Chapter 33

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Chase's POV

I kept looking down at our hands until he stopped walking, causing me to crash into his back since I wasn't paying attention.

I cursed lowly under my breath in embarrassment before letting go of his hand, untwining our fingers and rubbed my forehead gently.

"Are you ok?" Juno's voice asked with genuine concern and I nodded my head yes in response.

Damn was I such a clumsy dork sometimes. But this is what I get for not paying attention and getting distracted.

I looked past Juno's body and smiled again as I watched the waves crash gently against the shore.

"Ugh I missed this place." I said to myself out loud as I took my shoes off and placed them on the sand right where I stood.

I rolled the bottom of my pant legs up so they wouldn't get too sandy before nudging Juno's shoulder carefully.

"Well? Won't you talk to me while we walk along the beach?" I asked him confused as he just stood there stiff.

He didn't say anything after that. Just followed my orders and placed his shoes next to mine.

He was wearing shorts so he didn't have to worry about rolling up his pants like me, but he did take his T-shirt off.

The sun was going down so he didn't have to worry about the sun burning him up but I decided not to comment on anything.

When he was done and ready for our walk, I watched as he extended his hand to me again. I guess he came to like the feeling of us touching so I chuckled before I took his hand.

He interlocked our fingers again before leading me to where the water met the sand. We started walking along the shore silently after that as I watched how beautiful the sky looked and how it lit up the ocean.

"Are you...still wary of me? I can't get the look of your crying face out of my mind and it's been keeping me up for days." Juno admitted as I felt his calm blue eyes look at me.

I looked away from the birds flying over the ocean to meet his gaze with a hum.

"I was scared in the moment and I'm scared of the future. But that's only because I couldn't get your attention on me and calm you down. I heard your mother does it to your father, but we're not bonded's more difficult for me to help your emotions." I told him truthfully as our walking pace gradually grew slower.

"I didn't mean to lose it like that...he just irks me. Whenever I see him cling to your side my heart starts to ache and I get irritated." He admitted as we kept walking.

The sand was still a little warm from being directly under the sun all day, and the little splashes of water that hit me from hitting the shore was cold.

"But that's mostly your inner wolf upset right? Your initial goal was to not lose to your instincts but it's not something you can just do. Even now, I'm out of school but I'll be on pack grounds unbonded. Other males are still going to be able to smell my pheromones and my heat's irregular. Are you going to lose control over every male you see near me?" I explained to him and I watched as his eyebrows furrowed as he frowned.

I didn't mean to make him frown but I was just stating the obvious. Being pulled out of school didn't mean all the guys around me would just magically disappear. Plus Juno still had school to attend so he wouldn't be by me 24/7.

And it wasn't like he could just lock me away or always keep me by his side.

"Romeo...told me if I didn't act when I did. I could've lost the chance to make up with you forever. And for some reason when he said those words, my vision went red. Maybe it was my instincts but just seeing his face look at you so lovingly made me sick. Then he disrespected me and I just blanked out." Juno explained as I tugged him along our walk since his pace was slowing.

"It's ok. I'm sure I'd lose to my instincts too if I saw my other half like that. The girls in class were always at your side but I never felt threatened by them. I don't really get why Travis in particular was so annoying to you but I felt really sad with how you and your boys treated him. He looked so heartbroken and I couldn't explain anything to him." I commented and this time he stopped walking completely.

I wasn't strong enough to tug him along anymore so him stopping made me stop too.

"You don't get why I find him annoying? He fucked you once when you weren't in the right state of mind and thought that meant he had a chance with you. And you feel bad he was heartbroken? A human like him?" He questioned and I felt his body temperature start to rise.

He was getting frustrated and I felt bad. We were talking and I ruined the mood.

He pulled his hand away from me and I sighed. It was my fault for ruining the mood but a conversation took two people. I had to get what I needed to say off my chest and he can't just stop the conversation like this.

"Ok yeah he's human but he didn't deserve to get choked and humiliated like that. And yes he slept with me during my heat but that's because YOU weren't there. Now how can you blame him for you rejecting me and not being there for me when I needed you the most Juno? If anything I'm thankful he was with me so I didn't have to spend it alone." I told him and I saw him clench his fists.

"So you'd rather be with him? Because I was too stupid to accept you immediately?" Juno asked irritated and I shook my head no fast.

"Hey, look I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. Im just saying you shouldn't be too hard on him. He hasn't done anything wrong and he's just a bystander in all of this." I said lowly as I looked away from his eyes.

The mood we had going for us was over now. He was upset and the sun was almost finished setting.

I averted my gaze and looked out at the sea one more time. The waves were so calm and the scenery was so beautiful, you'd think looking at it just made all your problems go away.

"When you first realized we were mates, do you remember what you said to me?" I found myself asking Juno as the wind picked up and blew gently against my skin.

The cool wind passed through my hair and I closed my eyes.

"You called me an emo freak and said your dad would never accept me. But look at us now, you're jealous over a human and standing besides me here on this beautiful beach." I answered, not even giving him a chance to say anything.

I think he got where I was going with that because I felt his anger start to subside. Then he let out a deep breath, causing me to open my eyes again.

When I opened them, I saw that he moved to stand besides me as we both faced the waves that were still sparkling from the sky's fading color.

"No one can predict the future." He said aloud and I leaned my head on his shoulder.

I felt his body stiffen then relax at our electric contact, which made me relieved.

Just a few months ago he probably would've swung at me for touching him like this.

"Exactly. And we're not perfect. We still have a long way to go but I don't mind fighting that battle with you." I told him sincerely and I felt him wrap his arm around me.

It was warm and made me smile without even thinking.

"I don't mind either...I'm sorry. I have a tendency to not think before I speak and I come off as rude too." He admitted lowly and I smiled wider.

"I forgive you. And at least your self aware so we can start working on that." I laughed and I saw him smile, making that one dimpled I loved show on his cheek.

We still had a long way to go now that we accepted each other and the fact we were fated pairs. Some wolves jump right into relationships after finding out their mates but others take it slow.

And given our past history together, I think that was the best route for us.

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