Chapter 82

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Chase's POV

"Mimi! Somebody! Juno?!" I called out in our pack link as I ran around the woods hoping to get a stronger signal.

So far the only voice I heard was Romeo's and he was just calling out for help like me.

He gave us a ten minute time limit but I wasn't going to lie, I wasn't really keeping track. I ran pretty far from where the cave was by now so I was just carefully sneaking about as I ran to try to find help.

I couldn't smell any familiar scents nearby so I was starting to lose hope. Our mind links can go as far as about 2 miles with a clear connection but since Mimi's was so muffled, she was towards the border of the range.

If we both ran closer to her but she was running further away, we'd never get into contact like this. My only other hope was that there was some other wolf within range from our pack that heard us crying out.

I came to a sudden stop once I entered a clearing and started to back up.

I didn't know this land like that but it really reeked of wolf here. It was probably their practice ground since the level was so flat or just an area where they came to meet up frequently; but no matter which one it was, it wasn't good.

The stench was so strong here I wouldn't be able to tell if anyone was near me or not. My nose was overwhelmed and having Juno's clothes in my mouth probably wasn't the best idea either.

His scent was fading but whatever was left of it was also being sniffed up by my nose since they were right under it.

I started backing up, not really liking my odds of being this far out and this overwhelmed but then I hit something from behind.


Judging by how much taller the wolf behind me felt, I just knew it wasn't one of my pack mates or Romeo. It wasn't Juno either sadly since his wolf didn't feel or smell remotely like this one so I immediately took in a deep breath.

I didn't want to look behind me at the wolf since I kind of already figured out who I bumped into so my next best thing to do was to scan the clearing for an idea.

I wasn't the fastest and if this really was Archer's wolf behind me, he'd be much stronger than me and persistent.

That didn't mean I should give up though right?

"Chase! I found people! My buddies were here searching, where are you?!" Romeo asked me through our link and Archer took no time towering over me.

I took too long to think, causing me to end up under him but I refused to look up at him.

He growled again, clearly wanting to show off our differences in height and strength but I didn't give in. He climbed over me effortlessly and I hated being trapped beneath him like this.

"Romeo, can you send some wolves to a clearing? I'm kinda fucked right now." I linked him back and Archer finally stopped growling and got off of me suddenly.

I didn't have time to breathe because he head butted me so hard I actually flew a few inches from where I was.

I dropped the clothes from my mouth winded and growled at him for hurting me like that.

I finally looked up at him since he wanted my attention so bad and didn't like what I saw at all.

He was practically a tank compared to me and he was crushing the last bit of hope I had to escape this situation.

I didn't hear anything back from Romeo or anyone else so I was starting to panic as Archer's huge black wolf stalked closer to me.

The more he came near me, the further back I walked backwards towards the vast field slowly.

He was eyeing me with this sick predatory gaze and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared out of my fucking mind right now.

I was just that much smaller compared to him and feeling this vulnerable made me truly understand how hard it was to be an omega.

I didn't like that in situations like this, we didn't have equal footing. And it wasn't to just strong Alpha blooded wolves, it was even towards regular pack wolves.

I stood no chance against him but I hated him so much I just didn't want him to get his way.

He growled again once we got towards the center of the clearing and this time I actually whimpered loudly and began to shake.

I've never faced off with a dominant male this angry before and him having an Alpha's strength just didn't help my case.

I laid down instantly and shut my eyes as I began to shake before him and I hated this humiliation.

He felt triumphant that he got me to lay down and even had the nerve to mount me after forcing me to submit beneath him.

But even though I was scared shitless, even I knew when there was a line to cross.

I immediately shook him off of me and snapped at his face when he tried to overpower me again, but I missed miserably.

He however, seemed to be very experienced in fighting unlike me, so he used his front paw to scratch me before he pushed me down roughly.

I tried to bite him again, but I couldn't reach any part of his body, which made me frustrated.

I wiggled and kicked at him to try to get him off of me but he just snarled at me, causing me to stop.

I cried out more in pain as I felt myself start to bleed from my shoulder that he scratched and he took that chance to bite down on the same exact shoulder, right where he injured me.

"Chase! Where are you?!" I finally heard Mini scream through the mind-link.

I heard her voice clearly now instead of muffled like before, but I was too in pain and focused on not letting this bastard force me into a bond to answer.

And before I knew it, the bastard was mounting me again as he tried to force me into submitting further.

The pain in my shoulder from his bite hurt so much that my vision blurred from my tears and crying.

Right when I felt him put his body weight onto me, I felt it immediately vanish seconds after.

When I looked up to see what happened, I whimpered again at the sight of Juno next to me.

His familiar scent instantly comforted me and I wanted to walk over to him so badly but I was hurting.

I was hurt badly, too scared to even look down to see if I had any flesh exposed or something; and Juno was mad focused on fighting Archer right now.

I couldn't even say anything to him right now since his eyes were glowing and locked onto Archer's wolf, which was now a few feet away from us thanks to Juno pushing him off of me so strongly.

I tried to get up on my own so I could at least try to move out of the way, but my legs shook and I fell right back down to the ground.

"We're coming Chase! Just hold on honey!" I heard Jean's voice call out as I continued to watch Juno and Archer stare each other down without exchanging a single sound.

If I wasn't going to die by this injury, I was sure going to get hurt just because I was in their cross fire.

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