Chapter 89

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Chase's POV

"Oh fuck!" I screamed as Juno rammed back into me for our third round.

I felt my heat start to fade away from my body the more we went on, but Juno still hasn't bit me again yet. Bonding took both of our bites and so far, he was still more focused on calming my heat down.

He was still as hard as ever but he was so focused right now that he wasn't speaking. The only noises I heard from him were low moans and groans other than the sound of his heart pounding and shaky breathes.

He was fucking me with a sense of purpose which I was greatful for but I was starting to lose my stamina the more we went at it. I still wasn't fit enough to last as long as he did, even if I was in heat.

"Didn't you want to bond with me?" I asked him shakily as I felt him shove his dick in fully.

I winced at the feeling of him making my stomach hurt but he was so into it, it was like he didn't even hear me.

I whimpered as he stayed still, letting me try to adjust to his shape but I swear he wasn't this big last time.

"Juno..." I panted out as he moved his hips around in a circular motion before thrusting again.

He was already as deep as he could go so at this point he was just trying to leave me full of him.

A few seconds went by before I felt something cold fall onto me, so I looked up confused.

We were in a missionary position right now so it was easy for me to see his face and I soon figured out what caused the cool feeling. He was salivating, well more like drooling because he was so lost in sex.

I don't know when it happened but his eyes were also glowing, signaling he lost control to his inner beast causing me to tremble.

There was no getting through to his inner least in my case. It seemed like every time he lost control and let his guard down, his beast never listening to whatever I told him.

It wasn't like he couldn't hear me either, he just didn't want to listen to me. Back when the thing with Travis was happening, he ignored me. Back when the fight with Archer was going to start, he ignored me. It was like I just couldn't get through to him when he was like this.

"I could've sworn I told you not to think about that guy anymore." Juno growled out as he finally pulled out of me.

I didn't say anything back because he took my breath away again when he slammed back into me hard. He was fucking me way harder than before now, causing me to moan even louder as he rammed into me.

Every thrust he did hit my prodtate deliberately and it made me lose my words. All that came out was whines or needy moans the rougher he got and I was all over him.

I yelped again when I felt him lift me up by my waist and slam myself down onto his cock. He was guiding my body up and down onto his hard dick and the noises of wetness alone was enough to turn me on again.

I forgot about wanting to take a break and my stamina revived itself as I watched his glowing eyes look down at my ass bouncing onto his dick as he held me up by my waist.

He was so jealous that even hearing the names of certain males in my mind triggered him. It was hard for me to toggle between having my mind link guarded and blocking others out, or just having it open and letting anyone hear me.

Once we bond though, there would be no way to keep him from knowing what I was thinking.

"Juno please." I begged as I felt his hands leave my waist.

He climbed back over me and buried himself balls deep inside of me as I felt his dick twitch inside of me.

His dick definitely didn't feel like this last time so I guess wanting to bond with me made him lose his restraints. He wasn't holding back as much as last time and was just letting whatever happened happen.

He didn't seem to want to fight over for control either but as long as it was him bonding with me, I didn't care.

"Ngh." I moaned as I bit down on my bottom lip.

I felt the familiar taste of iron go through my mouth, meaning I drew blood from biting down too hard but I didn't care.

I tried to suppress my voice but Juno seemed to notice what I was doing because I felt his movements change. He went from rough fucking me to gentle and slow.

I shook my head impatiently and he laughed before he brought his lips closer to mine. I took that as an invitation that he wanted to kiss again, so I parted my lips despite me having a bit of blood on my tongue and he kissed me.

The kiss was electric as always and with it still raining outside, it felt like time was stopping. The loud sound of the rain couldn't even cover up the sounds I was making in my room and it was embarrassing that I was the only one being this loud out of the two of us.

A few more minutes into our steamy kiss, Juno pulled his head away from mine so I could catch my breath.

I took in as much air as I could since I don't know why but I always seemed to forget how to breath when I kissed Juno. I was a pro kisser and I've kissed tons of people before, but with him it was like my mind went blank and I couldn't think or focus right.

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