Chapter 100 - The Final Chapter

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Chase's POV

*** 3 Years Later ***

"You seem really nervous baby." I told Juno in his ear lowly as more guests began to enter the ballroom hall that was in the pack house.

Instead of it being used for dancing, it was being used to hold a very important pack announcement tonight.

It's been three years since Juno and I bonded, so he's been out of college for about a year and a half now.

Their dad suffered a grave injury from an accident out side of pack territory late last year, so everyone speculated this meeting tonight was going to be an announcement about who was going to take over the pack in his place as Alpha.

The suddenness of his injury caused a lot of wolves in the pack to go into a slight panic when the news first came out, and they've been mumbling amongst each other ever since.

Juno's entire family has been stressed out since the injury happened too, even if his father tried to keep them all calm.

A lot of wolves in the pack had their favorite heirs that they supported, some favored Alexis for her strength, some liked Julio for his compassion, and a lot of them liked Juno for his brains and strategical abilities.

It could be anyone's game, but those were the three in the running to be Alpha for sure. Juno's younger brothers didn't really have an interest in taking over as Alpha, and even if they did, he needed someone to step up now and they were still in school.

Then there was his older sister Carmen. She finally found her mate so she took herself out of the running about two years ago since she moved packs to go live with him.

So it had to be between just Juno, Julio and Alexis.

Juno was nervous as hell and no matter what I did to try to calm him down, nothing worked. He was anxiously awaiting the news and his leg was bouncing up and down so much I thought he was going to make a hole or dent form in the floor.

He had his hands over his face as he leaned his elbows against the table for support while I looked over at him sadly.

"Look at me, you got this. If he calls your name, you can't walk up there shaking like a new born horse can you? You have to be confident and strut over there." I told him in his ear again as more and more people walked in.

Everyone was dressed up for the most part but here and there you spotted some wolves in casual attire.

Juno was wearing a really good looking navy suit so I matched him with one of my go to elegant outfits. It took me about two hours to get ready and dressed since I couldn't find anything to match, but then I found a hidden navy gem in the back of my part of the closet.

I put it on and got all cute and dolled up just in case this was the announcement everyone was waiting for. Because if it was, I would not be caught wearing something casual for a day as important as this one!

It could be my mates big day so I had to look my best for photos.

"You do know if he calls me up there, you'd be going up too right? If I'm the next Alpha of this pack, you'd be the next Luna." Juno whispered with his hands still on his face.

He was still bouncing nervously, a habit I saw he just couldn't grow out of after all these years. His words made my sad smile turn into a happier one as I rubbed his back.

"It's a little scary to think of it but we'd be by each other's side every step of the way right? You worked hard all these years, you deserve to feel accomplished and recognized for all that work and time you put in Baby." I cooed and that made him finally take his hands off of his face.

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