Chapter 88

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Chase's POV

"Mngh...say it again for me baby." I whimpered as Juno licked and sucked at my chest.

He was teasing my nipples with his mouth as his hands roamed and explored my body. He was acting like this was the first time he's ever touched me, making me needy since we both knew exactly where I wanted him to be touching me right now.

He knew all my good spots and erogenous zones from the last time we had sex when he marked me, but now I feel like he was teasing me since I didn't want his help with my heat initially.

"I love you. I love you. I love you so fucking much." Juno replied as I shuttered under him.

I placed my hands around him and felt the flesh on his back, causing me to frown.

"Ignore it." Juno said, sensing my discomfort as he nipped at my nipples.

I shook my head and sat up, causing him to frown alongside me.

"Hey, let's finish taking care of you first." Juno tried to distract me and I crossed my arms.

He saw how stubborn I was being and scratched the back of his neck in thought. After we bond, I won't need to guess what he's thinking; we'd just be in each others heads 24/7.

We'd finally have our own private mental mind-link, allowing me to block others out and just be filled with him on my mind constantly if I wanted to. And a mates mind-link traveled further than the 2 mile normal pack link, I think it stretched out to like 6 miles or something but that was still a lot to me.

"Show me. I'm so serious right now." I scolded him as I fanned the heat away from my face.

I was craving his touch but I put everything on halt the second I felt the wound on his back. It seemed to be healed already but I didn't remember feeling that on his back the last time we had sex.

And I wasn't usually the most observant, but we literally had sex before I was taken, meaning he got that scar after I left this house.

"Baby." He whined trying to keep focusing on my body but I wasn't having it.

"Juno turn around. You saw my shoulder right?" I told him trying to persuade him, but all he did was sigh heavily.

"You can't even see it clearly." Juno commented and I hit his shoulder lightly with impatience.

He laughed at that and finally started to turn around. It was still raining and storming, which was probably why our lights were still out; but he knew I could see enough.

We had good eyes in general at night but the sunlight creeping through my curtains was still helping greatly.

"He did this to you?" I asked in a small voice as I looked at Juno's back.

He said I couldn't see it clearly because the lights were still out but if they were on, there's no way anyone could miss it.

He had a huge gash from his top left shoulder that trailed all the way down his back. The damn scar was thick and literally ended near his ass.

"You should see what I did to him." He laughed but I wasn't laughing.

I touched it gently, tracing the scar with my fingertips as he shivered under my touch. We still gave each other those tingly electric shocks that were so pleasurable, so I ended up shivering too.

"Chase. Come on, let's finish taking care of you now. I'll let you look at it all you want once your heats over, I promise." Juno suggested while he turned back around to face me.

I was still frowning at the thought that Archer, being the fucker he is, ended up not just leaving a permanent scar on my shoulder, but now he left a huge one on Juno's back.

Mine I could at least attempt to cover up, but Juno's? Every time he took his shirt off people would stare at it.

How could they not?

It was huge and looked painful, if it weren't for the blood he had flowing through his veins, I'm sure it would've taken way longer to heal. I lost a ton of blood but the scar from his wound suggests he lost way more.

"Come on baby, let's get back to it yeah?" Juno asked me again, as he leaned over and kissed at the side of my neck.

I moaned and kept frowning until he fell on top of me. His weight on top of me made me huff since he was more muscular than me and weighed a lot, causing me to laugh.

"See, that's the face I like to see on you. Laughing and smiling. Just forget about him for now, just keep your focus on me and the pleasure I'm going to give you." Juno whispered in my ear while I trembled.

I nodded my head and he went back to kissing at my mark from him as he grinded against me.

Feeling our dicks rub against each other made me whimper again, and I tossed my head back against my bedsheets as his movements grew rougher.

He wanted this just as badly as I did and I stopped holding back now.

I pulled his head up so I could kiss him, and smashed my lips against his. I tried to be gentle but it came out more aggressive than I attempted, and he smirked against my lips as we kissed.

I parted my lips so he could kiss me deeper, and he got the hint instantly. He snaked his tongue into my mouth causing me to moan into the kiss as his hands continued to roam around my body as we made out.

I felt my back arch of the bed as he grinded his hard dick against mine again. His precum was leaking so much, it covered both of our dicks as we grinded against each other sloppily.

I whined as I felt myself start to leak slick again and then I felt his hands start to roam further down my stomach.

When he passed my navel I broke away from our kiss to catch my breath and a string of drool left both of our lips.

Before I could even catch my breath, he had his hands pumping both of our dicks, pressing then together as he stroked us roughly.

"" I panted as he went back to attacking my neck with lovebites.

"I don't want to cum yet. Put it in for me." I pleaded as he pumped harder and I panted against his neck needlessly.

I didn't have to tell him twice because he let us go fast then was parting my legs carefully as he locked eyes with me.

"Are you sure you're okay with me bonding you? You know I really need you to tell me yes or no right now because there's no going back. If you want us to wait we can wait and I can just fuck your heat away like last time." Juno asked me seriously and I looked up into his eyes lovingly.

"It's okay. Juno, I love you. Do it for me?" I asked him and I watched as a tear flew down his left cheek.

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