Chapter 59

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Chase's POV

"We're here now just go straight to your room. Go sleep or something." Juno spat as we reached our house.

He was still pulling me along as we climbed up the front steps together and he swung open the front door with so much force, I thought it was going to pop off the hinges.

"I...can't sleep this off Juno. I can't even feel my legs right now so how am I supposed to make it to my room? And I'm pretty sure you broke my wrist because I don't even feel it anymore either." I mumbled to him as he let me go.

He didn't say anything to either of my comments, just stepped inside before me and started pacing in the living room.

I slumped down onto our living room floor as I felt my headache begin to form.

This happened last time too and I hated it. It felt like I had an intense fever and was horny to the max all at the same time.

It felt like shit honestly and I didn't get how the other omegas dealt with this so nonchalantly. I felt like I was dying and I still had to deal with my ass getting wet on its own.

Thanks to Mimi taking all my boxers and briefs, I soaked the lacy underwear I slipped on this morning so it felt like my pants definitely got the short end of the stick.

I didn't even want to look back and see if I had a huge puddle or stain on the back of my pants. I just knew it was there and that made me groan in anger.

My legs felt like jello so without Juno's help upstairs, I wouldn't even be able to kick these off my body and put on another pair. And even if I did, I'd just mess those up too.

I liked just staying pantless and naked last time and I was probably going to do that this heat too.

"Juno?" I panted out as I covered my face with my hands.

My vision was getting hazy for some reason and this didn't happen last time, so I was starting to panic.

Was I going blind now?! Is that a thing?!

" heat make me blind?" I asked him with my voice shaking as he sat my bag from the phone store down somewhere.

I heard the sound of it being placed down roughly so he probably tossed it on the kitchen table without a care that it could possibly break.

I felt his presence near me and I removed my hands and winced at the brightness we had in this living room. I just didn't remember it being this bright.

I blinked a few times and almost started crying AGAIN because my vision wasn't clearing up and I jumped when I felt him put his hands over my eyes.

He covered both of my eyes with both of his big warm hands, causing electric sparks to shock us as usual but I was confused.

"Is this supposed to help my vision return or my heat go away?" I asked him confused at his actions and then I felt his knee touch mine.

He was sitting in front of me as I sat on the floor now, his breathing was normal but he was just silent.

I went to remove his hands from covering my eyes, but my body froze in its tracks as I felt the familiar feeling of his full and soft lips press against mine.

And now I feel like he's gone insane.

He can't tell me that he's not ready and wants to go slow with me, then kisses me in heat?

I pulled my head back and pulled away from the kiss which caused his hands to fall from my face.

I almost fell back completely in shock and looked at Juno as if he was crazy.

"W-Why would you kiss me? I don't need you to do anything like that so just help me up the stairs." I blinked and my vision was actually starting to focus a bit more.

He didn't need to kiss me.

I didn't want him to act on this because his father got into his head.

He looked hurt that I pulled away from him but I did it before either of us really lost control of our senses.

"Baby...You don't have to do this because of what he said ok? I know it was scary to hear that but we haven't been attacked in ages right? Nothing's going to happen so you don't need to rush yourself. Don't listen to what other people say and take your time at your pace. This is new to both of us." I told him earnestly before leaning forward and making our foreheads touch each other.

It was dangerous for him to kiss me in my heat. If I would've pounded on him just now, my entire sense of reason would've been out the window.

I've been pent up for ages now and if I was finally able to mate with him, I would've went crazy.

I'd probably end up doing more damage to him than he thought. I was really sensitive and needy body wise and the more I held back, the stronger the urge to fuck him was.

And sense my body was going through these damn changes, I didn't know what to expect.

"I know but...he was right wasn't he? I'm letting you walk around defenseless so if another male were to come up and mark'd be my fault for taking so long." He uttered sadly as he looked into my eyes.

I pulled my head away again, and cupped is cheeks in my hands slowly before bringing his face closer to mine.

"You can't blame yourself if that happens. I'm pretty sure it won't, you're glued to me at the hip when we're out of the house together; but if another male smelt your scent on me and still had the nerve to mark me, that's his fault for being ignorant and disrespectful." I explained to him but he still looked sad.

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