Chapter 92

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Chase's POV

But thinking about all that Alpha stuff made me wonder.

What if Juno didn't get picked to be the next Alpha? What would happen if he did?

If he did, he'd be super busy all the time and he'd rarely have time to spend with me. Like I'm sure the current Alpha, his dad, probably made time for his wife since the Luna always seemed happy when I'd see her around when I was younger.

But how would Juno be?

Would he be a workaholic? He's very clingy and lovey with me now but that's because we just finished bonding and opening our hearts to each other. The honeymoon stage would end eventually and then he'd be able to distance himself from me more to take care of business.

And me? If he got the position, I'd have to go undergo Luna training since I couldn't just sit around and be pretty while he worked. Taking care of a pack this size took shared effort and I'd have responsibilities of my own to do.

Whenever the Alpha goes out on journeys and stuff, the Luna typically stayed behind and kept this place running behind the scenes. It was to give everyone a sense of security so it wasn't an easy job either.

Even if I became the next Luna, there was a certain level I'd have to be at to be accepted. The pack members were still members of this pack so they'd have a lot to say if I didn't do my job properly.

An Alpha and Luna was nothing without their pack and that seemed like a lot of responsibility for me.

I couldn't run a pack. At least not now.

That was too far away for me to be able to do as I was now, while Juno woke up every day to train for it.

That was probably a talk for another day. It would be a really serious conversation and maybe a long talk too.

Being the Alpha and Luna meant all the lives in this pack was on our shoulders. The pups, the elders, everyone.

Then there was the 'what if' thought if he didn't get chosen.

He'd probably feel defeated and be disappointed for a long time and it would be my job to stick by his side and try to cheer him up.

This was something he's been looking forward to since he was younger after all. Even if he was a little brat when he was younger, I still saw his passion and admiration for his dad.

That's why I never really understood why his attitude changed when we were pups. His dad seemed like a really strict dude, but he was never a bully and I've never heard bad things about our Alpha either.

To be fair I didn't get around the pack grounds that much, but my parents never said anything bad about the man either.

Then there were the times Juno acted cold and like a tyrant. I didn't get that part of him either but it all just circled back to him being young.

We were in college and adults now but he was still young in the sense of being a dominant male. He still had a lot to learn and needed a lot of practice when it came to controlling himself.

His eyes glow way more frequently than I've ever seen another wolves in his case do. No matter how upset Julio gets, I've never seen his eyes glow; meaning he already mastered being control of his emotions no matter what the situation was.

That was a really big deal. I honestly think just by being in control like that, he might get the position over all of his siblings. He was the only one out of all of them that had that mastered and he learned how to do it when we were younger.

Juno still had a long way to go when it came to keeping his emotions under wraps. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing but for an Alpha, you needed to be in control of your emotions.

Everyone looked up to you especially the younger pups so you had to keep a strong and heroic image. It was hard to be perfect and even our Alpha now probably makes mistakes, but it needed to be done.

Juno did tell me he was going to work on his temper but that was more so that our relationship as mates can grown deeper.

I didn't like arguing with him like we did in the past and I didn't want us to be the mates that were always either at each others necks or fine. I didn't like flip floppy relationships which is why I ended a lot of my old relationships quickly, and he seemed to notice that.

I think knowing that he had to work on his temper with others was already a big step. I didn't want his temper getting him in trouble in the future.

A bad temper as a werewolf was a given, but when you mix having a really strong Alpha bloodline with just didn't end good.

Humans could end up getting involved and if that happened, it put the pack's safety at risk. As a future Alpha, he knows that doing that would be the worst thing he could ever do.

Just thinking about how Juno and his friends treated Travis back at school made me sad. That situation could've ended way worse than it did, and just thinking about how I couldn't do anything had me worried for the future.

If I did become the Luna, I couldn't freeze or be unable to stop a situation like that from happening again. I needed to be strong enough on my own to handle stuff like that too.

If I was stronger and smarter, the entire Archer situation would've never happened either.

I blamed myself for not being able to escape quicker...for being kidnapped in the first place and for relying on Romeo so much in that situation when he was hurt so badly.

If I could defend us, even a day quicker, Juno wouldn't have ended up with that huge wound on his back. It healed super fast which I was happy for but now a huge scar was across my mates back and it was my fault.

I didn't care about getting bit as much or having a scar of my own anymore, I was just more concerned about Juno's scar.

And this time he seemed to take care of things with Julio over there, but what if something like this happened again and he didn't come back with just a scar?

Thinking about stuff like that made me sadder and I shook my head, hoping it would help me shake those thoughts away too as I rubbed Juno's soft black hair gently as he continued to sleep soundly.

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