Chapter 36

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Chase's POV

It was my first day alone in my new house and it felt weird. Whenever I move into a new place, it takes me a while to get used to it so maybe that's why I couldn't really sleep good.

I didn't get a lot of sleep at night but as soon as the sun came up, I was out like a light. Once I fully woke up, Juno was already out of the house.

He said he'd be like Julio and commute to school so he could live here with me but there wasn't really a point to. I'd only see him at night I'm assuming since he's busy during the day and if I go to bed early, I won't see him at all!

He left super early because I don't even remember sensing him in the house when the sun rose.

After I finally crawled out of bed, I saw that the time was already noon. I showered in the bathroom connected to my room and I was so thankful we finished unpacking everything.

I had the bathroom set up nicely and every time I looked at the double sink, I thought about how one day we'd have our stuff in here together. It made me wonder if my dream of having a mate like my parents relationship would ever come true.

I wanted the cliche matching couples coffee cups, I wanted to share a bed with him to the point where if he was away, I couldn't go to sleep without him next to me, etc.

But thinking like that was going to get me down so I shook my head frantically to make the thoughts go away before I started the shower water.

I hopped in fully nude, not even waiting for it to warm up first and my teeth chattered once the cold water hit me.

Soon it was warm then once it was hot I started lathering my fruity body wash all over my body. I would've loved to take a long shower but since I fell asleep this morning and didn't wake up until noon, I had to leave soon or I'd be late.

I didn't necessarily have any major plans now that I was unenrolled and unemployed, but I did plan on going to the main pack house to see the doctor that visited my apartment.

I never got his name or anything that would help me find him but I needed to see him to follow up on my test results.

It was clear to everyone I was a 'changed omega' but since me and my mate aren't bonding, I need to get that medicine he was talking about before that would regulate my heat cycles.

I wanted to see if I could get some more information about my body changing too so I need to go see the pack doctors no matter what. My pheromones were irregular during my heat and I never remember having pheromones in the first place.

Like apparently my pheromones had a different smell than the scent my body naturally gave off. So my omega pheromones when I was in heat; were so strong that Travis, a human that wasn't even the same species, could smell them.

And my pheromones seemed to be controllable but for me, a newly changed omega, I don't fucking know how to control them when I'm in heat. That's the last thing I was thinking about. And it's not like there's a damn on and off button I can just hit.

After I rinsed off my body wash and washed my hair, I turned off the shower water and stepped outside of the huge bathtub.

I dried myself off with my favorite towel before stretching and groaning loudly in the bathroom. The mirror was all foggy from the shower's stream so I couldn't look at my reflection as I brushed my teeth and started doing my hygiene naked.

My clothes were in the bedroom closet and dresser, and I was the type to walk around naked and air dry if I had to back at my apartment. Old habits were hard to kill but it wasn't like I had to worry about anyone walking in on me.

Juno wouldn't come up to the second floor at all, and if he did, he wouldn't just barge into the room without asking me.

And we were the only two living here! No one would come in here and rob us or anything like that so I was fine to do what I wanted to here.

Once I was finished doing everything in the bathroom, I made my way back into the bedroom and shivered at how cold it was out here. The bathroom was warm and toasty thanks to all that hot water and steam, but now I was back into the bedroom where it as like 72 degrees.

I quickly sped walked all the way to the dresser and threw on a random pair of underwear followed by a pair of white socks. The second those were on, I made my way to the closet quickly and just threw on one of my go-to outfits.

It usually took me longer to get ready but it wasn't like I was going clubbing or to school so I just put on some loose gray denim jeans that had some holes in them that I paired with an oversized black shirt.

Because who was I dressing to impress right?

After I slipped the shirt on, I walked back over to the dresser and popped open my black jewelry box. I hummed a random tune as I looked through all my necklace choices and ended up just grabbing a random silver chain.

Once I fastened it around my neck, I slipped on my watch and other bracelets before staring at myself on my dresser mirror.

It felt weird seeing my hair it's natural curly texture and brown color again as well as having my ears earring-less but at the same time it was kind of refreshing?

It was hard to really put the feeling into words but I left it at that and walked away from my mirror, still humming as I turned off all the lights.

I closed the bedroom door before heading down stairs and once I reached the living room I looked around.

I was right, he was gone and I was alone. I even peeked into the kitchen but he was gone without a trace.

But unlike him, I was nice enough to leave him a note in case he came back randomly. I left it on the kitchen counter, just saying where I was going, before I made my way out of the house.

I didn't tell him about me needing to go back to see the doctor but I left him a note so that should be ok.

We didn't have the fridge stocked so I couldn't make myself breakfast so I should go get some light groceries from the pack market since I'll be at the main pack house anyways.

I didn't know what he ate or disliked so I was hoping he was the type to eat everything without being picky.

I closed the door on my way out and as soon as I walked off the porch, I squinted and gave my eyes time to adjust to how bright it was out here.

I heard the sound of seagulls, reminding me how close we were to the beach and made a mental note to go down there when I came back before I headed into the forest in front of us.

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