Chapter 84

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Chase's POV

"I think I'm starting to see you more than my regular patients at this point Chase." Dr.Ortiz laughed as he bandaged up my shoulder.

He cleaned up the wound and patched me up pretty quickly, so the injury itself probably wasn't as bad as I thought it was. It still hurt really fucking bad but I was glad I didn't need surgery otherwise I would've lost my mind.

"See, aren't you glad it was nothing major?" Jean asked me from the chair he was sitting in.

We were in one of the medical rooms at our own pack house now, and as relieving as it is to finally be home; I still was super worried about all the wolves we left behind and Juno.

"Where's Daniel?" I suddenly asked him, ignoring his question as I looked around the room.

It was unusual for Jean and Daniel of all couples to be separated so it felt weird. It was strange that he's been away from his side this long, and even back at the clearing I don't remember seeing him.

"He's with Julio's team. Don't sweat the little things, everyone's fine and will be back home soon." Mimi answered for him as she stood besides the medical bed I was on.

Daniel was with Julio's team? Nothing about their save and rescue mission was making any sense to me but I chose to just trust my friends and their word.

They've never lied to me before and they were just looking out for me this entire time.

"Well Daniel aside, when were you going to tell us about that mark on your neck sir?" Jean questioned me sternly and I felt everyone's eyes suddenly on me.

"Yes Chase, when were you planning to tell us all about that passionate mark from your mate on your neck?" Dr.Ortiz asked loudly as he looked away from the clipboard in his hand.

I swallowed some saliva pooling in my mouth and cleared my throat before answering them, and their eyes were literally all on me still as they waited for my answer.

"Well...I went into heat the day before I got taken and Juno was pretty pumped up after talking to the Alpha...and it kinda just happened. We didn't bond yet, he just marked me." I explained and I kid you not, everyone in the room hummed in unison at my answer.

"It was part of the reason I got taken I guess too. That son of a bitch Archer wanted to force a bond with me to get under Juno's skin but then everyone came to save me just in time so it's fine." I added and Mimi's expression suddenly got really sad.

Speaking of marks...where was Romeo? I was worried about his condition and his mark seemed to be forced so was it really okay for him to be back home without whoever bit him at his side?

"Where's Romeo?" I asked seriously as I looked at Dr.Ortiz for an answer.

Dr.Ortiz just raised his eyebrows at me before walking over to the desk they had in the corner of the room and placing his clipboard down.

"Well? Is he okay? His ribs looked terrible and he's been hurt like that for days now!" I shouted and Mimi tilted her head.

"Since when did you and that idiot get close?" Mimi asked with a confused look on her face.

"Since when he started protecting me after getting his ass beat. He's all I had keeping me sane there aside from Juno's clothes that I sadly left back there." I snapped and the room grew silent for a bit.

She dropped it and placed her hands up defensively before walking over to where Jean was.

"He's stable now and patched up, but it's been taking him a while to heal for some reason. We all know medically there's only two possibilities why, but he refuses to tell us how he got that mark on his neck. If you can get it out of him, you deserve a statue made of you." Dr.Ortiz disclosed and I felt relief take over my body again.

"He's only a few doors down from you if you want to go see him...but I don't suggest you going right now. Like in the state you're in." Jean suggested, mumbling the last part of his sentence.

I looked over at him confused and then I heard Dr.Ortiz groan loudly.

"You! Ugh! I should've known this was going to happen. I can't blame you this time since you didn't have access to your pills but seriously?! Didn't you just say your last heat was like a few days to a week ago?" Dr.Ortiz shouted as he looked over at me abruptly.

I shrugged my shoulders confused and that's when I actually started to feel my head begin to hurt again then I understood what they meant. Jean seemed to sense it first but my heat was coming back since it was irregular and I guess the stress triggered it.

"Fuck it. Forget it. No visitations! You're already patched up so go home and wait until your mate returns, after he comes back and you're not oozing your pheromones all around my medical rooms, THEN you can come back." Dr.Ortiz instructed causing me to sigh out tiredly.

This whole heat thing felt like it was going to kill me eventually. A change in my mood or feeling stressed can trigger the damn thing if I'm not taking my medication carefully, and what was I supposed to do now?

I was marked sure but my mate was still off fighting so he wasn't going to be at my side this time. I was still scared of having heats in general, but having them alone?

Fucking terrifying.

"Great." I said sarcastically before getting off of the medical bed where I was seated.

"I'll escort you home bestie, I'm sure Juno and the boys will be back soon." Mimi smiled as Dr.Ortiz started covering up his nose dramatically so that he didn't take in my pheromones.

Dr.Ortiz shooed me away like I was a bug so I glared at him as he plugged his nose.

"I'll stay here and look over Romeo, so don't worry about him either. Just focus on getting better?" Jean told me as he also covered up his nose.

I groaned out in annoyance at how they were acting but thanked him regardless before leaving the room with Mimi and heading back to my and Juno's home.

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