Chapter 31

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Chase's POV

"Chase you can stop crying now, you're going to get your eyes all puffy." Jean told me softly as I whimpered.

It's been three days now and I was still a sobbing mess about how things ended terribly the other day.

"Travis hates me now and Juno's stupid." I whined as Mimi rubbed my back.

"He just lost control of his instincts for a bit. And he's always been stupid when it comes to handling his emotions." Daniel chimed in and I whimpered again.

"And Travis will get over it, he's crushed now but he was going to find out eventually. You and Juno agreed to be mates right? You're going to have to get used to him when he gets in that state. It sucks but you have to learn how to get him back in control when he's like that." Jean sighed out and I blinked away the rest of my tears.

"We're sorry we couldn't get the sooner. We know that was scary. I've seen our Alpha get like that once and our Luna got him back in control in a few seconds. But it probably took her ages to figure out how. So you got this, all you have to remember is that he's only acting that way out of love." Mimi said and I sighed heavily before rubbing my eyes roughly.

Juno and I already went over how we don't love each other. His instincts and inner wolf took over because he didn't like Travis from the beginning. It had nothing to do with the "love" he had for me.

It was like he had to shove it in Travis's face that we were going to start seeing each other and talking. The look on Travis's face looked so defeated it tore me.

I liked him a lot and he was such a sweet guy. I don't think he deserved that at all, and even if I made Juno and his boys go apologize...There was no point.

When Travis ran out of that room, I came to terms that that was the last time I was going to see him. Juno told him about how we couldn't see each other anymore and took away my chance to tell him my way.

And there was no way in hell I was going to go look for him to apologize again. If Juno finds out I went searching for him, he might get the wrong idea and assume I had feelings for Travis.

Or if I do, Travis might think I have feelings for him since I went out looking for him. And I said in the beginning I didn't want to use him so knowing his feelings for me, made me feel like I shouldn't give him anymore misunderstandings.

It was a very difficult situation.

I didn't want that to be the last time Travis and I saw each other but maybe it was for the best after all.

"It just goes to show why we don't get close to humans." Mimi told us before getting up and I grumbled.

They were my friend's and they cared about me but they could care less about Travis. They only went to help because I asked them to. Just like the other wolves in the pack, no one really bothered humans or cared to get close to them.

I was the same way before Travis and I started to get a little closer. I liked how easy it was to talk to him and how talented he was as an artist.

But now any chance I had left to talk to him was out the window.

"Exactly! Plus we can't trust them anyways. They can swear up and down that they love you or care for you but the second you shift in front of them, they treat you like a monster." Jean huffed and I sighed again.

He wasn't like that...well I'm not sure if he would've accepted me after shifting but even without knowing I was a werewolf, he helped me out during my heat.

He wasn't like the other humans we learned about when we were pups. He didn't look at me with ill intentions or anything like that.

"Don't tell me you actually feel sorry for the guy? Sure the way shit went down was bad but I told you it's only because Juno lost control for a bit. You should go talk to your mate Chase." Jean asked me and I couldn't really say anything back.

I did feel sorry for Travis.

What was wrong with that?

And go see Juno?

After how he just acted I'm still too shocked to. I can still feel his hand wrapped around my wrist even now.

"How did things end up this way?" I mumbled to myself as I covered my face with my hands.

We were all in my apartment and now I was sitting along on my couch as they moved around my apartment freely. They were starting to gather things and I knew immediately that Juno probably told them to help me pack up privately.

They were upset that he scared me but he was still the Alpha's son. So at least given the situation I guess they listened to him to help me pack up.

"Since when did you all start listening to that bastard?" I asked them while I kept my hands on my face.

"Since that human knows where you live. You're an omega remember? At first when he asked us to help you I was pissed but then he started making sense and we worry about your safety." Mimi answered me as I heard glass start to clank.

It was a reality I wasn't ready to face right now but there was no use protesting since it was bound to happen eventually. Everything was just happening too fast.

A knock on my front door made me finally pull my hands away from my face. I didn't even have to look at the entrance to know that he was here.

"Seriously what took you so long? You said you'd bring them over to help us pack and y'all get here after we start." Mimi huffed after she opened my door.

"Just be happy we're here Mimi fuck. Do you have to whine every time you open your mouth?" Romeo's voice asked as I heard the footsteps of everyone coming inside.

Feeling his presence made a shiver go down my neck and I looked over to where they were quickly.

Juno had a sad look on his face as he looked at me. He then signaled for me to get up from my seat and go near him.

But I was scared.

I planned on avoiding him a little longer and I wasn't ready to be alone with him yet.

"And what about you? Do you have to bitch every time you open yours?" Mimi replied and before I knew it, her and Romeo were chest to chest.

"Hey do we seriously need to help them Juno? They seem to have it under control and I don't want Mimi and Romeo to fight again. Do you remember what happened when they broke up when they were pups?" Diego asked Juno from behind him.

"WE WERE EIGHT!" Mimi and Romeo shouted in unison before growling at each other.

"Chase. Come here." Juno said, finally speaking up and everyone else in the room got quiet.

I didn't want to but I felt like I had to go.

Everyone watched as I slowly got off the couch and made my way over to where he was standing by my front door.

Once I was in arms reach, he pulled me gently into his chest and I heard him inhale my scent deeply. My heart skipped a beat and I blushed uncontrollably as I stiffened.

My scent must've calmed him down like his was calming me down, but I was still mad nervous.

"Listen up. He's staying with me tonight so get as much done as possible please. And if that guy shows up you let me know immediately." Juno ordered and it threw me off hearing him be nice and bossy at the same time.

Everyone said a simple 'yes sir' in unison, even my friends which was surprising before he escorted me out of my apartment.

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