Chapter 72

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Chase's POV

"Don't apologize. You sacrificed yourself for the pack right? That took a lot of courage." I told Romeo but he threw his head back in pain with a low whimper.

"Chase, do me a favor and go get Romeo some ice from the kitchen. Try to help him treat his wounds...I'm going to step out for a bit." Juno announced causing me to look at him like he was crazy.

There was no way in hell I was going to let him go anywhere with that psycho. He literally just beat up one of our own inside of OUR territory. Dick or not, Romeo wasn't always a complete times...and this guy has no business messing him up this badly.

"No way! Why do you have to go anywhere with him? That's too dangerous and stupid. Just tell him to leave." I told Juno confused and he just looked over at me in response.

He didn't say anything but gave me a very stern and serious look, which made me frown.

He wasn't asking me for permission, he was just telling me what he was doing and I couldn't change his mind no matter how badly I protested against the idea.

"Yes sir." I said annoyed and his gaze lightened up on me before he started walking towards the door.

I was irritated at this whole situation but whatever. He knew the blonde asshole and I didn't; so it had nothing to do with me.

"Aw but I wanted to get to know your mate more. Isn't he an interesting guy? I wonder...does that mean you and Emery aren't an item anymore?" The blonde asked loudly with fake concern in his voice.

I could tell he mentioned Emery on purpose to piss me off so I clicked my tongue loudly.

He was definitely the type that found pleasure getting under peoples skin and I wanted nothing to do with a guy self centered like that anyways.

I got off of the couch to go get some ice while Juno escorted the blonde male out of our house quickly.

While getting up and fixing the blanket I wrapped around my body, the blonde guy glanced over at me and smiled widely.

That stupid smile on his face made me even more angry so I looked away from him and kept heading to the kitchen without acknowledging him.

I didn't know who he was and I didn't care about who he was. I didn't like him. I didn't like that he took away the lovey dovey time me and Juno were finally having and to top it all off, I didn't like that he hurt someone in our pack.

I could tell Juno was livid but for some reason, he wasn't attacking the obnoxious blonde.

I grabbed a good medium-sized zip lock baggy from one of our kitchen cabinets then plopped some ice from our freezer inside of it. I wasn't the best at trying to fix up injured wolves so Romeo was just going to have to deal with what I could do for now.

I'd rather him go see a pack doctor but I think Juno wanted me to avoid going in that direction. I believe that's where the blonde guy came from anyways before forcing Romeo to lead him over here.

What if there was more wolves like him visiting our pack? Was the whole pack all like him?

Just the thought of multiple wolves with similar personalities of that asshole being near my mate made me worry and anxious.

I didn't want him to go...I really didn't but I knew protesting wasn't going to change his mind.

Is this how our Luna felt whenever our Alpha had to leave on expeditions?

Wait if Juno becomes our next Alpha instead of Julio or one of his other siblings...does that mean I'd be the next Luna?

Then I'd just have to worry about even more dangerous things he might be getting himself into!

There's rogues out there in the wild, humans that hunt not just regular wolves but specifically try to catch us werewolves and other shifters like the werecats. For all I know he could even get attacked by the vampire clan!

There's so much more stuff out there than I could even think about that could fuck him up if he became the next Alpha!

Oh my goddess is that how his father got all those injuries?! And if that's not how, is there some other kinda scary ass Alpha training they have to do that might hurt Juno even more?!

The more I thought about stuff the more I began to panic about him leaving with that guy.

But then I realized that I was just making myself more worried than I needed to be.

Juno was strong so I'm sure if it came down to it, he could handle himself. I had to have faith in him and believe in him or I'll just live a life full of excessive worrying.

I took in a deep breath before exhaling slowly and carrying the cold ziplock bag into the living room.

I noticed Romeo was still groaning in pain but now he was moved. I left him injured on the couch but now he was crawling on the floor half way to the front door.

"And where do you think you're going in that condition sir? Didn't you hear what Juno said?" I rolled my eyes at the scene in front of me as Romeo grunted.

"If I can shift I'll heal quicker but I need to get to where Juno is. I can't just sit around here." Romeo told me in between low pants and I sighed out heavily.

I set the ice bag down on the living room table before walking over to where he was crawling. I grabbed him by what was left of his shirt collar and it took me a lot of effort to drag him back to the couch and put him back in an upright position.

He wailed loudly at how rough I was being but he wasn't allowed to leave. He'd make shit worse being in this condition and if Juno needed him to be by his side, he would've taken Romeo with him. Injured or not.

Since he wailed loudly, I eased up a bit and forced him to lay down on our couch on his back instead of his stomach so I could get a better look at his wounds again.

I used my bare hands and just decided to rip his shirt off since it was all scratched up now anyways and Romeo threw his head back against the pillows I had on the couch.

The bruising formed already but I couldn't tell if the bruising made his ribs just look really bad or if he had some broken ones.

I'd leave that to the pack doctors to figure out once I was allowed to call one over or let him go to one.

They'd probably need to use an x-ray to really see all of them but regardless they didn't look good.

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