Chapter 50

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Chase's POV

"So what I'm hearing is, you both aren't really in that lovey dovey stage yet." Mimi said while I painted.

When she got here, I was finishing up mixing my paints and I filled her in on everything while I started painting.

We were going to be here for a little while longer since I was still driven on finishing this painting today, so I thought I might as well multitask.

She's been here for about an hour now and I was half way done already. I finished the sky area of my painting and now I was focusing on the ocean.

I never had a set order of the way I painted but I thought it would be easier for me to knock out the surroundings first before I started on my wolf.

Everything was coming together piece by piece, so I smiled as I painted.

"No we're not. But we'll get there." I replied to her as I dipped my paintbrush in the newly mixed blue paint.

There was also something about the smell of paint that made me happy.

I didn't know if it was weird to think that but it just has its own special smell, like how readers loved the smell of a new book, I loved the smell of paints as a painter.

And different brand paints smelt way different to me. Maybe it was because I was a werewolf with a good nose but I could sniff out the bad quality ones from the good quality ones pretty quickly.

"Even though he pushed you on your ass not that long ago?" She asked and my smile dropped.

"You just had to remind me. Fuck did that piss me off. Like I keep telling myself I'm patient and I don't mind the situation I'm in but maybe I do mind just a little bit." I admitted as I touched up some areas of my ocean.

"There's nothing wrong with being honest. Like yeah you want things to take its time for him, but what about you? You can't put him first all the time or your needs will get over looked too!" Mimi shouted but I didn't even think of that.

Was I putting him first? I just wanted things to progress at the rate he needed it to so he'd be comfortable. I didn't want to rush things if he wasn't ready to make this change yet.

"You're brows are furrowing so I know you're thinking hard right now. I can practically see steam coming from your head." Mimi teased before opening a small bag of chips.

She plopped one in her mouth as I continued to paint in thought.

I didn't like getting in my head like this because I overthought a lot. It was a bad habit I had I got from my dad and I didn't like it.

I was sensitive to an extent and my thoughts always made me feel worse than I should feel. I'd overthink about the littlest of things then beat myself up over it for days.

"When it comes to Juno, I think I overthink a lot because I'm insecure? Like I'm confident in a lot of aspects about myself but I've never been in a relationship where the other party wasn't immediately attracted to me or all over me." I admitted to her before dipping my paintbrush back in some more blue paint.

"Like my last relationship always wanted to go on dates so he planned stuff all the time. Always wanted to be with me so we were just always doing stuff together. Before him, I had that one girlfriend who understood I loved to party so she always took me out dancing." I said as I remembered my last ex's.

I've been single for a while after dating them but I missed the couple lifestyle. I was mated with Juno but we were more like roommates than mates or partners.

"And he hasn't initiated any dates or skin-ship yet?" Mimi asked shocked and I sighed.

"Well no, I wanted to do stuff at his pace. And he's always busy. I don't think we have time for an actual date but he did say he was going to take me to do get a phone tomorrow if that counts." I explained to her and without looking at her, I can tell her face scrunched up.

"A phone? Well I guess it'll be good to get one so we can text you while we're on campus or at our apartments. But...when I think of a date, I don't think of going to a phone shop with someone as a first choice." She teased and I laughed.

"Well Jean always said a date can be anything as long as you're spending time together, so maybe we'll get closer at the phone store." I guessed and she laughed with me.

I finished touching up the ocean by now and finished it off by adding hints of white and black around the shore and waves, and Mimi watched me intensely from her seat on the blanket.

"You know, watching you paint is kinda therapeutic. It's like when I watch Bob Ross videos when I'm trying to clear my mind." Mimi told me as she observed.

"Thanks. That's actually a good compliment coming from you. And don't be too hard on Juno. We're going to go see the Alpha to talk about our relationship soon, and I have faith in us." I said to her confidently while she ate some more chips.

"Oh yeah?" She asked and I looked away from my painting to look down at her.

"Mhmm! Yeah." I told her as we locked eyes.

She had a mischievous look in her eyes and I gulped. She was just like me so seeing that look in her eyes was never a good thing.

"Don't even think about it." I warned her sternly and she raised her hands up defensively after putting the chip bag down.

"I didn't even say anything yet." She whined but I knew her like she knew me.

"Your eyes did for you. And whatever you're plotting, get it out of your mind. It's not happening and I'm going to let us keep going at the rate we're going for right now and that's final." I told her as I looked away from her and went back to my my painting.

She had her mind guard up so I couldn't tell what she was thinking but she pouted with a huff, meaning I was right about her plotting.

Whatever she was thinking was probably going to make things end up badly but I know she was only thinking of me and trying to help.

But Juno and I had enough problems as it is sometimes and we just made back up from our last argument. I didn't want to deal with anything else right now either.

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