Chapter 69

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Chase's POV

The second time I opened my eyes, I felt well rested. And usually that meant I was knocked out for hours.

I blinked slowly to allow my eyes to adjust to the sunlight pouring into the room from the curtains and realized I was still in Juno's room instead of the one I used upstairs.

The room smelt strongly of him and I ended up rolling over in his bed to inhale his scent on his pillows before groaning loudly as I stretched.

I felt a slight chill once I did that and noticed I didn't have on any shorts, just a lose pair of his boxers since they were too big on me.

It made me tilt my head in confusion but then I remembered Mimi took all of mine and he doesn't go upstairs, so these were all he could give me to cover up.

Even if he went upstairs into that room, he probably would've been shocked to see that all I had was sexy underwear and thongs up there thanks to Mimi being a boxer and brief thief. And I would've been even more embarrassed to know he went up there and saw those.

So I guess I lucked out and he ended up slipping a pair of his own onto me while I was asleep. I was also in one of his shirts that swallowed my body, so I smiled thinking about how caring he was while I was passed out.

After he marked me, I lost a lot of energy and ended up passing out. So while I was out, he cleaned up everything and washed me up, dressed me, and even slept here with me in his bed.

I could tell he was with me by how warm his side of the mattress was, indicating he just got out of bed not too long ago, and that made he smile even wider.

We slept together! In the romantic cute way and in the sexual way!

Agh I was so happy I ended up squealing into his pillow before I felt that damn mark on the back of my neck throb again.

The pain and pleasure that mark gave me caused me to feel a shiver get sent down my back.

I stopped my little celebration and sat up in his bed to really touch it.

I reached my right hand around my neck and traced over the area that was throbbing with my fingers lightly. Just brushing against it made me shiver again so I stopped touching it and the throbbing feeling went away.

"Don't worry about that. I heard it does that to everyone that has one from time to time. You'll get used to it. My mom says she doesn't even notice hers anymore until it happens." Juno explained to me, causing my eyes to dart in the direction I heard his voice from.

He was standing in his doorway, leaning against it as he watched me touch my mark from him on his bed.

I blushed since I didn't even notice his presence and he caught me doing something weird before he walked into the room.

All he had on were a pair of long black athletic pants that stopped at his ankles, white socks and some white running shoes that looked like he's used them for a long while now.

"G-good morning." I greeted while he walked over to the side of his bed where I was sitting down.

"Good morning Beautiful. How are you feeling?" He responded back to me but his whole tone and demeanor threw me off.

Don't get me wrong I loved how he was being sweet and gentle towards me but I just wasn't used to him acting like this.

It was hard to think about how this was the same guy that rejected me and the same dude that used to tease me as a pup. Now he treated me like some treasure he didn't want anyone else to get their hands on.

But isn't that what I wanted? So I shouldn't really complain right?

But even so it was going to take me time to just get used to it like how he needed time to get used to us being mates I guess.

"It still feels like your dicks inside me." I told him bluntly without thinking.

As soon as he processed the words that left my mouth, he bursted out in a hearty laugh I've never heard him do before.

I widened my eyes at the sight of him laughing this way and he even ended up holding his exposed stomach from laughing so hard.

"I'm glad to see you're back to normal." He replied before sitting down on the bed besides me.

He looked over at my face once he finished laughing and calming himself down before he leaned in.

I closed my eyes tightly and tenses up a bit, not really knowing what to expect other than a kiss, but I felt him press his forehead against mine gently.

I reopened my eyes slowly and saw that his eyes were now closed as we were forehead to forehead.

"Hmmm. It seems like your fever symptoms are gone now too. I guess they left when your heat left your body." He announced while leaning away from me and reopening his eyes.

"Y-yeah I guess so." I stammered and almost bit my tongue in the process.

I wasn't in heat anymore but being this close to his exposed torso made me recall everything we did when I was in heat.

I was like glued to him and clingy during the whole time we were having sex! And speaking of the sex, I saw that I even left some marks on the sides of his hips!

If he was going out shirtless dressed like this, it was like announcing to the whole pack and entire world that we just fucked. And not only was it like telling everyone we had sex, it was like telling everyone we had the best, sloppiest, dirtiest sex ever.

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