Chapter 3

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Chase's POV

"So you're planning to be a total slut to make him want to date you?" Jean asked as I looked through a clothing rack at one of my favorite stores at the mall.

"No he's not going to be a slut to make him date him, he's already a slut. He's going to be acting out to make him regret not dating him." Mimi explained as I finally found a shirt that went well with the pants I had in my hands.

"This shit is so confusing. If he rejected him, what's the point in going through all this trouble to get him to look at him? He doesn't deserve you if he rejected you so let's just move on." Jean grumbled and I giggled.

"Jean your mate accepted you right off the bat. You wouldn't understand how sad your inner wolf gets at being rejected. Plus he didn't fully reject me, which meant he felt something for me." I said picking up the shirts hanger and admiring it.

"Okay okay but the fact that he rejected you and embarrassed you should make you want to avoid this guy! Am I the only one not understanding this plan?!" Jean asked loudly and Mimi rolled her eyes.

"The ones that get it, get it and the ones that don't, don't." Mimi quoted before shrugging her shoulders.

"Look, I just don't want you to get hurt Chase. You know when you used to party you always attracted the wrong kind of attention..." Jean added, worried as they both walked with me towards the changing room.

"And that's why I'm going to go to party's with my amazingly strong friend Jean and his equally strong male mate Daniel, and my strong girl boss friend Mimi." I grinned and he just shook his head in response.

I walked into the changing room and stared at myself in the long floor length mirror.

I didn't have as much piercings as Juno thought. Only my standard earlobe, upper lobe and my helix on both of my ears. I wanted to get an industrial one too but only on my right ear but decided against it last minute.

My nails were painted black and I had my dyed black hair up in a small ponytail just to help my hair out of the way of my glasses.

I didn't need glasses but I always wore them because they were cool. They made any outfit I went with pop and drew attention away from my eyes.

But I was going to have to take out my piercings, lose my glasses and take off my nail polish to really pull the look I had in my head together. The black hair dye I use washes out easily so I'd fix up my hair later tonight, but for now I'll just try on my outfit to see if everything fit the way I wanted it to.

I stripped my clothes off carefully then put on the outfit I wanted to try on the most first. It was a simple crop top and some low jeans but I was going to use a lot of accessories at home to really jazz it up.

I loved how it looked on my body and my V-line was definitely doing its thing in these pants.

I opened the changing room door without warning and Mimi whistled while Jean looked away with his face red. He saw me as a little brother and hated when I dressed for attention but he never told me I couldn't buy anything.

He was super protective of all his friends though and whenever I got uncomfortable with anyone at a party, he was always within arms reach to take care of them.

"You're not planning on wearing any of these to that party Juno's friends are planning for him right?" Jean asked as I closed the door to my changing room and started focusing on trying on the next outfit.

"Right?!" Jean repeated loud as hell and I sighed dramatically in response.

"The fact that you're even going to that party at all is insane! They're throwing that party specifically for them to help Juno get you OFF his mind! And now you're going to show up dressed all uh sexy! Doesn't that the defeat the purpose of the party?!" Jean exclaimed and I heard Mimi smack his arm hard.

"That's the entire purpose of him going with us!" Mimi shouted as I took off the first outfit I tried on.

I moved on to the next one silently as I thought about what Jean was saying.

Was what I planned on doing really the right thing to do? If he didn't want to even look at me in class, going to this party might not be a good idea.

I planned on going to any and every party this semester anyways so missing this specific one might not even make a difference.

"Hmmmm." I hummed to myself as I pulled on the next shirt over my head.

I had a mix of Y2K styled clothes in my pile of try on outfits, as well as some crop tops and body suits I wanted. I also got some band T-shirts that I planned on altering so I was excited at my finds.

"If he hurts you, I don't care if he's mated to you or not Chase." Jean warned as I wiggled to get into my next set of pants.

He wasn't going hurt me. Juno knew better than that. If he hurt me he was basically hurting himself so there was no point. At least physically. Seeing me hurt would crush him even if he rejected me for real.

It was just what made being mates a pain in the ass but worth it at the same time.

"I know I know." I told him as I looked at myself in the mirror again.

I wanted to get a tattoo near my belly button or a belly piercing. One of the two definitely were going to appear on my body soon but for now I needed to focus on my current appearance.

A few outfit changes later, I was having a ton of clothes being rung up at the cash register. I was grinning from ear to ear at my purchases and even Mimi bought a few things too!

Jean didn't buy any clothes but he did buy a matching necklace set for him and his mate, Daniel.

After everything was rung up, Jean shook his head at the final price of all my clothes and I paid happily with my debit card. I saved up a lot of money from last semester from selling some of my paintings, and since we didn't pay for classes, I had lots of pocket money.

Art was my passion and selling my work always made me happy. I loved when people appreciated my pieces and wanted to buy them. It was like a piece of me was with them in a way.

"I don't think the party is a good idea." Jean mumbled again once we walked out of the store.

He was being typical Jean and was holding most of my bags as we walked towards the mall exit we entered from. He drove us here with his car since Mimi and I didn't have licenses.

Like I could drive...illegally...But at least I never got caught or wrecked anything! I was just bad at the driving tests humans made everyone take! It was confusing and there was just so many different types of signs.

"If I don't go to tonight's party, you have to help me wash out my hair dye, take off my nail polish AND with my skin care routine. And on top of that I want you and Daniel to come over with Mimi to watch scary movies." I told him seriously causing him to groan.

I was asking a lot but that was intentionally. I wanted to go to show out but if he really didn't want me to go, I wouldn't go. I didn't like stressing my friends out especially Jean since he stressed over like everything.

"Fine. But I'm spending the night just to make sure you don't sneak out." He growled out as Mimi and I cheered.

If Daniel was coming, he was definitely going to cook up something yummy for us. Daniel and Jean were basically like older brothers to Mimi and I, yet also like our second parents.

They were only older than us by two years but they were mates that always knew they were meant for each other before they even came of mate finding age. I was kind of jealous of what they had but I was happy for them.

I just didn't understand why it was so hard for Juno and I to be like that! But I'll show him why he fucked up and that was that.

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