Chapter 48

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Chase's POV

I took his plate over to the sink and started washing it without looking back at him, because I wanted him to eat mine too.

I was learning more about him just by waking up early.

I got to see him studying and how cute his frown was when he was looking over his notes.

I got to see-well I didn't see him scarf it down, but I got a better understanding of how he ate. I found how he ate cute too.

He was even red from being embarrassed! I didn't know his blush could spread to his ears like that!

This breakfast definitely gave me motivation to start waking up early so I could see him more and cook something for him.

"Thanks again for the food." I heard him say and I didn't even notice he was right behind me.

I jumped from how close his voice was to me and almost dropped the plate.

He stood right behind me and reached his hands around my body to place his dishes in the sink.

I held my breath because I felt the heat from his body start to warm up my back as I had my back towards him. I couldn't see what kind of face he was making but his presence alone made me stiffen.

He reacted badly yesterday after seeing my skin, but when I was clothed he had no problem pulling me onto his lap or nuzzling into my neck.

So was he going to touch me now? Was he going to do something?

After placing his dishes down, he was still standing really close behind me. So I washed his dishes and pretended not to mind his presence.

I felt his stare on me which wasn't unusual but I could tell he was studying me and thinking about something.

Was it bad? Was it good? Did he want to ask me for more food or something?

I couldn't pinpoint what exactly was on his mind and it was driving me crazy. But I just had to deal with it for now.

One day, we'd bond properly and I'd be able to tell what he was thinking just by glancing at him.

After I finished washing the dishes, I placed them on the drying mat we had besides the sink and turned my body around slowly to face him.

I guess I miscalculated how close he was to me exactly, because when I turned around his bare chest was right in my face.

I completely forgot he was shirtless, all he was wearing was his black sweats after all; so his pecs were just right in my face.

I looked away from his well defined chest and looked up and met his blue eyes.

He was still staring down at me in thought and I didn't know what to do.

I wanted to do a lot but I wasn't sure if I could? Like I'd love to just wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him and stuff as his mate but I don't think he was ready for that yet.

He's only kissed me once. When he wanted me to accept him back when we talked by my secret place on campus and that was the last time I felt his soft full lips against mine.

I couldn't tell if he was feeling the same way I was so I just did the awkwardest thing imaginable and just patted him on the shoulder before sliding around him.

I didn't know what to do though!

Part of me was scared he'd reject my touch like he did when he threw me off of him yesterday, even though I knew that was only because he saw my body.

I was dressed fully right now with nothing exposed other than my legs and arms, but I was still worried.

I didn't want that to happen again, so instead of embracing him with a hug or giving him a good morning kiss, I patted his shoulder like I was one of his friends.

I mentally cursed myself out but it was the only thing that I could think of. It allowed us to feel the sparks we had between each other every time we touched so I guess that helped make up for it?

I don't know! Ugh!

I wasn't even hungry anymore at this point even though my stomach was growling like a monsters earlier.

I hit myself on the forehead after I walked away from where he was standing since I just left him there, possibly in shock, and went to the living room without saying anything.

I looked around for my storage bin that I put in here somewhere when we were all unpacking, and I spotted it tucked away in the corner.

I walked over to it and popped the lid open carefully.

I pulled out a medium sized canvas and looked over it to make sure this was the right size I needed.

I sat down on the floor in front of the storage bin, and held the canvas up in front of me as I looked at it harder.

"I uh, I'll be back later tonight. If you need me you can shoot me a text." I heard Juno say as he exited the kitchen and walked into the living room.

"Oh I don't have a phone. I forgot to tell Travis that back at school cause he always told me to text or call him, but I usually just used the packs link's to reach out to Mimi, Daniel and Jean." I admitted and he stopped walking towards the front door.

"You...don't have a phone?" He asked sounding really shocked.

But it wasn't that shocking? If I needed to ask someone something I just used our mindlinks.

I wasn't friends with humans usually, and they were the only ones I couldn't use a mindlink with. If I had more human friends I might of needed a phone but before Travis, I typically just avoided them.

"Is that bad?" I asked him looking away from my blank canvas.

"Well I guess not...but haven't you ever wanted to tell someone something outside of our pack link? Like everyone near you would've been able to hear what you were telling someone." He asked genuinely curious and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I'd just tell them in person or not care and just say it. If I got a phone I'd probably never use it or lose it somewhere." I admitted and he sighed.

I tilted my head, confused by his reaction and he walked over to me.

He squatted down besides where I was sitting, still shirtless might I add so I took the chance to look at his pecs again.

"Listen Chase, tomorrow we're going to go get you a phone ok? I want to be able to message you or contact you from campus. Our links don't reach that far away from each other yet and I don't need the entire pack knowing our business whenever I want to tell you something." He told me and I ain't gonna lie, I didn't even look up at his eyes.

"Okay. We can go after I make your breakfast." I told his chest instead of his face and I heard him release a chuckle before standing back up.

And with that he waved me goodbye and headed out the door.

I guess having a phone could be convenient but I was still pretty sure I'd lose the damn thing, but if it made him feel better knowing he can reach out to me, I'll get it.

Plus I did like the idea of leaving him tons of messages throughout the day with a bunch of random ass pictures.

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