Chapter 55

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Chase's POV

"You can call me stuff too." I added to our previous conversation as he led me out that dirty restroom.

We were hand and hand now, and the contact with him eased my nerves. And with his reassurance about my appearance, I felt a bit less like shit.

The phone store we went to was only a few meters away from where the restroom at this outlet was, so the walk wasn't going to be long.

"That'll be embarrassing." He replied and I pouted.

"So I can call you 'baby' but you don't have to call me anything cause it's embarrassing?" I joked and he stiffened a bit.

"Nah it's not like that. I just used to call my ex's really girly shit and you're a dude so I don't want to make you feel demasculated either." Juno explained to me and I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Okay same here, baaaaby. So why don't you think of something you thinks suits me then? I can't not have a nickname but all your ex's do. That won't be as fair now would it?" I hinted and squeezed his hand a little tighter.

We were finally doing something "mate like" so I was happy we were moving forward again.

"I have tons I'd call you but baby is an ok starter for now." I admitted and he seemed to really be thinking of what he could call me.

He was still in thought by the time we got back to the phone store, but this time it wasn't just us and Tyler in the store.

Judging by the scent, there were two other wolves in here now and this scent brought back PTSD I swear.

"Pears..." I mumbled bitterly and judging by Juno's reaction, he recognized that cursed ripe pear scent too.

This fruity scent of pears and wild berries, with a slight hint of flowers-specifically freesia, belonged to the one and only enemy of mine.

I'm starting to realize I do view him as more of an enemy than a rival but whatever.

It was Emery and just seeing him here after I told Juno not to be around him not that long ago made me growl lowly.

"Oh my gosh! If it isn't Juno! I had no clue you were going to be here too I swear." Emery shouted as he looked over to us, causing Tyler to look over at us too.

Juno let go of my hand and I frowned.

"Okay no. Nope not happening." I told Juno flat out and reached back down to grab his hand.

He was going to have to get used to my possessive side eventually and now that I don't feel as jealous about what him and Emery had going on, like I did that day in front of the house, I was ready to stand my ground.

Being around him didn't make me feel the fight or fight instinct at all.

It was just fight.

I didn't like anything about Emery.

I didn't like his personality. I didn't like that he was raised spoiled so he grew up spoiled.

I didn't like how he used to bully me, and literally any wolf he could just simply because he had that "I can do anything because I'm me" attitude.

And yeah I'll admit it, I never thought Juno and me were going to be mates so back in the day I didn't care that they always were by each other, but that's different now.

He's my mate and no longer his fiancé.

If I want my mate to stay only in good company, then I don't think it's toxic at all that I don't want him seeing Emery.

If he was hanging around humans doing heavy drugs and crimes, I'd tell him not to hang around them either. Why? Because I cared about him and his safety.

Emery made me feel like he'd be more bad than good in the drama aspect and Juno didn't need any more drama right now.

He had me and I was a handful as it is especially with the changes going on with my body.

Juno had school, pack duties, me to care and dot on, on top of alpha training. And if Emery was going to be drama and stressful, I don't need him by my mate.

And I wasn't sorry about it at all.

I was normally really blunt and I didn't fear Emery anymore like I used to, so I can put my foot down confidently now.

And if Juno thought letting go of my hand would try to ease up the situation he was wrong. Just because he saw his ex or ex-fiancé, it gave him the right to let my hand go?

Hell to the no! That was suspicious shit to me and I didn't play those kind of games so I sure did make him hold my hand again.

"Hey Emery...I talked to you about this already." Juno told Emery lowly, who left the front counter where Tyler was, to skip over to where Juno and I were standing.

"You said we couldn't talk or hang out anymore and that hurt my heart you know. We've always been friends and lovey, yet now you want me to just act like a stranger?" Emery laughed and the closer he was to me, the closer I began to realize I didn't have anything to be envious about.

He's attractive and considered cute but I can see now that I didn't have anything to be intimidated over. Juno seemed to have kept his word so that alone made me happy.

"Oh I didn't even see you there. Charlie right? I haven't seen you in ages. You're the reason me and Juno can't hang out anymore aren't you? Why not? You're not the jealous and crazy type of guy are you? That's not cute you know." Emery smiled at me but I just looked him up and down before walking away from where he was standing, pulling Juno alongside me.

I moved my hands from being locked with Juno's, to me just wrapping my arms around his right arm.

Being clingy like this was also the type of lover I was so it wasn't thanks to Emery that I chose to do it, but doing it in front of him was a bold move.

He was always the bratty type and even now I can tell he never grew out of it. But he was always fake in front of other wolves.

He might've teased me with Juno at his side when we were pups but whenever Juno wasn't around, his teasing was even worse.

"Hey." Juno said to me, probably hinting ignoring his ex-friend and fiancé wasn't mature or cool but I didn't care.

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