'd expect from a butcher, and his beard was full and luscious.

The tattoo I just noticed on his arm made me freeze though.

I swear I've seen that before and I guess he noticed me looking because he extended his arm out for me to get a better look.

These koi fish reminded me of Jay and that's when it clicked.

"Are you Jay's dad?" I asked him as I examined his tattoo.

"The one and only! You know my boy?" Mr.Butcher asked happily and I saw his eyes light up at the mention of his son.

"Y-yeah kind of. He helped me get home when I had my first heat. I guess it runs in the family...running into omegas in heat." I said and he ruffled the top of my head gently.

He smiled widely, showing me a toothy grin and that's when I noticed how similar they looked. Jay definitely got his dark brown eyes from his father and his smile looked just like his.

"That's my boy! Always helpful and good to omegas. I raised him right didn't I? He'd make a good beta for Julio if Julio takes over as Alpha wouldn't he?" Jay's dad gleamed and I couldn't help but giggle at how much he praised his son.

It was nice seeing how dotting his dad was and it explained why Julio's other friend's left him in charge of taking me home that night.

"Here he comes now." Jay's dad said, taking me away from my thoughts.

I almost broke my neck with how fast I turned my head in the direction he was looking at.

And he was right.

Jay was on his way over to his fathers stall, talking to Julio. They were so busy talking to each other they didn't even notice I was standing here awkwardly.

But it gave me my chance to say my thank you's and I'm sorry's to both of them so I could finally get it out of the way.

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