Chapter 22

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Chase's POV

Masturbating wasn't going to help me and fucking someone else against the doctors orders was just going to leave me needy and unsatisfied after a while.

I took the pillow off of my face and stripped down until I was naked anyways.

The pool of slick got on my couch, causing me to glare at it as i kicked off my boxers.

Just as I was about to touch myself, I heard a knock on my door and I cocked my eyebrow. I was completely naked and wasn't expecting any maintenance people to come to my unit today.

I ignored the knocking and went back to trying to focus on cooling off my body but then the knocking turned into banging.

I sighed in frustration before throwing on my shirt, not even worrying that I didn't put on any pants or my boxers back on as I made my way over to my door.

"Are you trying to buy me a new door or what? What the fuck is up with all the banging?! I have neighbors like everyone else you know!" I shouted as I swung my door open to chew whoever it was out and my nose instantly got invaded by Juno's scent.

He was standing in front of my door angrily and I whimpered at the sight of him.

My instincts were taking over way differently than they did when I slept with Travis.

Juno was like a tall pitcher of water to me right now and I need him to quench my thirst and stop this heat from taking over my mind.

I literally felt drool slide down the corner of my mouth just being this close to him.

"You can't be here. The doctor said I can't sleep with anymore people and I feel like I'm going to tackle you down and fuck you right here in this hallway." I told Juno honestly before I went to close my door on him.

My heart was starting to pound and my face reddened at the sight of him alone.

He placed his foot in my doorway, preventing me from shutting it and made his way inside my apartment without my permission.

"So you did end up seeing a pack doctor about all this huh? My boys told me you became an omega and were making your pheromones spread everywhere...and you just said 'anymore people' so tell me Chase. Who did you sleep with before I came over here?" Juno asked me with a serious tone fast as I stepped back.

He locked the door behind him causing me to swallow some of the saliva that was pooling into my mouth. And I was scared with the tone he was using. He was acting weird and different from usual so it heightened my fear.

"I see you're wearing Jay's shirt and this place reeks of that ugly human guy from our art class. So did you fuck them to try to get me out of your mind or did you fuck them because you couldn't have me spreading your legs on your bed?" He asked me coldly as I kept walking backwards.

With every backwards step I took, he took some forward.

"Why are you still here if you got your answer? He told me my body changed because I was mate's with someone with Alpha blood. But you clearly rejected me so why does it matter who I sleep with?" I asked him shaking as I continued to back up.

My back then hit the arm of my couch causing me to gasp and he took that chance to stand right in between my legs.

He was looking at me with such a predatory look in his eyes, I was surprised he wasn't losing control to his instincts like I was starting to.

"Okay look, I didn't realize I had Jays shirt on this entire time but he only leant it to me as jack-off material but I didn't even need it since I slept with Travis all last night too cool myself down. I was in heat during a full moon with no mate at my side so I had to get relief somehow! You can't just barge in here mad at me for that! What are you even still here for?" I ranted loudly but Juno didn't flinch at all.

"I needed to see if you were an omega with my own eyes. And now that I did, I'm going to be off. Be a good boy and listen to the doctor and keep those legs shut ok?" Juno told me before stepping away from me.

He removed his body from being in between my legs and started to walk towards the door like nothing happened.

I bit down on my bottom lip as I glared at his back.

Why wasn't he going crazy about my scent? I'm guessing I'm irregular since this was my first heat, but even if my scent wasn't leaking out strongly, he should still be able to sense something.

It was taking everything in me not to pounce on this dude but he wasn't being affected at all?

I grabbed the nearest thing I could and chucked it at him. The nearest thing happened to be a cute chicken pillow that I kept on my couch and it hit him softly.

"Are you trying to make me mad?" He asked me as he turned around.

He grabbed the chicken pillow off the floor where it landed and I felt myself unconsciously hold my breath.

"T-This is your fault! You rejected me so my body became like this and now you're just going to leave me in this state knowing you're the only one that can cure this?! You're a jerk and a total asshole! Ugh I wish so much that Travis takes a nap and just comes back to check on me so I can fuck him here on this couch instead of being stuck here thinking of you!" I shouted at him angrily but it was mostly the sexual frustration coming out.

Before I even got to say another word, he walked over to me quickly and I closed my eyes, flinching, as I expected him to hit me.

But instead of a punch to my face for disrespecting an Alpha blooded male, I heard the door unlock.

I guess he changed his mind mid-stride because when I opened my eyes again, he was gone.

I screamed loudly, not caring anymore if I bothered my neighbors. And once I got it out of my system, I stood there for a few minutes to catch my breath again. I panted lowly as I brought my hands up to my face and wiped off the sweat that was now forming on my forehead.

I knew omegas were sensitive during their heats but now my hormones were acting up. I didn't usually act like this at all.

While I would've loved to give him another piece of my mind, I was supposed to be getting over him. He was just so fucking annoying he just haaaad to see if I was an omega with his own eyes!

He's so stupid. What difference did it even make? He still rejected me and I'm still standing here alone during my first heat cycle ever, like an idiot.

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