Chapter 75

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Chase's POV

When I woke up, the side of my head was aching and I groaned.

I've been having headaches so bad lately I was going to have to bring this up to the doctor next time I get a chance to go see him.

I raised my hand to my head and my eyes widened when I felt the weight of something on my wrist and heard jingling.

"Oh you have to be fucking kidding me." I growled as I glared at the chains on both my wrists.

I blinked a few times to try to calm myself down and see if this was a dream or reality, but after looking around the room I was in, this was definitely my reality.

It was like I was living in a nightmare right now and I was super ticked off as I recalled the last thing I saw before I ended up here.

I was inside a bedroom that I didn't recognize and I didn't know any of the scents that were in the room at all. They made my nose scrunch up and a low growl escape my lips as I looked around it.

I wasn't home, as in back in my own pack territory and I could tell that much. There was too many foreign scents lingering around but I couldn't tell if it was lucky for me that they were all werewolf scents or not.

Being kidnapped by other wolves meant a lot of different things could happen, but at the same time, I think getting kidnapped by humans would've been better. I could've found a chance to escape and overpower them but here?

I couldn't really do much. I wasn't the fastest wolf in my pack and if I was here, who knows how many wolves they'd send to chase and hunt me down if I tried to flee.

I tugged on my chains a bit and was annoyed that they were the pricy kind. I couldn't shift with these on and I sighed upset at my situation as I analyzed the room I was in again.

It was a bedroom that was kinda bare? Like a guest room no one finished decorating fully or something.

It didn't scream "home" vibes either so I had no clue where this was.

I was laying down on a bed that was a twin size so I sat up, causing my chains to jingle as I got off the bed.

I walked around the room, seeing how far my restraints would let me go, and to my surprise, there was no bathroom in here.

Where did they expect me to pee? Just here on the floor?

"What an inconsiderate kidnapper." I mumbled to myself as I tried to walk towards the only door in the room, and my chains stopped me about five feet away from it.

"You'd have to be a kid for me to be kidnapped right? I think this is more like just your average abduction." The blonde man's voice said through some speaker in the room, causing me to snap my head around in search of a camera.

And I was right, there was one staring right at me in the corner of the room causing me to laugh.

"Are you serious? Is this some kind of fucked up prank or something?" I asked him before walking back over to the bed and sitting down.

He hummed as I crossed my legs and glared up at the lense looking at me.

"I don't really consider this a prank. It's more of a test. I needed to test out something and the easiest way to get my results fast was to bring you here." The guy continued and it dawned on me that I didn't even know his name even after all of this.

"Yeah whatever, test aside who even are you? What connection do you have with my pack that you think you will get away with doing this?" I asked him seriously and this time I didn't hear a response.

It was like he purposely didn't want to answer me or use the speakers anymore.

I groaned in frustration at the silence I received but then a minute later, the doorknob to this room jiggled.

It made my instincts go on high alert and I got up from sitting down on the bed and stood on my own two feet cautiously.

"Some nerve." I spat as the blonde entered the room confidently with that damn grin on his face.

"I just thought you'd find it more convenient, you know? You and I talking face to face." He said while pointing his finger back and forth between us.

I cocked my eyebrow at him and stood my ground as he inched closer to me after closing the door behind him.

"Hurting you isn't part of my test so I suggest you watch yourself. I won't initiate it but if you strike me first, I have a right to self defense right?" He asked me as he walked over to where I was standing, closing the distance between us as he took a seat on the bed in this room.

I stayed standing though, not wanting to be that close to him but the chains didn't let me get anywhere far anyways.

"My wanted to know it right? It's Archer." Archer finally told me and I huffed.

His name didn't ring a bell at all. I don't remember Juno or any of his goons talking about an Archer in the past or even recently.

Romeo did mention this dude had some kinda fixation on Juno so maybe that's what his test was about somehow. Why he tied me in it, I had no clue but I didn't want any involvement with his sick tricks.

"Archer huh? I heard you mess with Juno every time you visit our pack. You just target him out of all his siblings? What's got you so obsessed with my mate anyways?" I asked him as the curiously started to eat at my brain again.

Juno growing up changed but he didn't change into someone I would've intentionally went out of my way to mess with. He was a little ass back then so this dude must have some kind of death wish purposely picking on him.

He even mentioned Emery before on purpose to try to get under my skin for sure, so maybe he just liked to mess with others because he didn't have a life or something.

"He's the only one to ever put his hands on me. But when he did it once, he never did it again. So I'm trying to see what makes him cross that line again." Archer admitted and I shook my head in defeat.

Yup he definitely had issues.

"I wondered what made him stop hitting me though. Maybe his older brother or father got in the way once they found out but since then, no matter what I do, he won't put his hands on me. I've flirted with his boyfriends and girlfriends in front of him and nothing. But then suddenly I go to your house and see you, and I saw that look in his eyes again." He explained and the more he ranted the happier his twisted face looked.

"You're insane. If you think bringing me here against my will, will let you just leave with a few punches and scratched from Juno you're wrong. He'll probably end up killing you." I told him honestly and he just laughed in response.

"Do you really think so?" He asked me happily as I looked at him in disgust.

I really got myself involved with a psycho this time.

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