Chapter 51

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Chase's POV

"Fuck I'm going to kill Mimi." I mumbled to myself grumpy about what she did.

Yesterday she needed to use the bathroom after I was finally done painting, so like the good friend I was, I let her use mine.

That was probably the biggest mistake of my entire life.


Because apparently she raided my dresser and took all my boxers and briefs! She must've tossed them out the window in a bag or something then went to go retrieve them after she left out the front door, because I didn't see her with anything stuffed in her shirt AND now they're all gone.

She must've thought leaving me with nothing but sexy undies would help move our relationship forward but that's not the case here!

So now here I was cooking us breakfast in a damn thong. I did usually wear them but not the shiny cute ones unless I was going to a party or a club!

Wearing these with every day shorts and a T-shirt just felt even more sexy because you wouldn't expect me to be wearing that under these plain clothes.

"Murdering pack members are against the rules of the land you know." Juno reminded me as he left his room and walked into the dining room.

We were kind of matching outfits unintentionally and that little thing made me smile.

We both had on black shorts and red shirts, his was a tank instead of a baggy T-shirt like mine but a red shirt was a red shirt.

Plus his shorts were more athletic and mine was more on the tighter and shorter side.

"I wouldn't actually kill her. She's one of a kind! But I will yank her hair next time I see her...or maybe steal her favorite lipstick? Not too sure yet but it'll be something!" I replied irritated causing him to chuckle lowly.

I was expecting him to ask why I wanted to kill my best friend but thank god my food distracted him from asking. Even if he asked how was I supposed to tell him what she did with a straight face?

I could already see him getting mad if he knew I was wearing these out of the house but it was either these or commando. And it was over a hundred degrees outside so that wasn't happening.

Not that wearing a thong was any better but it was something.

"Fuck you're making my stomach grumble." Juno told me and I felt his presence behind me again.

His shadow loomed over my pan as I cooked my chorizo cautiously.

Him being behind me made me grow quiet and I didn't even realize I was holding in my breath.

He took a huge sniff of the air before walking away, and the second he was near the fridge, I inhaled a huge deep breath.

"You really brought home a lot." Juno noted and I laughed just remembering how everyone at the marked shoved so much stuff at me.

"I didn't mean to I swear! But I won't waste any of it. I hate when people waste perfectly good food." I told him seriously causing him go hum.

I wasn't looking at him since I was focusing on cooking up my chorizo but I could hear him rummaging around in the fridge as he searched for something.

"What're you looking for? For the most part I remember where I put everything when I was sorting the groceries." I explained as I used a spatula to move the chorizo around in the pan.

One thing about chorizo was it always smelt so good to me. I had to pay attention though because if I got too caught up in the smell, I'd end up getting popped with some stray grease.

"I see bell peppers and tomatoes but did they happen to give you any Serrano peppers?" Juno asked me curiously and I stared off into the pan.

Serrano pepper's...Serrano peppers...

"I think I kept them dry in a circular container on the right bottom shelf. Don't forget to wash them." I instructed him before lowering the heat on the stove.

I heard him rummaging again and I guess he found it because I heard him close the fridge and start humming a tune I wasn't familiar with.

I then drained the grease my chorizo then scooted past where he was in the kitchen to grab some eggs out of the fridge he was next to.

He was in get tiniest corner he could find by the countertop, probably thinking he'd be in my way if he was somewhere else, getting ready to wash all the veggies he took out of the fridge.

"You're making salsa?" I asked him softly as I grabbed my eggs out of the fridge.

I thought they gave me a lot of eggs at the market but like Julio said, Juno's appetite helps me use all the food up so I'm thankful.

Everything they gave us was so fresh and good too! It was nothing like the food they sold by the campus that was prepackaged and stuff in the city.

"Yeah. I haven't made it in ages so don't clown me if it's not good." He laughed and it almost made me freeze when I closed the fridge.

A genuine laugh from him sounded so heavenly to my ears.

"I-I wouldn't do that." I stuttered, almost biting my tongue in the process as I scooted past him again.

We both then just kinda cooked and focused on our own cooking in silence but it was a nice comfortable silence.

I made chorizo and egg breakfast tacos then some that were chorizo and potatoes tacos, while he made a really nice smelling salsa.

He boiled his bell peppers and Serrano peppers separately then added them back in once he boiled his tomatoes. Then he blended it with a pinch of salt and put it back in the pan with a little bit of oil.

It was literally so good and the fact we got to eat breakfast together made my belly feel all warm and fuzzy after eating.

"Are you ready to go get you your very first phone? Do you have a certain one in mind?" He asked me as we washed our dishes in the sink side by side.

We had a pretty big sized double sink so we didn't get in each others way at all, and being this close to him without us arguing made me happy.

"Mhmm. I haven't really thought about it though. Can you pick for me?" I asked him as I looked away from the pan I was scrubbing and looked up at him.

"Yeah sure. You can just get the same model I have and I'll show you how to use it. Is that ok?" He asked me kindly before placing his cleaned pot onto the drying mat.

I didn't say anything but I nodded my head enthusiastically which made him crack another smile.

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