Chapter 42

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A/N: Chase's wolf above for physical reference.

Chase's POV

"Man I'm going to take a good ass nap when I get back." Jay noted and Julio nodded his head in agreement.

We were done with our run along the beach so now we were putting our clothes back on. I was pretty sandy so I was definitely going to be taking a shower before I took a nap of my own.

My body was tired and sluggish from using all my energy to shift but it was worth it. The more I shift the more I'll get used to doing it again.

"I almost forgot how pretty your fur was." Julio complimented me as he slid on his shirt.

His comment made me smile and it felt nice to be complimented. I used to hate my fur compared to everyone else's but it's finally growing on me now that I was older.

"Yeah! I've never seen a tan wolf in our pack before. Are your parents the same way?" Jay asked as I slid my shirt over my head.

"My mom and dad have brown fur and I don't have any siblings. But mom said my great-grandmother had tan fur so maybe it just skipped a few generations." I explained to them and they made surprised faces.

My wolf's fur was tan and my eyes turned yellow. It was surprising to everyone when I was finally old enough to shift since my hair in this human-like form was so dark compared to how bright my fur is in my wolf form.

And I was the only one with tan fur in the pack right now. At least that we knew of but it was the talk of the pack when I was a pup.

And when we were younger, back when Juno and I distanced ourselves, he used to bully me for it. I wonder if he still hated my fur like he used to or if he was just saying that to get under my skin.

"I think Emery has white fur right? It's pretty but your fur is way more eye catching. Maybe because white isn't as rare here anymore huh?" Jay asked Julio and Julio nodded.

There was that name again.

I heard it somewhere before today too but I couldn't figure out from where. Jay's dad mentioned he was an omega but I don't remember running into anyone with that name in my past.

"Who's Emery?" I found myself asking while we finished up putting our clothes back on.

They both looked at each other and I guess they were having a private conversation regarding if they should tell me or not. I let them have a few more seconds but the silence was starting to kill me and I frowned.

"Forget it. I'll figure it out on my own." I told them as I started to walk off back towards the stairs on the side of the cliff that lead up to the house.

"Wait! Chase it's not like that! We just don't know if you'd react badly or not!" Julio shouted after me as he hopped into his shorts quickly.

They rushed to finish changing so they could catch up to me but I didn't slow down. They didn't know if I'd react badly? Why would I react badly to know about a stranger?

"Chase seriously hold up!" Jay's voice called out once I reached the bottom step to the stairs that led up the cliff besides my house.

I let my feet walk for me and I started to walk up the steps. I wasn't going too fast or too slow but by the time I was half way up, they were speeding up the steps.

"Chase please hold up. Don't be mad at us ok? We just think it's better if Juno told you who he was instead of us." Julio said reaching out and grabbing my arm once I reached the top step.

I looked back at them confused as they caught their breath's. I pulled my arm away and crossed my arms tightly before I gave them a look which made them avoid my eye contact.

"And why would I ask Juno about this omega?" I asked curiously and Jay began whistling to distract me.

"I...we just don't want to make you worry about nothing. It's just best to hear about him from Juno." Julio explained again and I unfolded my arms upset.

"Okay look. Let's just tell him. Seeing him upset like this is hurting me because of our instincts and you don't want him to be mad at us do you?" Jay asked Julio, trying to convince him to tell me.

I started walking towards the door slowly and I guess Jay was convincing enough because Julio let out a heavy sigh.

"Fine! Emery is an omega here in our pack. Our father had him be arranged to marry Juno if Juno never found his mate when you all were younger. So they're pretty close since they've been fiancé's for so long but I'm sure Juno told him all about you now that he's found out you're mates." Julio vented quickly and I took in every single word he just said.

Juno used to have a fiancé? Well it wasn't that surprising since his father was the Alpha. He couldn't let his children stay mateless forever if they never found their mates, so some arranged marriages made sense.

But what didn't make sense was why Juno wasn't so against having one. He told he he didn't want to mate with me because he didn't want to lose to his instincts but here he was just accepting a fiancé his father set up for him?

I frowned at how I still couldn't remember what this omega looked like and then we heard laughter start to approach the front of the house where we were all standing.

I heard Jay curse under his breath and that's when I saw him.

Juno was walking up to the house with some guy clinging to his arm, who I assumed to be Emery due to Jay's reaction. They were laughing and didn't even notice we were all watching them.

And the second I saw Emery I finally remembered where I knew him from. He was one of the wolves that used to bully me with Juno's little gang when we were pups.

Most specifically the wolf that bullied me for being chubby that got Julio to help me lose weight in the first place ages ago.

He was one of the omegas that didn't feel like he needed to work and always got praised by the pack elders for being pretty. But he was only pretty on the outside.

On the inside he was pretty petty. He was the type I hated to deal with the most with is why my brain probably blocked out all my memories of him.

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