Chapter 24

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Chase's POV

"So you're telling us you've turned into an omega due to you being mates with one of the Alpha's children, but since you got rejected, your body changed anyways in an attempt to instinctively lure your mate back?" My Dad said as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

The second my heat was over I headed straight to my parents house and mind-linked all my friends to meet me there. I felt like explaining to my parents and my friends at the same time would be easier so I didn't have to explain everything over and over again.

So right now everyone was in my parent's living room back at home at the main pack house.

I was still sleepy, because my body was exhausted.

After experiencing my first heat alone without a mate, I never wanted to do that again. I still felt bad for having Jay and Travis worry about me, but I felt sad about leaving Julio out of the loop too.

"And your heat is irregular too to top it all off?" Jean asked stunned as my mother rubbed my father's shoulders worried.

My mother was standing behind the couch where my father sat, across from me, with a worried expression on her face. Oddly enough, I've only ever seen her make that expression twice in my entire life.

And it usually meant she was drastically over thinking. But my dad was even worse when it came to that.

"Yes and yes. I already saw a pack doctor about this since my heat came during the full moon." I explained but my dad's face changed from worried to a scowl.

"So what if this mate that rejected you, attempts to forcefully mark you?! They can force the bond on you and still be neglectful!" My dad shouted as Mimi nodded her head in agreement.

"I agree with your papa Chase. If Juno marks you forcefully and still neglects you, your heats will be even worse. This time you somewhat took care of it by sleeping with someone else, but once you're marked by your mate, you can only stay with them during your heat." Mimi chummed in and I groaned.

I still didn't understand this omega shit.

I never had to worry about it before so I thought the information growing up was useless. I never paid attention when adults would talk about them growing up and now I regretted that.

"After he marks you, he'd be the only one able to smell your pheromones. And even worse, if you tried to sleep with someone else, your body would reject that person. So there's no way around it, it makes you solely dependent on him." Daniel added and I rolled my eyes at that.

"So he can mark me by force, literally forcing himself to be the only relief I'll ever get; but during his ruts, he's free to go sleep with whoever he wants?" I asked but everyone got quiet.

I knew about the ruts of an Alpha blooded male somewhat. I've heard stories about how they're able to claim their mates as their own but they're not tied down to them.

If I cheated as an omega, it would physically hurt me. If he cheated as an Alpha, he'd feel nothing.

The only thing that affected us right now physically was this rejection. When he saw me in my apartment, he didn't look too happy to see me at all either.

Hell, he didn't even offer to help me.

He just left after he confirmed that my secondary gender changed. He looked sane to me so I couldn't even tell if me turning into an omega changed how he viewed me.

All I knew was he was serious about that rejection judging by how in control he was. He could've marked me right then and there but he didn't.

Even if he rejected me as my true mate, he should've been affected by my pheromones worse than Jay was. Sure they were irregular so he might not have smelled them actually coming from me at the time, but my scent definitely filled up my apartment.

And I didn't even see a bulge in his pants even once! I don't want to toot my own horn or anything but I've never had someone not aroused with me like that!

I remember I was so pissed off I ended up screaming in my living room after he left.

"I think you should really sit down and talk to him about this. If you don't want to do it alone, one of us can go with you." Jean suggested and I scrunched up my eyebrows.

Julio suggested the same thing a while back. I didn't see what talking would do in all honesty. It might result in me getting hurt even more than I already have.

The guy has fucking class with me for crying out loud, if he wanted to talk to me, he had tons of chances to do so by now. He even saw me at my apartment and didn't mention anything about talking about it later.

"I think so too Chase. A wolf without their other half just isn't complete. And now that you've run into each other, if he has Alpha blood, it's only a matter of time before that boy ends up hurting someone." My mom finally chipped in and I relaxed my face.

Everyone here was worried about me. But the vibes were off. I don't want to get treated differently now that I was an omega but I can already see it starting to happen.

We only had a few omegas in this pack, less than a handful or so if I remembered correctly. But unlike me, who changed due to who my mate was, they were naturally born omegas.

They were raised sheltered and cared for like jewels. The Alpha didn't even allow them to leave the pack grounds, meaning they didn't have to go to college classes.

But just thinking about them was going to make me insecure so I shook my head to clear my thoughts. They were a different level of beauty in their wolf forms and even when they weren't shifted.

"Your Ma has a point too Chasey. You still reek of that human guy you've been hanging around. If he keeps smelling him on you, even if he doesn't want to, his instincts will take over and he'll attack him or forcefully mark you." Jean explained and I gulped.

"Ok ok everyone! I'll try talking to him tomorrow when I go back to class." I announced and everyone's face looked relieved.

I'll try even though I know it's pointless.

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