Chapter 96

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Chase's POV

"Ah so this is your mate that rejected you a while back right? Welcome into our home!" My dad shouted and I smacked my hand onto my face immediately after the words left his mouth.

"Ignore him and just come in please." I told Juno as I put his hand down.

He held it out for my dad to shake and then my dad went and said something like that after opening the door all excitedly.

"What? I was just saying the truth!" My dad shouted surprised as I walked past him without hugging him since he made me upset.

"Yeah but it's old news." My mom glared at my dad as I sat Juno down on loveseat in the living room.

I sat on top of his lap and wrapped my arms around his body as I got comfortable since I knew this meeting was probably going to take a while.

My family was tiny so my parents had no trouble getting their parents over here quickly, so across from us on the couch was my grandma on my dads side and my grandpa on my moms side smiling at us.

"Hey grams and granps, this is my mate Juno. We bonded a few days ago." I admitted loudly so my parents could hear over their arguing with each other, and my news made them get quiet.

"Wait wait wait. When did this happen?! I don't even remember you getting marked! Did he force you to do this?!" My dad asked dramatically as he started to fan himself to calm down.

"No papa! He marked me a few weeks ago but some stuff happened so I just haven't had time to come tell you what happened..." I trailed off as my mom walked over to where my grandparents were sitting down and took a seat in between them on the middle cushion.

"I think I'm going to pass out." My dad announced to himself as he began to pace around the living room instead of sitting down.

"Chase wouldn't do anything that makes him uncomfortable so I'm sure he's happy with how things turned out. We were the ones that told him how important it was to be mated to your mate." My mom told my dad who was still going crazy with the news.

"And look at the way the boy looks at Chase son, he clearly loves him dearly. His eyes haven't left Chase since they came inside and he watches over him closely." My grandma spoke up and my dad finally stopped pacing.

"But Ma! He rejected our little dumpling in the beginning and now he just gets to waltz in here and I'm supposed to accept that they bonded?! He could still cheat or something in the future and Chase can't even leave him if he wanted to, so I'm just worried." My dad yelled causing me to frown.

I understood his concern but saying Juno might cheat was going too far.

Before I could say anything, I heard the front door open and more people entered the house.

"Ding Dong!" Daniel sang as him, Jean and Mimi entered the living room after closing my front door.

And all three of them stopped walking and froze the second they noticed my scent was no longer just mine.

Apparently being bonded also meant my scent mixed with Juno's but it was mainly his overpowering mine so they probably didn't even think I was in here, they probably thought Juno was here alone.

"Shut the fuck up." Mimi said loudly before dropping the shopping bag she had in her hands.

"Omg no way." Jean mumbled lowly as his face showed he was just as equally shocked as Mimi and Daniel.

"Is my eyes deceiving me or are they?" Daniel asked almost in a whisper and my dad started pacing around again.

"They are! My little boys bonded!" My dad dramatically shrieked and I sighed loudly as my grandma shook her head at her son's actions.

"I think my family took the news way worse than yours so I'm so sorry about my dad's behavior. I promise he'll warm up to you...eventually, he just worries too much and is mad dramatic." I privately linked Juno as I looked away from my dad's panicking to look up at Juno's eyes.

I could tell he was nervous because he was unusually silent this entire time and his leg was bouncing up and down frantically.

"I hope so. I don't really want your family to dislike me." Juno linked me back as he shot a small smiled down at me.

I pulled my right arm away from being wrapped around his body and pinched at his left cheek to try to make him less nervous, and it worked. He laughed at my action causing me to laugh too, and that made my dad stop pacing around like a madman.

"They're in love." My grandpa said raspy, making me tear my eyes away from Juno to look over at him happily.

"We are." I told the room and Jean sighed before shrugging.

"We'll support you as always but bonded or not, if you hurt him or if he ever comes to us crying; all three of us are going to jump you." Daniel told Juno with a big smile on his face making Juno stiffen under me.

"Make that four! You'll have four jumpers!" My dad said loudly and Mimi rolled her eyes at him.

"Congratulations if no one's told you both yet. I know it'll be harder for you to be away from each other,
with Juno at school and Chase staying here on the pack grounds. So, if either of you get bored, feel free to shoot me a text or anything." Mimi offered and I completely forgot that I had a cellphone.

I definitely lost it somewhere in the house but since Juno cleaned the house up after my heat cycle ended, I'm sure he found it laying around somewhere so I'll have to remember to ask him about it when we got back home.

"I agree. Congratulations you two and reach out to us if you ever need anything." My mom assured us and I grinned before wrapping my arms back around Juno's body.

"Thank you all! I really do love him so I hope you all can forget the past like I have, and support us now and continue to in the future." I announced and Mimi nodded her head.

Then we all looked at my dad next, the entire room had their eyes locked in on him for his response since he was the main one to seem to be against this but he just pouted.

He didn't say anything so I was starting to get nervous now.

"Please papa?" I asked him with my puppy dog eyes and he groaned.

"Fine! I'll give the damn boy a chance but I swear he's in for a can of butt whooping if anything happens." My dad sighed out causing me to laugh.

"No offense Daddy Chase but I don't think you'd be able to whoop Juno's ass. Just call us over and we'll help you out though." Daniel whispered to my dad causing Mimi to elbow his side.

I laid my head against Juno's chest as my friends spoke with my dad and as my mother spoke to my grandparents about us.

I was glad everyone for the most part seemed to be okay with us bonding. We couldn't take it back so there wasn't much we could do, but telling our close friends and family was for sure a must.

If I wanted the pack to accept it, I needed to have the people we loved accept us first.

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