Chapter 8

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Chase's POV

"You're not stupid...I'm sorry again for bringing it up." Travis said lowly to me as he sat me up on the counter in the nearest male bathroom he could find.

We were still in the same building, which I hated since I wanted to be as far away from Juno as possible right now; but I was just glad I wasn't in front of him anymore.

I didn't say anything in response, just sat there on the cold counter top, letting my feet dangle as he looked around the bathroom.

He finally spotted a tissue box by this little table near a high window and I raised my eyebrow.

That was oddly placed here in the men's bathroom but whatever.

"I don't know if these are great quality tissues but it beats using your hands." He encouraged me as he handed me the tissue box.

I took it with a sad smile on my face and mouthed a 'thank you' to him before I started wiping my eyes and face with a tissue.

He stood by me with such a pained look on his face that I almost started crying again. I didn't like feeling petty from others, especially humans, but I did this to myself.

I was delusional and now it made since why my friends were so worried. Mimi was my ride or die so she went along with whatever I wanted but I really should've listened to Jean and Daniel.

"Is it wrong to want someone to accept you the way you are and to be absolutely obsessed with you?" I asked Travis lowly before blowing my nose.

I don't know why but every time I cried my nose always ended up getting wet with my tears and would start running.

"The acceptance part no but the obsession part yeah. Obsessive love isn't healthy mentally and can get unhealthy physically in a relationship sometimes. You remember my Situation-ship? She was obsessive AND possessive. I had to cut that chick off quickly but it ended up taking months. It's not cute and it's just not worth the stress...Why would you want someone to obsess over you?" Travis genuinely questioned me and I held onto the tissue box tightly in my hands.

I wanted someone to be infatuated with me just as much as I would be with them. But maybe my toxic way of thinking is what made me delusional in the first place.

I wanted something similar to what my parents had and even something close to what Jean had with Daniel, but I just wasn't lucky enough to get that.

But why not?

What did I do to make this happen?

"I wanted someone that would think about me all the time but instead I fell for someone that can't even spare to look at me. I mean look at how much effort I did just to get a single second of his attention. I wanted him to feel bad about turning me down too. He must think I'm a fucking clown right now." I uttered before sighing heavily.

"Hey don't think like that. That' just means he's missing out. You sound like the type that puts a lot of emotions into your relationships early on and hella strongly...not that I'm saying that's a bad thing! But you can't like...oh fuck how do I say this? Like you can't make someone fall for you? They kind of just do." He told me before he grabbed the tissue box out of my hands.

"Like I said, you're really cute so seeing you cry kind of made my heart hurt. I'm sorry again for bringing it up but maybe this turned out to be a good thing? Now we can just focus on getting you over this jerk." Travis spouted causing me to laugh.

"Ah! See! You're laughing again! Good good. That means we're on the right track." He said happily while helping me hop off the counter.

He handed me my backpack and I put it around my right shoulder quickly.

"You're not just trying to help me get over him so you can try to date me are you?" I asked Travis while cocking my left eyebrow and he gasped.

"What kind of man do you think I- okay maybe just a bit. But helping you helps show you that I'm a good guy." He admitted and I laughed again.

He was helping distract me from my heart aching so for that I was thankful for. But I needed to leave this building soon.

Just as I was about to ask him if he wanted to go look in the library for more books for our project, the bathroom door opened up and a familiar scent instantly hit my nose.

I almost stiffened with how similar they smelled but I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding when I saw it was just Julio.

He was in his senior year with Daniel and Jean, while Juno was a junior, and Mimi and I were sophomores.

I didn't know he had classes in this building but knowing him, he was probably helping someone out in the building or just passing by.

"Hey Chase what's up!" Julio shouted with a huge smile on his face.

"H-hey Julio..." I greeted him before looking away from him and back towards Travis.

"I really appreciate you helping me dry my tears...I'll see you in class tomorrow?" I asked and he nodded in understanding.

"Yeah I'll see you tomorrow. With no tears right?" He added and I nodded my head confidently.

Travis put the tissues back in the spot that he found them and gave Julio a little head nod as he passed him exiting the bathroom.

Crying in the classroom was a one and done thing. I just hoped no one else in that class really noticed.

After Travis left, Julio walked up to me with a frown on his face.

"You were crying? Why? Oh, only if you don't mind me asking. You know I don't mean to be nosy like this but I don't know what else to say in this kind of situation." Julio commented and I sighed again.

How was I supposed to tell him that I was crying in here because his younger brother rejected me? While yeah it was both of our businesses, I just didn't know if I should tell his brother.

My friends knew obviously but I didn't even have time to tell my own parents what happened!

"My uh mate rejected me is all. I was desperately hoping he would take me back if I stopped dressing in my other clothes and if I could show him I'm versatile when it came to clothing...but I was just delusional so it finally hit me. I wanted to make him regret rejecting me but it kind of back fired and he doesn't care about what I wear because I'm still me and he doesn't want me." I admitted as I rambled to him and the frown on his face deepened.

"Are you free right now?" Was all he responded and I nodded my head without even thinking.

And before I knew it, I was getting dragged along by yet another guy today.

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