Chapter 70

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Chase's POV

I blushed even deeper at the thought of his buddies questioning him about the marks I left on his body everywhere.

I ended up covering my face in embarrassment while he looked over at me confused.

"Hey hey, what's wrong? Is your fever coming back? You're getting red." Juno noticed with worry in his voice causing me to just fall backwards on his bed.

My head hit the soft pillows I was resting on earlier and I kept my hands over my face as I groaned.

"I'm fine but everyone's going to know I scratched the shit out of you if you leave here without a top on." I told him through my hands and he laughed again.

"Good. They'll see my battle scars from my mates heat and all the lovin he gave me." Juno mentioned and now it was my turn to laugh.

I took my hands off my face and when I did, I noticed that he took the opportunity to climb over me quietly when I couldn't see him.

His face being this close to mine made my laughter stop as I stared into his blue caring eyes while he looked down at me lovingly from above.

That stare alone caused those butterflies from before to return to my stomach and I held my breath unintentionally as he leaned in again.

This time the kiss I was expecting happened but unlike when I was in heat, it wasn't rough at all. It was sweet and gentle like our first kiss and I pulled away from it with a glare on my face once I realized I just woke up.

"How are you going to kiss me first thing in the morning before I brush my teeth?! Now you're going to think my breath stinks and all my kisses are gross." I complained and he rolled his eyes playfully at me.

"Chase I literally swallowed your cum yesterday, do you think I care that I kissed you before you brushed your teeth?" He asked me sassily but I moved him out of my way and headed straight for the bathroom attached to his room.

Lucky for me he had a spare toothbrush in here for me to use and I went ahead and borrowed his toothpaste quickly.

I heard him laugh again from the bedroom but glared harder at nothing in particular as I focused my attention on brushing my teeth.

He might not care but I sure did. How was I supposed to allow my mate to kiss me before I do my morning hygiene?

Juno got to do his so of course he didn't feel the insecurity I just felt!

I brushed my teeth even harder and was totally going to redo that morning kiss after I was finished getting ready for the day.

But I guess someone had other plans because while I was still brushing, he came into the bathroom.

He wrapped his arms around me from behind as I continued to brush my teeth.

"Carino..." Juno mumbled as he leaned down and kissed at the back of my neck.

He placed light kisses on my mark causing me to lean back into his body comfortably.

I finished brushing my teeth and rinsed but he was still clinging onto me.

"Carino." Juno said again, calling out to me as he fixated onto my mark.

I moaned lowly and tried to move away from him but he just clung to me harder.

"We're not fucking again." I told him seriously while he nuzzled into the side of my neck from behind.

"I won't say I don't want to fuck you. But I don't think your body could handle me again right now." He laughed against my skin and his laugh this close to my ear made me tremble.

He continued laying light kisses onto my neck and I mewed at the shocks he sent throughout my body.

"Juno." I moaned as he grinded against me.

Feeling his heat on my back was so soothing that I wanted to stay like this forever. His touch was nice and warm.

He started sucking on my mark causing my back to arch and I seriously considered taking my words back about not fucking, but I knew my body couldn't hold up.

I wasn't in heat anymore and taking him inside of me without getting wet or having gallons of lube nearby didn't seem ideal.

I heard the door bell ring and it brought me back to reality with a pout.

"Baby the door." I told him when he made no signs of moving away from me.

"Ignore it." He grumbled annoyed against my skin and I cocked my eyebrow.

"But we don't really get visitors. What if it's the Alpha or Luna?" I asked him seriously as the doorbell ringing turned into flat out door banging.

Yeah I doubted his father or mother would ever make noise like this.

"Ugh it better be fucking important." Juno said angrily as he ripped himself off of me.

I took a deep breath as he exited the bathroom before I dried off my mouth with a towel.

I then decided to finish getting dressed while he tended to whoever was at the door. It was definitely someone who was here for him and not me because I didn't sense any of my friends or my parents.

And I couldn't just waltz out there with his oversized clothes on me in front of strangers or other males.

I was marked now so his possessiveness was only going to increase from here...if that was even possible.

And avoiding conflicts was the first thing I needed to do. I didn't want to upset him unintentionally or do anything to worry him.

But finding something to wear in his room that wouldn't reveal a lot of skin would be troubling. We didn't wear the same size clothes in anything, not even socks.

So I decided to just say fuck it and throw on anything and just wrap a blanket around myself.

It was better to be safe than sorry so I left the bathroom and went through his dresser.

I found the smallest pair of briefs he had and slipped them on before tossing on one of his undershirts.

I laughed at how I looked in his mirror since these were clothes I'd never see myself wearing at all. I wore all kinds of clothes but these weren't my style at all but suited him so good.

My laughter stopped immediately when I heard something break from the living room so I rushed out of his bedroom to what happened after grabbing a blanket from his bed.

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