Chapter 53

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Chase's POV

There was an ad on the monitor they had on the sales floor showing what cool things you could capture on one of the phone cameras. And right now, it showed wolves in nature running around with each other then a couple making videos of themselves cooking in the kitchen.

"That must be a sign for me to get it huh? Reminds you of us?" I asked him and he grinned down at me.

"Yeah. Kinda spooky how it happened to play those specific things huh?" Juno asked and I tilted my head slightly as I watched the ad with him.

It showed a family next, video taping and taking pictures of their daughter on her birthday. The actress was a younger girl who had a huge purple birthday cake in front of her but it was kinda cool to see humans put her parents up as two mothers.

Wolves didn't really mind gender but I've learned in college that some humans still minded other peoples sexualities and genders.

It was weird but it just reminded me of another reason why a lot of the elders disliked them. It wasn't all of them but there was a lot of hate in their world for no reason.

Wolves had some hatred's, like how we disliked certain things other wolves did sometimes. But it never drove us to ever abandon a pack member for any of their differences.

Kinda like how I didn't like Emery but I never would try to get him kicked out of the pack or anything that intense. But I overheard a student on campus say he got kicked out of his house for being gay.

And that's just insane to me!

I peeked over at Juno's face again since he was still engrossed in the ad on the big screen.

It was like he was in a deep thought as he watched the ad and I went back to having my attention on the phone case display.

When the little girl came on the screen I felt his vibe change a little. He was still in a good mood but I could tell he was thinking about the future even though he still had me shut out of his mind and without a private link set up.

He'd want pups....

Of course he would.

He was competing with Julio and his other siblings for the title of Alpha of the pack after all. It was clear that he'd want to have offspring and pups of his own eventually, so he can have heirs like himself to train and take over.

But I wasn't sure I could even pop out some. Just thinking of it was going to make my head explode and make me nauseous.

Because if I was a changed omega, that had to mean I was able to give birth and stuff now right?

Did that mean the baby was gonna come out of my damn belly button or something? The math wasn't mathing in my head and it finally clicked.

"OH MY GOD!" I shouted and thankfully only Juno and I were in the store right now, and Tyler was still in the back.

"What?! What happened?!" Juno asked quickly as he stared around, searching for what would've made me shout like that.

"J-Juno...if my body's becoming a like real omega or whatever because of you being like...Alpha blooded..." I began to ramble and he looked really concerned as he walked over to me.

"That means I'm growing a uterus or something right? Or do I still not have one?" I asked and he scrunched up his face a bit.

"Hey just don't think about that right now. What's gotten into you?" He asked me with a confused look on his face and I felt my eyes almost starting to water.

Fuck I was so confused about all this omega stuff still. I've been taking the medication daily to try to regulate my heat cycles and I haven't had one since my first one, but there was still a lot I needed to cover.

I wished there was some kind of book about this stuff or someone I could talk to more about it but I was the only changed wolf I knew.

The other omegas were born omegas so yeah I could ask them simple questions but they couldn't fully get some of my questions if that made sense.

Cause what if my body was going through all this to get him to accept me for no reason? What if all this happened only for me to not even be able to give him pups?

Oh fuck man if I can't give him pups would he leave me and go back to Emery?!

That had to be at least one factor if I couldn't. I've heard of packs having Alpha's with harems and I wasn't down for that!

"Okay I'm back with good news!" Tyler shouted as he came back skipping from the hallway he disappeared to earlier.

I guess he saw my face and his smiling face turned into a concerned look as he walked over.

He was going to ask us something but Juno just grabbed me by my hand quickly.

"Hey Tyler, do you mind holding onto that for us? We'll be right back after he washes his face. Is that ok?" Juno asked him quickly and Tyler nodded in understanding.

Then Juno led me out of the store by my hand fast.

The more he led me away the less composure I had and I ended up letting the tears flow.

And of course I felt like shit again. Nothing but a cry baby that can't even go on a simple date without ruining it with my thoughts.

This was just so overwhelming and I tended to push it to the back of my mind so I didn't have to think about it, but the reality was no matter how much I tried to forget about it, I'm still a changed wolf.

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