Chapter 26

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Chase's POV

As I led Juno by his arm to my hidden spot here on campus, we got some weird stares. It was probably a funny looking sight so I couldn't blame everyone that was looking at us.

I was shorter than him and had no muscle just pulling this tall gym rat behind me.

I wasn't pulling him hard at all but if our positions were switched, he'd definitely be hurting me as he yanked me along behind him.

Ever since I grabbed him in the classroom, he's been strangely quiet. We usually bicker so he was making me nervous all over again.

We finally had a chance to have a proper conversation about us being mates but what if he was calling me out to say something else? Or what if he wanted to talk about his rejection being finalized?

I was starting to over think and stress out like my father so I stopped thinking about how bad the situation might be as we walked.

My little spot wasn't too far from the building we had our art course in so I was glad we got here quickly. It stopped giving me time to have negative thoughts and even better, it was empty as usual.

I took a seat down on the wore out bench, causing it to slightly creak and Juno followed suit. He plopped his black backpack down besides his right leg onto the grass carefree before letting out a heavy sigh.

His veins and his body's demeanor seemed to calm down quickly now that we were away from the classroom and alone, but I couldn't figure out what set him off in the first place.

Everyone's been telling me that his instincts may be taking over but is it really safe for him to be coming to college like this? If he's this easily agitated, isn't it just a countdown before he blows up and ends up outing us to the humans here?

"You wanted to get out of there because those girls were irritating you right?" I asked him, assuming they were the reason why he looked so stressed.

When the course first started, they clung beside him and he looked just as irritated back then as he did earlier. So maybe that's all it was.

He just needed the company of another wolf to calm down and I just happened to be the closest one to him.

"Are you seriously that delusional or are you just playing dumb to upset me?" Juno asked me without looking in my direction.

I blushed frantically once I remembered that I never closed my link with him, meaning he just read my thoughts without me knowing as he looked off into the distance.

He was admiring my hidden treasure and the reflection of the sun onto the water had him entranced.

I rubbed my face in embarrassment and closed my eyes tightly before letting out a deep breath. Then it was my turn to sigh, causing him to finally tear his eyes away from the water and look down at me.

"I could care less about anyone in that classroom except for that you're back I just wanted to see how you were feeling since your heat's finally over. I know I wasn't really there to help you but I am now so next time you feel it coming just reach out to me." Juno said and as the words left his mouth and processed in my mind, it left me confused.

"So you rejected me as your mate but will still fuck me if I'm in heat? Do you only care about sex?" I asked starting to get upset and his expression changed.

I was about to stand up and leave but he forced me to sit back down with his strength as he put his left hand down on my thigh. It was kind of scary how much he overpowered me but I looked at him angrily as he held me in place.

"I didn't mean it that way man. Fuck I just don't get how that little brain of yours works dude. Ok, I'm going to say this slower so you can understand. I want to take back my rejection and be by your side moving forward. I want us to try to work through this but I want you to know I didn't reject you for you I just didn't want us to lose to our instincts." He told me slowly and I scoffed.

"Do you honestly think I'll just fall for that? You know I don't fit your ideal type right? I'm not the overly submissive feminine mate you were looking forward to. I'm not beautiful like the omegas that were born that way in our pack. If I were you would've never rejected me in the first place. All because what? I dress a little fuckin different? You honestly need to grow up and get a reality check if you think I'll just cave into your words." I told him as I felt my heart start to hurt in my chest.

I didn't believe anything he was saying because nothing matched up. If he didn't want us to lose to our instincts what did he think was happening now?

"Chase..." He called my name lowly but I didn't care.

"You didn't even want to sleep with me during my first heat! So what now?! You're just going to force yourself to get through my next one with me? Don't even bother! I did just fine with Jay's help and Travis's! You don't have to feel obligated to take your rejection back. Just stay true to your words and just live your life out just like you planned to!" I shouted at him but I didn't fully mean everything I was saying.

This wasn't right.

This wasn't how I envisioned us talking at all.

Every single time I want to talk to him my emotions come out and I get side tracked. We were supposed to talk about moving forward and trying to be mates like he just said but I was hurt and pulling us in the other direction.

He moved his hand off my lap and I began to panic. Great. I fucked it up again. Now he seriously thought I was a lunatic. I wouldn't want to date me either with how bad I was talking to him.

I felt my tears start to leave my eyes and I thought he was about to get up from the bench to walk away from me and leave me here alone.

But he didn't.

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