Chapter 45

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Chase's POV

"The doctor said we shouldn't even be living under the same roof. If you don't want me by other males I can just move out and keep to myself." I suggested to him and his glare dropped from his face.

"I don't want you to move out Chase. I just want you to understand why I was worried about you and why I'm upset." Juno sighed out and now he had a sad expression on his face.

I wanted us to work but we were just too different. We didn't see things the same way and we probably won't in the future either.

"Maybe the moon goddess made a mistake and Emery was supposed to be your mate." I choked, looking away from him and pulling my knees up.

I hugged my knees and rested my head on them as he grew silent. He didn't say anything about what I just said and I knew he heard every word I uttered.

He must've agreed with me because why would he be silent? Wouldn't your mate typically counter that and say something like "what are you talking about?" or "you're wrong!"

"Don't say that." Was all he said and I kept my eyes fixated on the rug we had on the floor.

It was a pretty shade of gray that almost looked blue. It was soft and gave me something to look at that wasn't Juno.

"Well you always thought my fur was ugly and his is a beautiful and graceful white. Jay and Julio said my fur was pretty but you used to hate looking at it." I started my vent and he just stayed silent as I spoke.

"Of course I don't think your fur is ugly! I was younger and just teasing you back then! What does his fur have to do with anything right now?" He asked loudly but I wasn't finished.

"And when we first found out we were mates, you looked shocked and disgusted. You must've really wanted Emery to be your mate since he's so classy and perfect. He looks like a damn doll and your father would've given you his approval instantly huh? Is that why I haven't met your dad yet? Does he even know about me Juno?" I asked before slowly looking away from the rug and looking at him.

But this time he stayed silent again so I laughed.

"So you haven't told your dad about us? You pulled me out of school because you said it was too dangerous but in reality you just didn't want me by Travis is that it? I couldn't be by Travis but you could live a secret life and still see your ex-fiancé behind my back to look perfect in front of your dad?" I questioned him again.

And by this time, my tears were starting to come out again.

It was definitely my hormones that I blame for this. I was usually a cry baby yeah but I was always the type to cry alone. And lately I've been crying in front of everyone over everything.

"Is that why were here? Not because the beach is close but because I'm hidden away from everyone?" I asked him as I stopped hugging my knees and I stood up.

He still didn't say anything. Just looked at me with a saddened expression and it frustrated me. It hurt my chest and I was starting to feel like shit.

"Say something! Tell me I'm wrong Juno!" I shouted and he stood up.

He walked to his room, with his back facing me and I felt my heart skip a beat, and it wasn't in the good way.

When he came back out, he had a backpack with him and I scrunched up my face in confusion.

"Are you leaving me? Are you seriously leaving me right now? Weren't you the one who said we'd talk about it?!" I asked him loudly as he walked around the living room and kitchen, grabbing things to stuff into his bag.

"I hate this." I commented to myself as I slumped back down onto the couch.

He was still silent and I heard his footsteps walking towards me.

I could tell he stopped by me and wanted to look at him, but I didnt. So I guess that made him move in between my legs and crouch down to meet my gaze.

I probably looked like crap to him since my face felt red and I had tears everywhere. My eyes still hurt from roughly rubbing them in the shower and my arms were crossed tightly.

"I'm not leaving because I don't want to be with you. I'm leaving to give us time to cool off. I didn't say anything earlier because I told myself I'd try harder to think before I speak. If I spoke earlier while you were ranting I would've hurt you and I'm really trying here Chase." Juno answered lowly, finally saying something in response to my rants.

And my tears kept falling as I looked down at him angrily.

He was still leaving. It didn't matter what his reasoning was. He was leaving me here with my thoughts and they weren't the best right now.

"If I tell you not to leave will you stay with me?" I questioned him, feeling a lump form in the back of my throat.

I was starting to shake from all the emotions I was feeling and I didn't trust myself to be alone right now.

He sat there in thought for a while then he placed his backpack down and got up.

He sat down next to me on the couch and pulled me into his lap.

I trembled at the electric contact from our bodies touching and he buried his face into the crook of my neck. He did something similar when we first talked about accepting each other on campus, so maybe it helped him calm down?

He took a deep inhale of my scent as I adjusted my body to get more comfortable in his lap.

I was pulled onto his lap from the front so we were facing each other rather than my back being against his stomach. I didn't mind it since I've been craving the feeling of his touch again for a while now but I just wished the circumstances would've been different.

"When we agreed to accept each said you'd never leave me or cheat on me...and that you'd stay by my side even if we argued." I reminded him as he kept his face hidden from me.

He stopped talking and was just hugging onto me tightly now. I felt a shiver go down my spine with how electric my body felt against his.

"If I told you to stop seeing Emery like how you wanted me to stop seeing Travis, would you do it?" I asked him before pulling his face out of my neck with my hands.

I cupped his cheeks in my hands and brought his face super close to mine so he had to look me in the eyes as he answered me.

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