Chapter 19

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Chase's POV

"Fuck...your body is still so hot. How much did they drug you?" Travis asked me as he helped me wash off the soap suds on my body.

We've been having sex since last night and he said it was time for us to wash up. I could tell he was tired and for a human, he had pretty good stamina for keeping up with a wolf in heat during the full moon.

We were showering together now and it gave me a chance to get a good look at the damage I did to him.

His back was almost completely full with scratch marks from me and I remembered it took every ounce of sanity I had left to hold back on those scratches. He would've been hurting badly and most likely bleeding way more if I let my claws out unintentionally.

Wolves usually mate more aggressively during the full moon but I guess it being my first heat somewhat helped. Like yeah I was still mad horny but I was still weaker than usual.

I don't spot any bite marks on him either so I sighed with relief as he scrubbed me gently.

I was still feeling the effects of my heat but they were easier to control now that the sun was up and the moon light wasn't shining down on me anymore.

"I'm sorry you had to help me with this." I told Travis as I stared blankly down at the drain in the bath tub.

"Hey don't say that. I did feel bad at first for having sex with you under that kind of circumstance, but I don't regret having sex with you. you regret having sex with me?" He asked me as I felt his hands suddenly leave my body.

I didn't regret having sex with him but just as he said, I felt bad having to do it like that.

Because I know for a fact if I wasn't in heat or if the moon wasn't full when we ran into each other, I doubt he would've been the one to spend the night in my bed only cause he was human.

I felt like it brought us closer though. Whenever he flirted with me in class, I didn't mind it. I actually liked having the attention and it wasn't like he was unattractive.

I just used to think of him as a hot guy with a big ego, but last night he proved he was actually really helpful. He was even there for me when I started crying like a pup over Juno.

"I don't." I told him as I looked away from the drain and turned my body towards him.

I had to turn around to get a good look at his face so I can see what expression he had on.

He wasn't frowning in anger or smiling with his usual grin that showed off his perfect teeth, but he was sad.

He looked down at me sadly before grabbing my right hand and bringing it close to his face and nuzzling it.

"I get that you're in a better state of mind now than how you were last night, and I know that a lot of stuff happened to get us to where we are now...but this isn't going to you know? Change our dynamic or anything is it?" He asked me and every word that escaped his mouth came out fast.

I could hear his heart beat thumping loudly in his chest too. I guess sleeping with me made him nervous about something. At times like these, it really did suck that I couldn't read his mind like I could with wolves in our pack.

I didn't understand what having sex made him worry about. Did sex for humans have some kind of different meaning?

"No?" I asked confused and he released my hand with a sad smile on his face.

"That's good...I don't know what I'd do if you would've started to avoid me after this. I would've understood if you did but it still would've hurt me." He said as he tilted his head upwards.

He was looking up at the ceiling as the water from the shower head hit his neck, allowing water droplets to flow down his smooth skin.

I watched as the water just took its time, sliding all the way down his body before it finally washed itself away down the drain.

His eyes were now closed so he didn't see me watching him so intensely but I'm pretty sure he knew what I was doing.

My face flushed as my eyes found itself checking out his body instead of worrying about the damn water droplets.

When we had sex last night, I vaguely remember him having his clothes on still before I ripped them off of him at one point. But I didn't really get a chance to admire his whole body.

My attention last night was mainly just on his dick, I can admit that but I wasn't in the right state of mind and he has a pretty good piece he's packing so can anyone really blame me?!

He was slightly muscular and I could tell that he went to the gym pretty often. Weekly for sure at least.

I couldn't tell if he was a cardio guy or a weights guy but I traced my fingers over his hard stomach without asking him. He flinched a bit, probably surprised that I touched him without notice, but he didn't make any moves to remove my hand.

He didn't even say anything, he just continued to keep his eyes closed as the water hit his neck and I took that as a sign that it was ok for me to keep touching him.

I felt my face flush just remembering how I was riding him and letting him fuck me not that long ago.

The moment he got me into the shower, he helped me clean out his cum from inside of my ass and I was starting to get hard again just remembering everything we did.

I could smell my scent all over him despite us being in the shower, but I didn't mark him so that was good.

Marking a human wouldn't do me any justice as a wolf, and I felt bad for getting turned on. He was a human so he was obviously already tired from having so much sex with me all last night into early dawn today, but I couldn't help it.

My body was still hot and I wasn't used to having a heat cycle. Even though he helped me clean my ass out, I felt that familiar feeling of my ass starting to get itself wet again.

And my scent was definitely leaking out again but since he was human, he couldn't smell either thing coming from me as strong as a wolf could. I remember him saying he smelt something on me in class the morning my heat came but he thought it was perfume.

He then leaned his head back forward, finally opening his eyes again before he smiled at me.

"Let's get out now and dry you up. That guy seemed like he was going to come back to check up on you and I don't want us to miss his knocking or anything because the water is drowning the noise out." He said cheerfully before reaching past me and turning off the shower water.

I nodded my head but I bit down on my lip, drawing a bit of blood, to stop myself from pouncing on him.

He was probably going to go back to his own place after drying off and even though he helped me a lot already, I wanted him to stay at my side. I was being selfish for sure and I knew it was for the best if he left, but my body was strange right now.

Was being in heat going to be like this every time?

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