Chapter 98

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Chase's POV

"I'm glad that everything's settled. If I get to be the next Alpha, I want my mate and my men to get along. They'd be around you every day if that happened, so it's best to get along right?" Juno asked me with a smile on his face so I reached up and pinched his right cheek.

"You're the reason they thought I was a emo twink to begin with." I growled at him and he laughed nervously as I stopped pinching him.

"So, are you going to stay to watch us practice?" Romeo asked me as he approached us.

I looked up at Romeo as he came over happily, and I was right.

He was still smiling like he usually did but it just felt a bit off, unless he was like this because it was me in front of him.

"Yeah...I'll stay." I told him lowly as he looked at me with a sad smile.

"Okay then! Since Chase is going to stay and watch us practice, make sure not to embarrass me so hurry up and pair up like usual!" Juno growled and all his friends, including him, started to undress.

They just randomly tossed their clothes aside and kicked their shoes off before shifting and running out to the middle of the field to start their practice.

I laughed at how sloppy they were and since I didn't have much to do, I thought it was a good idea to pick up after them.

I started folding their clothes up and putting each guy's stuff in separate piles by their shoes, one by one as I heard them practice sparing loudly behind me.

Romeo was teamed up against Diego and Juan was teamed up against Jose. I didn't know if they were always paired like this, but that's just the pairing they had set up in front of me.

When I was done setting up the clothes, I sat down on my butt in the grass as I watched them.

Romeo's movements were swift and smooth. I doubt anyone could be able to tell he even had an injury not that long ago. I felt like even though it's been a minute since I last saw him, his injuries should've taken longer to heal since they were healing super slow; but right now I couldn't spot a single trace of blood on him.

I also wanted to talk to Romeo more about how he was doing mentally, but it was going to have to wait for another time again and I know Juno was going to want to be around for that conversation too.

I wasn't sure if Romeo even talked to him about what happened or if he wanted him to know about it, but Juno's possessiveness increased like crazy after we bonded. He wouldn't let me be alone with anyone, female or male or anyone anymore; not even family!

He knew me and Romeo didn't have feelings for each other but that's just how he was now.

I tried to glance at the spot where Romeo was marked at earlier, but I didn't get the chance to see the area behind his neck when he turned around to shift. At Juno's words, they all shifted super fast then paired up so I couldn't sneak a peek at it.

It was definitely there when I first saw it. I couldn't have dreamt it, but it was like no one was talking about it or acknowledging it.

It was probably what Romeo wished for, but I know the toll it takes on your body to not have your mate at your side immediately after finding them.

Romeo's mate bit him for sure though. It was before I found him but I recall his bite mark being very deep which made it stand out to me because of the bruising around it and color.

And I came to the conclusion that it was his mate and no one else because of how slow his injuries were healing!

So there was no way no one saw it! He shifts frequently too so when he was fully naked, no one's ever noticed the huge fucking bite mark on the back of his neck?!

"Is there a reason you're staring at him so intensely? I'm starting to get envious." Juno privately linked me causing me to look away from Romeo and Diego's spar.

I looked over at my mate's huge wolf as he walked over to me.

He stood right in front of me, blocking the view of his friends practicing with his fur and that caused me to laugh.

"I was just worried about him. Is it really okay for him to be back on the field so quickly?" I asked Juno through our link as I began to pet his wolf's big head gently.

His wolf was just so huge compared to me that I'd probably be able to hide from everyone in this human form as long as I stuck close to him.

He towered above me normally anyways but his wolf was at least two-three times the size of an average males.

He weighed a lot too but it was mainly muscle plus all this fur he has. His fur was long and black, and super soft to touch too.

His ears were huge which allowed him to hear everything clearly when he was hunting, and his huge paws looked so cute to me too.

I stopped petting him to pick up one of his front paws and he gave it to me since he saw me struggling to lift it.

"Agh your paws are so cute." I squealed and I heard the guys stop sparring.

Juno turned his neck around and growled at them in warning, then they quickly started to practice fighting again.

"My bad baby, am I distracting everyone? I can go see the doctor or something real quick then come back if you want." I cooed to him in his wolf form as I made his head face me.

I rubbed his head gently before leaving him a light kiss on his nose and that made him nuzzle into my touch.

"Whenever you see the pack doctor, I want to be there besides you. You're not disturbing our practice at all so there's no need for you to leave." Juno answered me and I smiled.

I stopped petting him and he sat his wolf besides me. I was sitting in my human form and he was sitting in his beast form as we looked out at his friends practicing.

I could tell Juno made them come out here a lot judging by how in sync they were, but it made me feel a bit jealous they got to spend all this time with him.

"Do you want to come out to our practices from now on? I can teach you some self defense moves when you come." Juno asked me but he didn't look at me.

I hugged my knees as I sat in the grass while I thought about it.

It would help me get out of the house more plus I really did need to learn how to defend myself. I can't just go around kicking guys in the nuts every time I needed to get away, and Juno and my friends won't always be there to protect me.

Instead of replying, I started to take my clothes off. I took my shirt off and my sudden movement caused him to turn his head to look at me.

After my shirt was off, I stood up and shimmied out of my pants since I thought it was a good idea to wear jeans today. Once those were off, I swear I saw his neck snap to his friends in the corner of my eyes.

I rolled my eyes at his possessiveness because I doubt his guy friends gave a damn about me wearing lacy underwear. I still never got all my shit back from Mimi so it was either this or commando.

Once I slipped them off, I made a cute little pile of my clothes before I shifted besides him.

He stood up from sitting next to me and nudged me with his nose before he walked out towards the middle of the field.

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