Chapter 14

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Chase's POV

"Why? I don't understand what's going on? And what smell is everyone talking about?" I asked confused while Santi and Nicolas quickly exited the room without even looking back at me.

"You can't smell your own scent yourself. That's what's weird about being a wolf sometimes, but your scent is leaking know...meaning your close to your heat cycle?" Jay said lowly to me and I scoffed.

"I don't have a heat cycle. I'm not a female nor an omega. I just get horny during the full moon just like every other wolf in our pack." I explained but Adrian just sighed heavily in response.

"Well sorry to break it to you if this is your first one, but you're going into heat. And it sucks because it's falling on the night of the full moon. You're basically double fucked so you need to get out of here." Adrian continued while he crossed his arms across his chest but I still wasn't understanding.

"How is this possible?" I asked Jay and he just looked at me with pity in his eyes.

I wasn't an omega and I wasn't female. How could I go into heat? And not only that, the first night of my heat was landing on the night of the full moon?

"This isn't happening." I said to myself as I got off of the couch shaking.

I felt my eyes start to water and my hands were shaking so much I couldn't even wipe my eyes properly.

Didn't omegas go into heat for at least a week or two? There's no way I'd survive going into heat that long.

I didn't even know what to do...

Was I supposed to stock up on something? Am I supposed to take medication or something to get it to go away?

"Hey hey, Chase it's going to be ok. Breath for me. Take in a deep breath and just start looking around the room and focus on something ok?" Jay told me as Adrian left the room fast to inform Julio.

He put his arm up for me to focus on his tattoo and I grabbed it quickly.

I tried to regulate my breathing and he was doing a great job with helping me calm down. But this was surreal.

I've never gone into heat before. I wasn't even sure why I was giving off this scent to begin with. And was it really that strong that even Travis smelt it?

It was fading in and out, which is why everyone didn't smell it when I got here. But then they're telling me it just suddenly released itself?

I didn't understand how this shit worked. You can't just suddenly become an omega and I'm not a female but a male wolf.

"Come on. I'll carry you to make it easier. Where do you live? At the main pack house?" Jay asked me as he opened his arms.

I walked into them unsurely and he scooped me up effortlessly before he started to head towards the front door.

"I live by campus...can't you just take me to the pack house instead so I can see one of the pack doctors?" I asked him while I felt my tears begin to form again.

Part of me felt bad because I knew I was going to soak his shirt by the time he was done escorting me, but I couldn't stop them from falling.

"Right now? No way. Even the doctors get affected by the moon Chase. I'd feel guilty if something happened to you after I dropped you off, so to your house it is. I'll inform the doctors so someone can come visit you tomorrow, when the full moon is over." Jay explained to me as he reached the front door and opened it with his legs.

"But that means I'll be alone until then right?" I choked out as he walked us outside of their shared house.

I didn't want to be left alone this way. I didn't even know who I could ask for help.

Mimi? My mom? I doubt Daniel and Jean knew any more than I did about this stuff.

And even if I did know someone, they couldn't help me tonight. They'd be dealing with the effects of the full moon just like I would be.

"I don't want to be alone Jay, please? Can't I just stay hidden somewhere?" I cried to him.

But all he could do was smile down at me sadly.

"I don't think you understand. The full moon makes us horny naturally but that's totally separate from how a male werewolf gets when he's around one in heat. You don't even have to have the blood of an Alpha to lose control and if we kept you there, you'd be in a house full of males. And Julio has Alpha blood so he has it 100 times worse than we do." Jay tried to explain but I wasn't hearing it.

"I don't wanna be alone though! Please Jay, I don't even care if you lock me into your room please." I begged him as I clutched onto his shirt.

He just shook his head and continued to lead me towards my apartment. He wasn't budging from his mindset so it made me worry even more. Was it seriously that bad and dangerous?

I didn't want to be left alone during my first heat. I was scared. Why couldn't anyone understand how I was feeling?

I stopped clutching onto him and stopped trying to get out of it since he was so headstrong on not letting me stay with them.

I shut my eyes and tried to calm my breathing again as I felt my face start to get hot.

"Hey we're almost there. Stay with me ok?" Jay said as I felt him start to pick up the pace.

He went from walking to a speed walk to a full out run with me in his arms. I guess the more the time passed, the closer I got to my heat. He was probably smelling my scent gradually get stronger which was making him rush.

But I wasn't looking forward to it at all. I didn't get why this was happening to me. Wasn't I already punished enough?

I got a mate that didn't want anything to do with me then when I finally want to get him off my mind, I go into heat on the night anyone could pounce on me.

It had to be some type of divine punishment from the moon goddess herself but I don't know what I did to deserve this.

I blinked and I felt some tears flow away from my eyelids and I sighed.

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