Chapter 23

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** A/N: Another chapter that's in Juno's perspective. **

Juno's POV

"Are you trying to buy me a new door or what? What the fuck is up with all the banging?! I have neighbors like everyone else you know!" I heard Chase shout before swinging his door open.

His natural brown curly hair was all over the place and I think today was the first time in a while that I saw him without any make up on. It was just him without any of his fancy clothes on and I still found him cute.

But the only thing he was wearing seemed to be a shirt that was way too big on him that smelt like another man and I couldn't tell if he had on anything underneath it either.

The glare he had on his face went away as soon as he saw that it was me, and was replaced with a confused but scared look.

His pheromone scent wasn't leaking out of his body the way the guys described at all. He just smelled the same way he did when I saw him in class.

His natural scent was sweet but also a little tart at the same time. It was a nice light fruity and floral smell, just like ripe cherries and a hint of musk.

It was a scent that naturally got stronger as we grew up from being pups but I never thought anything of it.

But on his birthday it hit me strongly and that's when I figured out we were mates...but I didn't smell any omega pheromones that day from him at all. Or any days sense then.

But the air that was seaping out of his apartment definitely had that strong omega scent but it was mixed with other ones, making me scrunch up my nose.

"You can't be here. The doctor said I can't sleep with anymore people and I feel like I'm going to tackle you down and fuck you right here in this hallway." Chase said to me with a slight tint of red on his cheeks.

After saying that, he didn't even give me a chance to say anything. He started closing the door on me so I put my foot down to block him.

I haven't determined what's going on with him yet so how could I just leave?

He said the doctor mentioned he can't sleep with anymore people but how many were there before I arrived and when did he get a chance to see a doctor?

"So you did end up seeing a pack doctor about all this huh? My boys told me you became an omega and was making your pheromones spread everywhere...and you just said 'anymore people' so tell me Chase. Who did you sleep with before I came over here?" I asked him and as the words left my mouth harsher than I intended, I saw a new expression land on his face.

I knew my words probably didn't mean much to him. After all I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't answer me at all. He didn't have to. We weren't together so he didn't owe me an explanation to anything.

But I couldn't stop my instincts with mind power alone. My heart actually felt a little sting knowing that he slept with someone else since I wasn't here for him.

I locked the door behind me so no one could barge in on us talking but his body jumped at the lock sound.

After I closed the door, he started backing up from me. That action hurt me too because I wasn't going to put my hands on him or anything like that, but he was so scared of me he actually was starting to retreat.

"I see you're wearing Jay's shirt and this place reeks of that ugly human guy from our art class. So did you fuck them to try to get me out of your mind or did you fuck them because you couldn't have me spreading your legs on your bed?" I asked him slightly angry once I identified the other scents in the room as he slowly kept walking backwards.

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