Chapter 25

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Chase's POV

Ok. I can do this.

All I had to do was go in there and put my foot down. I just had to ask him to talk to me after class. It couldn't be that hard could it?

"You got this. Our links are open if you need us." Mimi told me as she gave my back a light pat.

She was referring to her, Jean and Daniel's mind-links being open all day in case I need them. Even my parents told me to contact them if they needed me at all today.

It was reassuring to know I had friends and family here for me but at the same time, I felt like they were starting to smother me due to me becoming an omega.

But it wasn't there fault.

Being an omega in a wolf pack made other wolves naturally feel the need to protect you. It was just genetic and instinctive.

I was just going to have to get used to it.

"Thanks Mimi. I got this so head over to class. You don't want your professor to lock you out again right?" I asked her and she laughed.

"Yeah that would suck. It was mad embarrassing but don't forget I'm in the same building if you need me." She reminded me before giving my back one final tap.

Then she headed to her side of the building to get to class.

Once she was out of sight, my nerves started to come back. My smile faded and I fanned myself with my hands to cool off.

"Hey Chase! I can't believe you're back already! Is everything alright now?" I heard Travis's voice call out happily and I looked to my left, the direction I heard him call from.

He ran up to me, still smiling widely and his smile was contagious enough to make me smile too. My nerves were still bottling up inside of me but with him besides me going in, I felt like I could do this without stuttering.

"I didn't tell the professor any details about you know...What happened but I did tell him you got really sick. So he said he'd curve your absences, just make sure you see him later ok?" Travis said and I nodded my head.

"You're amazing. Thank you so much. For everything. I'm sorry for putting you in that situation." I apologized again but he patted my head gently.

"Hey we promised we weren't going to regret anything. No apology needed, I'm just glad you're back. I was lonely without you." He told me and I looked away from him and back towards the art room door.

The professors scent wasn't here yet but Juno's was.

He was still sitting in the same spot by the classroom entrance so it was hard for me to miss it. His scent as a mixture of woodsy mahogany and lavender.

It drove me crazy and even if he tried to mask it with cologne, I could still smell it. It overpowered everything he used, his shampoo, his body wash, lotion, etc.

It was probably because we were fated mates but it also made me wonder why he wasn't as addicted to my scent as I was to his. My irregular pheromones aside, he should be able to smell my scent just fine.

"You ready to go in?" Travis asked pulling me out of my thoughts and I felt my heart beat start to speed up.

You're fine Chase. The worst he can say is no then you can tell everyone at least you tried.

I nodded my head slowly and Travis swung the door open so that we could walk in together.

The second the door opened, Juno tore his eyes away from the paperwork he was reading. He looked up at me and we immediately made eye contact.

He was ignoring everything the girls that sat beside him were saying, like usual, but the way he was staring at me with his deep blue eyes was making me nervous.

A while back, I wanted nothing more than for him to be looking at me. I dressed up for him and did all I could to get his attention, and now without even trying, I had his eyes on me.

His stare didn't have any hatred or annoyance to it either, which made me confused.

And before I could find my words to ask him to talk with me, Travis grabbed my hand suddenly, pulling me away from Juno's piercing gaze.

Travis led us to where we usually sat and I looked back at Juno sadly.

I was pretty sure he still had me blocked out of his head so the only chance I had to ask him to talk was just blown. I could try after all my classes but I never know where he goes after classes...

He just does so much that his schedule was unpredictable. He could be practicing sparing at the main pack house, in a meeting with our Alpha, at a party, who knows!

After we sat down, I pressed my head down against the table and let out a low groan.

I fucked up. What about him was making me so nervous?

My heat was thumping and I needed to put my foot down and talk to him.

"Are you feeling unwell?" Travis asked so I raised my head back up with a fake smile on my face.

"No I'm fine, I just forgot to start working on my painting for the second part of the assignment." I lied to him.

He pulled his chair closer to mine and looked at me as if he was studying me which made me nervous.

"W-what?" I stuttered as Travis squinted his green eyes in thought.

"You look different. Like not to be weird but it's like you got prettier or something. Did you change your skin care routine? And what happened to that perfume you had on? You ran out?" Travis questioned me as he brought his face closer to mine.

I blushed and was about to push him away in embarrassment but instead Juno stormed over to where we were, causing Travis to look in the direction of his loud footsteps.

Once he got to where we were, all eyes in the classroom were on us. Before walking over here, he pushed his chair back so loudly, it almost knocked over.

"Can we help you?" Travis asked Juno confused and slightly annoyed as I looked up at Juno's blue eyes from my seat.

He looked irritated but hopefully it wasn't towards me because what the fuck did I even do?

"Chase can I talk to you real quick?" He asked me in a rough voice and I can tell he was fighting himself to stay calm.

"What? Class is about to start. You can't just talk to him after or like right here?" Travis pondered and I glanced down.

Juno had his hands in his pockets but the veins on his arms looked like they were about to pop.

I quickly stood up, which confused Travis even more but if I didn't go with Juno now, his inner wolf was about to rip Travis apart for talking to him. It was weird but wolves were naturally easily agitated by humans.

"I'll be right back dude. It's fine, I forgot I owed him a drink from the vending machine so maybe he's just thirsty now?" I rambled and Travis looked at me so lost.

I was ass at excuses and lying but I scrambled around my chair and grabbed Juno's right arm, sending waves of shocks throughout our bodies as I pulled him out of the classroom.

He didn't stop me from touching him or tried to pull away, so I led him to my favorite spot on campus so we could talk.

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