Chapter 13

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Chase's POV

"This place is way fancier than I expected." I told Julio as he led me through the house.

It was modern and way bigger than he made it seem. It was gorgeous and the architecture was incredible. My jaw was on the floor with every little thing I noticed in here.

"Well my mom used to use it as a mini place to escape to when she wanted a home away from home but still basically on pack territory." He explained as I awed at how high the ceiling was.

My apartment could fit inside this place at least a hundred times.

Once we entered the loft on the second floor, I saw some of his housemates sitting down on a long couch.

They were talking amongst themselves while blowing up balloons; adding them to the already huge amount of inflated colorful ones on the floor.

And when they spotted me besides Julio, they immediately stopped their conversation and focused their attention entirely on me. I didn't mind the stares but I did mind the sudden silence.

"Fuck he's cute isn't he?" I heard one of them ask in the packs mindlink since I guess he didn't have his mind sealed.

"Dude shut up." One of the other guys, a guy with a low fade haircut said aloud before punching his friend that had long, black curly hair.

The curly hair guy laughed and I blushed slightly.

And before I knew what was going on, Julio pulled me in front of him since I was standing behind him, and placed his hands on each of my shoulders.

"Listen up guys, this is Chase and he's going to be attending this party despite not being a senior since I invited him. He's special to me so don't even think about making him mad, uncomfortable, sad or anything like that." Julio introduced me sternly and all four guys on the couch nodded their heads silently.

"It's a full moon tonight, so if you see anyone trying any funny business with him and I'm not around, do whatever you have to do. We're going to make sure Chase has a good time here." Julio told them before letting go of my shoulders and patting my back softly.

"From left to right, that's Adrian, Jay, Santi and Nicolas. They're the wolves under me but they're my close friends I see as family." Julio explained to me as each guy waved at me.

So the curly headed guy was Adrian and the one with the low fade was Jay, while Santi had shaggy black hair and Nicolas had brown hair that was short and slicked back.

They all had dark brown eyes though and were all sitting down so I couldn't really tell their heights yet.

I did spot a sleeve tattoo on Jay's arm that caught my attention. It was colorful and I spotted a really cool looking koi fish on it and I loved koi.

I guess he saw me looking at it because he smirked and rolled his shirt sleeve up more, giving me a better look at all his tattoo's.

"Do you want a closer look?" Jay asked me before tilting his head and I nodded.

"Only if you don't mind." I asked before mentally smacking myself.

Obviously he didn't mind if he rolled his shirt up and is asking me!

Adrian scooted over on the couch to give me room to sit on the right side of Jay so I could admire the sleeve he had on his left arm better.

"Okay I'll leave Chase here with you guys for a sec. I'm going to go get the rest of the stuff out of the basement." Julio announced and they all nodded in unison silently.

Everyone else got up off of the couch and went back to blowing up balloons while I glanced over all the details of his tattoo.

It was such a beautiful tattoo that I couldn't even imagine how long it probably took him to get it done.

The huge koi fish that caught my attention was wrapped around his forearm, while other mini koi fish were on his upper arm traveling down. There was water droplets trickling down too and the details on everything was just so surreal.

"Do you want to get some ink done?" Jay asked me as I looked away from his arm and up at his face.

He was super close to me now and I didn't even notice him move his face in closer to mine, so I backed away a little bit.

"I was thinking about getting something along my abdomen or under my belly button maybe? Or like my lower back area...I'm indecisive on where I want my first one to go, but I'm also really bad with pain." I ranted as he smiled at me.

The way he was looking at me was starting to make me flustered and nervous. I felt like I was embarrassing myself somehow without even trying to.

Just as I was thinking, Jay leaned in close again. It made me freeze up how close I felt his breath against me and I closed my eyes.

"So I make you flustered? I'm not trying to, and you're not embarrassing yourself. I think it's cute how you talk." Jay whispered into my ear and I felt my face immediately get red.

Oh fuck was I broadcasting everything into our packs link right now?!

"Shit..." I said to myself as he chuckled.

But then he suddenly stopped and I opened my eyes to see what happened.

He was still close to my face but now we were staring into each others eyes. He was making an expression I couldn't really understand and I frowned.

"Did Julio tell you anything about your scent leaking out on the way over here?" Jay asked me seriously and I shook my head.

I sniffed at my shirt again since it might be the same smell Travis was smelling earlier, but I still didn't smell anything out of the ordinary.

"No but one of the guys in my class smelt something on me earlier but I didn't put anything different on. He said it was kind of floral?" I said confused as I sniffed at my wrist again.

"Was he a pack member?" Santi asked curiously as he started to walk back over to the couch.

"Idiot, if he was a pack member, they would've told him that his scent was leaking out." Adrian added before rolling his eyes.

"But if a human could smell it, it must be mad strong." Nicolas added and now everyone was walking over to where me and Jay were still sitting.

"But it wasn't leaking when he got here, Julio and all of us would've smelt it the second he came in here." Adrian commented again as all the guys surrounded me.

They each took a few sniffs of the air around me then suddenly got quieter.

"Hey can some of you guys help me carry some of this stuff up?!" Julio's voice rang throughout the house and the guys sighed.

"Jay, I'll explain what's going on to Julio but I need you to take Chase home before it gets dark." Adrian ordered and I pouted.

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