Chapter 30

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Chase's POV

"Mimi! Jean! Daniel! Can someone please help me?! Juno and his boys are about to beat up Travis or kill him and I don't know what to do!" I panicked in the public mindlink.

I didn't even care if Juno or his buddies heard me call out to my buddies, but they instantly answered.

"What the absolute fuck?! Those idiots are going to get us in so much trouble! I'm on my way, I know how to beat up Romeo." Mimi said confidently and I felt relieved.

She was on the other side of our building so she would probably get here the quickest but I didn't even know where they were taking me and Travis at all.

Then it clicked the further down the hallway we went. We were heading Mimi's way and I knew exactly what they were thinking.

They were going to intimidate him one of the empty music rooms but it was going to be one that was sound proof.

"Juno seriously. He didn't mean any harm. Let's just let him go and leave. Please? We can go finish talking. Don't you remember saying you won't be rash? I'm not mad anymore. I'll leave campus right now so please?" I pleaded but he didn't even look down at me once.

He just kept the same grip on me while his friends looked for an empty classroom by peaking through the door windows.

"We're coming too, just try to distract him." Jean answered and I had no clue how to.

"I can't! It's like he's not even listening to me." I cried out in response and almost collapsed on the floor when Juan made the signal that he found a room.

We all went into the room, Romeo throwing Travis in effortlessly while Diego stayed guard outside with a smirk on his face.

Juno handed me over to Jose who held my arms behind my back gently as Romeo, Juan and Juno walked over to Travis.

"Juno! Seriously just cut it out already!" I shouted at him as I struggled to get away from Jose.

"You're all a bunch of assholes you know that! Chase why do you hang around these guys?!" Travis shouted annoyed as he picked himself up off the floor.

He dusted himself off angrily and glared at Juno his friends as they closed in on him.

"You think you can say whatever you want cause you fucked him once? You think you're what? His boyfriend or something cause he fucked your sorry ass cause no one else was around? Is that it?" Juno asked angrily while Jose didn't let me loose.

"Y-you told them?" Travis asked as I saw his face redden.

"He didn't have to. I saw the traces at his apartment and you're the only gnat that's been flyin around him lately." Juno answered with a look of disgust on his face.

"So what? I was helping him and it's not your business." Travis replied back and I felt my heart beat start to pick up.

"Awww. Look, he thought he had a chance! Isn't that hilarious?!" Juan laughed causing Jose to laugh too.

"Chase would never date you dude just open your eyes! Can't you see he's perfectly fine with Juno?" Romeo asked him and Travis's face went from anger to heartbreak in mere seconds.

"What? Chase what? What is he talking about? Are you seeing this guy?!" Travis asked me from across the room and I felt tears escape my eyes.

I just prayed Mimi and the others got here quickly. I didn't want them to hurt Travis and I felt so horrible right now.

"Chase answer him." Juan mocked and I felt tears slide down my cheeks.

"We're trying to start talking so we're kinda in the talking stage right now. But I swear we weren't together when we slept together!" I explained to him but Travis put his head down in defeat.

He looked crushed and I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to say.

"Doesn't matter since they won't see each other again anyways." Jose finally said and that set me off.

I used my right foot to stomp down on foot roughly and he yelped.

The second his grip loosed on me I spun around as quickly as I could and elbowed him in the jaw.

He didn't even move despite me smelling the scent of blood, meaning I probably made him bit his tongue or something.

"Woah there little dude. Calm down won't you? That was quite a hit but if that took me out, your hubby would've beat my ass for being weak." Jose replied before grabbing me roughly and putting pressure on my wrist that Juno hurt earlier.

"Everyone chill out. We're not gonna hurt him anymore. He's going to stay away from Chase and Chase isn't going to go anywhere near him anymore so it's fine." Juno told us all with so much authority in his voice that his friends shut up and stayed quiet as he spoke.

"Now that you crushed my spirit, you're even going to keep us away from each other?" Travis's voice broke and I looked at him sadly.

His head was still down and he was looking at the floor with so much disappointment and disbelief. I wanted to do something but I couldn't think of anything.

Jose was too strong and Romeo or Juan would just get in my way even if I were to escape Jose's grasp.

Then the door suddenly slammed open and my friends came flooding in with Jean holding Diego back.

"Mimi!" I cried out and she walked over to me with a frown on her face, causing Jose to let me go.

Juno and his guy friends have experienced Mimi's anger before and now that Juno said they were finished, Jose had no reason to keep holding me.

"You're all insane you know that! If you think doing this made Chase fall for you, you definitely aren't right in the head!" Mimi shouted at Juno as Daniel went over to stand by Travis.

This wasn't how I wanted to tell Travis I was leaving. Hell, I didn't even know I had to leave before today to begin with.

This wasn't how I wanted this entire day to play out at all.

"Chase...are you seriously leaving?" Travis asked me and he finally tore his gaze away him the floor.

He stared at me with tears in those pretty green eyes of his and my heart ached. He was such a nice person. He didn't deserve this and I should've never talked to him.

All of this was my fault.

"I'm sorry." Was all I said and he moved around Daniel and left the room.

Watching his back leave made me break down harder than I probably should've but I felt so guilty.

Mimi picked me up in her arms using her strength and I cried into her neck.

"Don't even think about it." I heard her say, probably towards Juno, as I kept my face hidden.

"Chase..." Juno called my name so I held onto Mimi tighter.

If this is how he was when his instincts took over, I was scared of him. He didn't listen to me, it was like he couldn't even hear my pleas and just focused on himself.

He was scary and the thought that he could just hurt me and others like that effortlessly was just so messed up.

"Oh so he scared off some human troll! So what Mimi?! That guy fucked Chase during his heat didn't he? He would've caught onto us and we would've definitely had to kill him!" Romeo ranted and I clung to Mimi tightly as she started walking.

"Just give it a rest now Romeo. It's over." Jean said and I felt his and Daniel's presence close to us.

I felt them rub my back and my tears just kept escaping.

I felt so bad.

I felt like shit.

It was my fault and nothing I could do would take anything back.

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