Chapter 44

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Chase's POV

My head was starting to hurt from all the overthinking I was doing and I just stood there under the shower head, letting the cold water hit my body.

I looked down and watched as all the sand left my body slowly and flew down the drain.

What sucks was Juno wasn't even trying to mind-link me right now. We couldn't open a private link without bonding but I could bet a hundred bucks he had one with Emery somehow.

It made sense for them though.

A fiancé needed to have a private mind-link but I guess a fated mate didn't need to have one. He wasn't going to open it up for me either, I wouldn't have access to it until after we bonded.

And that wasn't going to be because he finally let me in his mind, the bond FORCES us to have that link. If it was up to him, he'd probably not want me in his mind even after bonding.

I crouched down and sat down under the shower head. My tears were flowing down my cheeks again and I hugged my knees as the water hit my head.

Was this a prank? Did he lie about everything he told me earlier?

Juno and Emery must think this is hilarious. Pulling me along and making me look stupid.

I shook my head, attempting to shake all the bad thoughts away too.

All I did was see him have an omega on his arm. That didn't mean his feelings weren't genuine. That didn't mean they still had a relationship going on.

We would talk about this when I get out the shower so I needed to hurry in case he left again.

I stood up from my sitting position and quickly lathered myself with my body wash. I washed my body probably the fastest I ever have, and washed my hair just as quickly.

I made sure I finished rinsing off all the soap studs on my body and that I got all the shampoo and conditioner out of my hair, before turning off the cold water.

I hopped out carefully and grabbed the nearest towel in sight.

I roughly dried off my hair with it before using the same one to dry my body off. I was cold but I didn't care.

I grabbed another towel, wrapping it around my waist before leaving my bathroom and entering my bedroom.

I heard noise downstairs and I got scared Juno was about to leave before we had a chance to talk.

I stopped walking towards the closet and ran out of my room and sped down the stairs without caring that I wasn't dressed.

I looked around once I was finally down all the stairs and I didn't see him.

My eyes teared up again and I felt tears fall down my cheeks again.

But then he walked out of his bedroom with a frown still on his face.

He saw me and looked like he was about to snap at me but looked away from me.

"What? Now you can't even look at me?" I cried as more tears left my eyes and now my heart was starting to sting.

I wiped my eyes roughly but then I felt something land on my head.

It was his shirt.

I looked up at him as I held it in my hands confused after taking it off my head.

But he still wasn't looking at me.

Then it clicked. It was because I ran down here in nothing but a towel.

I embarrassed myself and put his shirt on, leaving the towel wrapped around my waist underneath. His shirt was huge on me so he couldn't see it anyways.

"Just go put on some boxers and shorts or something. I'm not going anywhere so hurry up so we can talk about it." Juno instructed as he scratched the back of his head.

I didn't even say anything in response, just headed back up the stairs slowly to go get some bottoms on.

It would be kind of hard to discuss something serious with someone who didn't have any underwear on or bottoms.

Once I was back in my room, I grabbed a random pair of briefs from my dresser and slipped them on after taking off my towel. I didn't want to wear shorts since his shirt covered a huge chunk of my body and it was more comfortable this way.

I glanced in the mirror and huffed as I saw how drowned in his shirt I was. It smelled like him since he had it on all day and his scent made me calm down a bit.

But I was still upset.

I smelt him on Juno's shirt too. It was faint but definitely noticeable.

I left the room and went back downstairs, and saw that he kept his word.

He was still shirtless but he was sitting on one of the couches we had in the living room as he sat down with an irritated look on his face.

I took a seat on the couch across from him with my legs closed and he turned his gaze towards me.

He had his legs wide open and I won't lie I did take a little peak at his crotch before looking up and meeting his gaze; but that's just because he was just man spreading so widely.

"So? Can you explain why you had two males over here when you know your pheromones are out of control? And I saw that note you left on the counter, who said you can go see the doctor about something so important without taking me with you?" Juno questioned me so I rolled my eyes.

"I didn't know I needed you by my side to see a doctor. He prescribed me pills so I can try to get my heats regulated; and your brother already told you why they were here. They were just helping me." I replied slightly annoyed at his questioning.

Julio literally told him why they came over and he just ignored everything his brother told him outside before they left.

"Look I don't need any other guys around here helping you without me here. You're just lucky I didn't sense them in this house." He said and I glared at him.

"They were just helping me Juno! And this is my house too! You said moving in together would help us move forward and I don't see us going anywhere anymore!" I shouted at him angrily and he glared back at me.

"I just want my mate to stay safe and protected. How do you know how much self control they have? I just fucking told you your heats are irregular and you could've went into heat any second with them by you. They're both unmated and males! You don't get how much danger you put yourself into!" He shouted back at me.

I already heard enough from the doctor and now Juno was saying the same thing.

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