Chapter 35

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Chase's POV

"Ok now that no one can donate or throw out my clothes, can we please finish helping me unbox?" I asked seriously and everyone said yes in unison.

This was probably going to be the only time Juno would let this many people inside the house. Wolves were usually territorial so even our own parents couldn't come in without our permission.

Juno's dad was our packs Alpha so in theory he could go wherever he wanted but even he knew it was best for him to get permission before entering anyone's house.

And Juno definitely seemed like the type that didn't want me letting anyone come in if he was away. He gave off some overprotective vibes but that was probably due to him not being bonded to me.

His mind would race since we didn't have a mates private link. He can't hear my thoughts directly without everyone near us hearing them too, and if there was an emergency, I could only mind link him if he was within a certain distance.

So if someone happened to attack me here inside the house while he was at school, I'd be in danger. Even worse, they could force a mark on me and he wouldn't even know until he got back.

But I told him already that I'd wait for him to be ready and that the fear of my safety didn't change just because I was an omega that wasn't allowed to go to class anymore.

Now I'd be basically house sitting all alone every second, minute and hour of the day. The omegas here on the main pack territory don't "house sit" because they do their own thing and they were all unmated if I remember correctly.

So I was practically the only one going through what I was going through. I would love to talk to other omegas about stuff since this was all confusing to me, but I wasn't sure how that would go.

The doctors were my second choice but they weren't omegas themselves, so they could only talk to me from a medical viewpoint.

My parents? My friends? No one else I knew was an omega and I didn't know when my next heat would come back.

Is it supposed to come that often? Why?

I didn't get it. I already had a mate so just being near him should be enough even if we weren't bonded.

"Hey are you ok? You got quiet all of a sudden and you look pale..." Mimi said lowly and I swallowed the saliva I didn't even realize pooled in my mouth.

I was stressing myself out. I just needed to not worry about shit like that right now. It wasn't like I could do anything about my situation anyways.

"Yeah I'm just thinking about how I can't party anymore." I lied and Jean laughed.

"Yeah maybe that's for the best. You remember how you wanted to go out and make Juno jealous at all those parties?" Jean laughed and I blushed.

"Oh yeah? Please go on." Romeo said before he stepped over several boxes to sit on the floor next to Mimi, much to her disgust.

I knew he only sat by her to annoy her and I never will get their dynamic.

"Oh you should've seen it! He went out and bought all these clothes to go out and see if he could get under Juno's skin when he rejected him." Jean rambled and I mentally screamed.

I shot Daniel a stern look and he understood what it meant. He elbowed his mate hard in his side, causing Jean to let out a groan.

Jean looked around confused as Mimi opened up another box, throwing the empty one in Romeo's direction, making it hit him without her caring.

"So you were going to wear these "clothes" of yours out to make me jealous at some parties huh? Is that how you ended up in Jay's arms?" Juno asked with his face neutral of any emotion.

I couldn't really read him well. Was he asking seriously? I don't mind telling him but I didn't want to trigger him right now.

"Y-yeah. Your brother invited me out to a party but next thing I knew my heat came so Jay took me to my apartment...actually, speaking of your brother! I haven't seen him sense then! I have to go thank him and apologize for leaving like that." I blurted out and I hit my forehead with my hand.

How could I forget about Julio?! Well a lot of things have happened sense them but I needed to apologize. He even went out of his way to introduce me to his friends only for me to leave him like that!

"Oh fuck and I need to return Jay's shirt!" I shouted before scanning around the room.

I think it was somewhere in one of these boxes but I couldn't remember which one. But I do remember I kept it separated from my clothes so it wouldn't be that hard to spot.

I went to move and start opening more boxes to look for the shirt, but Juno reached down and grabbed my wrist.

I looked up at him confused but his face was frowning again. I didn't get why but we would just talk about it when the others left I guess.

He let me go without saying anything and walked around the couch.

He then sat down by Romeo and grabbed a box quietly and I shrugged my shoulders as Mimi sent me a questioning look.

I didn't understand him. And I couldn't help it now but soon we'll learn more about each other and that'll make me know what set him easier.

"Yo Chase, I know we said we weren't going to donate anything but what's with this random ass vampire clothing?" Romeo asked as he held up my black bodysuit gown.

I didn't even say anything, I stared at him with a huge smile on my face and he slowly lowered it back down nervously.

We were all going to be here for hours at this rate.

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