Chapter 43

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Chase's POV

"Chase calm down. You're ok right?" Julio asked me worried and I felt my body start to heat up in anger.

He didn't tell me he had anything to do with Emery today yet here they were walking up, with him clinging onto Juno's side. But hey who was I to ask him why he was still hanging out with his ex-fiancé and letting him cling onto his shoulder. It wasn't like I was his mate or anything!

"Chase! Why do you have guys over here?" Juno asked angrily, finally looking away from Emery.

Emery let go of his arm and placed his hand gently on Juno's back in an attempt to calm him down.

The action triggered me more than I thought it would've but it was probably the unbalanced hormones I had messing with my head.

Why was he letting him touch him? Why was he with him? If he told him about me...why were they still talking? If he was just there in case he had no mate, now that I was here he wasn't needed anymore right?

"We were just helping him carry some groceries and we accompanied him on a quick run Juno." Julio explained to his younger brother since I didn't say anything to him.

"I don't need any guys helping him do anything Julio." Juno growled angrily and that made Jay let out a laugh.

"Why'd you leave him without food then? How did you expect him to bring everything back alone? If I was his mate I wouldn't have let him do all that." Jay chimed in and I turned on my heels and walked up the porch.

"Chase you don't hear me talking to you?!" Juno growled but I wasn't in the mood to argue with him right now.

His brother explained the situation to him already so if he wasn't listening...that was on him.

I turned to look at him once I reached the doorway and Emery shot me a smirk, causing me to look over at him in disgust.

"Thanks for helping me and running with me guys." I told Jay and Julio, ignoring Juno's low growls.

They told me 'no problem' in unison before heading down the cliff back towards the woods, and I closed the door behind me loudly.

I left Emery alone with Juno and decided to focus on getting this sand off of my body and cooling down.

My hands were starting to shake in anger as I recalled that damn smirk that bitch just sent me. This must've been how Juno felt when he said he felt irritated by Travis being by me.

I felt gross and I knew when he came back inside we were going to argue about it.

I climbed up the stairs carefully, trying not to get too much sand everywhere. I was going to have to clean up behind myself eventually but that didn't mean I should make it harder on myself.

Once I reached the top step I went straight to my bedroom door. The moment my hand touched the doorknob, I heard the front door swing open.

I knew it was Juno by how loud he bursted through the door, so I simply walked inside my room and shut the door behind me.

No matter how angry he was, I couldn't picture him breaking his own rules by coming up here.

His room was downstairs and mine was upstairs. There was nothing else on this floor besides a side office I never went inside of, my room, and the bathroom inside my room...well other than a small storage closet.

But overall he had no real reason to be up here other than if it were for me.

I stopped walking and stood by my door as I thought.

He made it very clear when we were first moving everything in here that we were going to sleep separately and just focus on getting to know each other.

Looking back at that, I feel stupid. Sleep in separate beds as mates?

It's clear he doesn't want to sleep with me because he'd get my scent on him. Yeah that had to be it. If he slept in the same bed as me, he'd smell of another omega. How would he possibly meet up with Emery without any issues if he smelt like me?

I gave up my education, I gave up my body for this stupid omega change and for what? To be the second husband? To be the other man in his life?

I wasn't even sure of anything anymore!

Jay and Julio said my fur was pretty but I got bullied for mine while I remember Emery getting constantly praised for his.

I tried to pull my thoughts away from Emery as I went back to my mission of taking a shower but it was hard.

Once I was in the bathroom, I stripped down and tossed my sandy clothes in the hamper I had in here quickly. I looked at myself in the mirror and couldn't help but compare my body to his.

I wasn't as curvy.

I was too short.

I didn't have blonde hair that shines whenever I walk.

I didn't have cute dimples or even cute little freckles across my cheeks and nose like he did.

I punched the mirror angrily as my mind continued to wonder. I didn't break it but my knuckles did throb in pain as I walked away from the mirror and started running my shower water.

I can't go to school. I can't get a job. I can't even hang out with other males without him getting upset...but it was ok for him to hang around another omega while I'm supposed to sit still and play house.

How was that fair? How was that even remotely fair?

And it wasn't just any omega, it was one that I didn't have the best memories of and his ex-fiancé. Emery even had the nerve to smirk at me with his hands still on Juno earlier too.

But I would've been in the wrong if I lunged at that bitch and wiped the smirk off of his face.

I let out a heavy sigh and wiped the tears away that were starting to fall down my cheeks. I stepped into my shower, not realizing I put it on cold instead of hot.

But I didn't care right now. I couldn't really feel much of the difference right now anyways.

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