Chapter 94

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Chase's POV

"So this is my mate Chase and we bonded two days ago so I thought this was a good time to tell everyone." Juno blurted out to his family as we entered the dining room in the main pack house where they were eating lunch.

His news made Julio choke on his drink and his mother's face light up as we walked in.

One of his sister's patted Julio's back to help with his coughing as his father stopped eating his steak to look up at him.

"So you took my advice after everything that happened? Don't you feel silly for not listening to me sooner before things got that bad? I didn't mean to jinx you son but now you see why it's important for mates in power to do things in the wrong order sometimes." The Alpha explained but his mother punched his arm causing him to grunt.

"Oh hush! I'm sure they did it because they wanted to not because of what happened. Just thinking about how that happened under our noses gets me upset." The Luna added and I laughed nervously not really knowing what to do.

"So he's a new member to our family now? I feel like it's super late for introductions, but I'm Lexi." Juno's sister said as she tucked some of her hair behind her ears.

She was pretty and didn't look as muscular as Mimi made her seem at all. Maybe that's why it was such a shocker to see her knock grown males on their asses.

"Yes Lexi. Think of Chase as my most important person in the world." Juno said as he narrowed his eyes at his sister.

"Fuck I didn't know you were so cheesy. I'm so nervous." I told him through our private link.

He interlocked our hands as we sat down beside each other at the dining table.

His whole family was gathered here, even his grandparents and uncles and aunts; so everyone's been mumbling amongst each other and sneaking glances at me since he made the announcement.

I felt the pressure of their gazes on me and all their muttering overlapped so I couldn't make out their conversations clearly.

"Just in case you forgot, these are my parents, siblings, three uncles on my dads side, grandparents on both sides and then my two aunts from my mothers side. I don't have any cousins because my uncles and aunts don't have any mates but if you have any questions let me know." Juno told me as he looked over at me happily and I nodded my head.

His family was huge compared to mine since my parents were only child's and I was one too. Other than them, I only had my grandmother on my dads side then my grandfather on my moms side left alive.

I wasn't used to being surrounded by this much people I didn't really know either. In college it was like this but everyone usually kept to themselves or the people they knew, but the people here from his family were all eyeing me curiously.

"And as my siblings go, you know Julio already but from right to left they're sitting in age order for some reason; so the youngest there is Creed since he's only fourteen, then there's Rafael and Victor the twins that are sixteen, I'd be next since I'm somewhat in the middle, Julio's after me since he's twenty-three, then there's Carmen who's twenty-four and Lexi is the oldest at twenty-six." Juno explained to me was each of his siblings smiled at me.

I greeted them all quickly, almost stuttering since I ended up biting my tongue from talking to quickly and his mom kept her eyes locked on me as she smiled.

Since I was an only child like my parents, I didn't grow up with any siblings, but I liked to think of Mimi like my sister and saw Jean and Daniel as older brother figures too- aside from the thought about them being mates with one another cause then that made it awkward to think about.

"Those are my three uncles sitting across from my younger brothers and you can ignore them since they thought I'd never find my mate. From the furthest away to the closest that's my tio Jorge, Pablo and Miguel." Juno continued to introduce as I looked over at his uncles as I tried to remember everyone's names and faces.

"Hey! Juno, Mijo, you know we only joked about that cause that nasty temper you have." His uncle Miguel explained and I could see that.

"At least he's not mated to that spoiled brat. I'm glad he doesn't have to marry him anymore. I never liked that omega, something about him seemed fake." A lady that was sitting next to his grandparents at the opposite of the table spoke up causing everyone to look at her with shocked expressions.

I heard a few gasps and I couldn't help but smile at how they were reacting so dramatically at her words.

"Watch the 'o' word Tia. Thats my Tia Ana from my mom's side and besides her is my other aunt Carmen." Juno sighed out as his aunts both shrugged in unison.

"I'm just saying I agree too. I don't know about anyone else here, but they idolize that little twerp at the marketplace and he just gave off scary vibes!" His other aunt, Carmen, said loudly causing the table the mutter amongst themselves again.

"I mean what about you Chase? Have you ever thought Juno's ex Emery is a bad cookie? Surely you've met him before, the whole pack knows about him." His aunt Ana asked causing his uncles to start to choke on their food now too.

"I mean I don't really like him and I told Juno not to hang around him anymore...he's fake for sure but I'm sure he'll find someone in the future that can handle him." I said truthfully and that made Juno's sisters laugh.

"See! I knew that angelic smile was a fraud! I told Juno since he was younger that boy was gonna be trouble but his dad over there just had to assign them as fiancés you know." Carmen chimed in and now it was the Alpha's turn to choke.

I was seriously starting to think with all the tea I was hearing at this table that someone really might die from choking at this point.

"Well they aren't together anymore and Chase is the mate Juno bonded with." The Alpha said as his wife rubbed his back lovingly.

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