Chapter 7

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A/N: Another credit I couldn't find but I think it was from a store/shop. If anyone knows please comment them!

Chase's POV

"So you're telling me that you want to be with a guy that already turned you down? Then on top of that, him and his buddies made fun of you and your best friend?" Travis questioned a bit loudly while I blushed in embarrassment.

He was sitting next to me in art class the day after we agreed to be partners for our assignment, and I didn't want Juno to over hear him. Luckily for me he walked in afterwards and even though our hearing was good, it wasn't that good.

Plus the girl he partnered up with walked in besides him and she was talking his ear off, so I doubt he heard anything.

I told Travis about my little situation yesterday since he opened up to me about his, but I didn't tell him the dude I was trying to impress was in our class. So he was still questioning me about everything but now Juno was actually in the classroom.

He was in his usual seat, way on the other side of the classroom from where I am, still close to the door. The girl he was partnered up with was grinning ear to ear at his side but she couldn't bother me less.

He wasn't looking at her so I didn't feel the need to feel any pressure or anything. If he was looking at her that would be another story.

But if he doesn't even bother giving her any type of attention or affection, I didn't need to bother either.

"Why do you even want to get a guy like that's attention? I told you yesterday that you're like super cute. You can pull any guy or gal you want. Hell you can pull me!" Travis said, making some of his fans in class look over at us.

I blushed again and glared at him.

He seemed to get the hint because he put his arms up defensively before chuckling.

"Awww don't pout Chasey, I'm not trying to make you upset. I'm just saying. Look at it from an outsider's view. You're chasing after a jerk. You even go as far as changing your clothes and dressing up to impress this guy but since you still keep dressing up, it's clear as day the guy isn't interested in you." Travis said while he put his hands back down and looked at me genuinely.

My heart actually ached a bit at his words which made me frown a bit at the sudden feeling. This had never happened before so I wasn't sure why it was happening now of all times.

"He already turned you down before so why do you think he'll change his mind now? And let's just say he does come crawling back to you, are you seriously just going to forgive what he did to you and your friend? Just like that?" He asked me and I looked down at the table in front of us sadly.

My brain knows what everything Travis is saying is right, but my instincts will make me do whatever it takes to want to be with Juno.

I'd forgive him in a heartbeat no matter how badly he hurt me, I'd take him back no matter how long I have to wait, and I'd be happy just to get him to acknowledge me as his mate.

But I was doing all of this to make him regret rejecting me. I wanted him to be upset about not accepting me instantly; but then I thought we could work out our mate situation.

"I know it's not right but that's just how things are. I'm aware that I'm crazy for still wanting to be with this guy but I at least want us to try to be together before he just ends it all. Like he turned me away without even trying to get to know me better..." I admitted and Travis moved in closer to me.

"Hey I'm sorry for bringing this up before class starts. I don't mind lending you my ears you want me to go get you a tissue? I didn't mean to make you cry. It wasn't my place to say all of that." Travis whispered really closely in my right ear.

He was right. I didn't even notice but I had tears flowing down my face quietly and landing into my lap.

Today's outfit was simple but now I was getting tears all over one of my favorite pairs of jeans. They were some comfortable blue wash jeans with white star patches on them, and now they had wet tears all over the thigh area of my jeans.

"Ah shit." I cursed as I rubbed my face roughly to get the tears to stop.

My eyes stung and my face hurt from me rubbing so harshly but it was embarrassing enough that I started crying in the middle of the classroom.

"Hey hey! You're making it worse for yourself." Travis said as he grabbed my right wrist carefully.

"What? Where are we going?" I asked as he pulled me up from my seat.

"Today's class was just a run through of the course schedule again anyways, so I'm going to go help you fix up your face." Travis replied as he gathered our bags with his free hand effortlessly.

"One day of missed attendance won't kill us this early in the semester plus we signed that piece of paper when we walked through the door. I doubt he'll notice two missing students." He explained and I silently nodded.

That teacher knew everyone's faces like the back of his hand but one day won't kill me attendance wise.

He led me out the door and I kept my face down since we were passing where Juno and his partner sat.

She was still rambling about nothing important and I could tell he wasn't looking at her still and...not even at me either.

His mate was being led out of our classroom by not only another male, but with tears all over his face; yet he made no movement to move or showed any type of concern.

Maybe Travis was right.

He meant it when he rejected me and I was just too delusional to feel it at the time or see it was actually genuine.

My heart finally stung and my eyes widened as Travis pulled me behind him. The pain I was finally feeling must've been it. He really did reject me but for some reason my mind was so not convinced that I didn't feel it up until now.

The second my heart began to ache harder, more tears started to release from my eyes again and this time I was full out sobbing. I didn't care how pathetic I probably looked, it just hurt so bad to know I wasn't wanted after all.

These entire couple of days, I really thought he didn't mean his words since my heart was still intact.

I changed my hair back to usual, I changed my clothes, and I fucking swallowed my pride to get him to regret rejecting me and to get his attention.

"I'm so fucking stupid." I cursed at myself as my heart felt like someone stabbed it through my chest.

I held my chest with my free hand and just looked down at our footsteps as he led me away.


I was seriously stupid.

A Wolf's Jealousy and Rejection (BXB) Where stories live. Discover now