Chapter 99

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Chase's POV

After shifting, I looked down at my paws and was just so taken back by how much lighter my fur was compared to Juno's. We were like sun and moon even though I didn't have white fur, but mine seemed to capture the light from the sun beautifully.

I practically glowed in direct sun light, causing his buddies to stop practicing yet again; much to Juno's annoyance.

He gave them one more menacing growl as a final warning to get back to training, as I walked behind him.

Once he finally came to a stop, his wolf stood a good distance away from where each team of his buddies sparred.

I tried my best not to disturb them but me walking over to where Juno was in my wolf form was enough to get their attention.

Unlike last time I distracted them, they multitasked and kept fighting while sneaking curious glances over to us as I stood in front of Juno.

Standing in front of him made me feel even tinier than when I was in my human form somehow. I wasn't a small wolf, pretty average I thought but compared to him I was like a pebble.

I started thinking I was just tiny because even compared to Romeo's wolf I was smaller, but Juan's looked to be a similar size to mine so that gave me some reassurance.

"I'm not going to go easy on your training because I love you. I need to make sure you master self defense because if I become the Alpha, there's going to be times where I have to leave you to go on missions and take care of business. You understand that don't you?" Juno said though the packs link, letting his buddies hear our conversation so they weren't confused at what we were doing.

"I don't expect anything you do to ever be easy." I joked referring to how hard he went at it whenever we had sex.

He shook his head at my response and changed his stance swiftly, catching my eye.

I mimicked his stance and he gave me a little head nod, signaling we were about to start our training.

Moments like this made me feel really glad I had a mate that could teach me stuff like this. Knowing how to defend yourself as a werewolf was a huge thing but all I really knew how to do was flee.

Which isn't bad, but I needed to have more options in case running away wasn't one.

We started practicing with each other and I tried my best to keep up with everything he was teaching and showing me for the rest of practice. He was thorough and a little strict but he was a good teacher so I couldn't complain.

After we were all done practicing, they all shifted tiredly and began putting their clothes back on.

I walked over to where my clothes were and shifted just as tired too. I was unconditioned and unfit for sure, so doing all that running around and training had me super tired and sore already.

I was exhausted and didn't even stretch first! I just dove into it head first without thinking so I was going to have to remember to stretch next time.

I started putting my clothes back on slowly but I noticed Juno's huge body was basically acting like a wall. He stood in front of me, blocking the guys view of my body as I got dressed which made me chuckle to myself.

Once I was finished, I wrapped my arms around him even though we were both hot and sweaty.

He looked down at me, probably happy I finally had clothes on in front of others, before petting onto my head gently.

"You guys did great today like always. But you need to work on not letting shit distract you. Chase will be out here with us and I get you're curious since the dynamic switched up, but in a real fight, you know you're never supposed to have your guards down! Now, we'll be out here again the same time tomorrow but for even longer. I'll ask the kitchen staff to make us some lunch and bring us out some waters but come prepared to be training seriously and focused!" Juno shouted at them loudly.

They all replied with a hefty 'yes sir' with some sadden looks on their faces before he dismissed them.

I thought they did fine but I guess Juno had a point since they were more focused on me than their training at times.

Once the guys left, I interlocked my fingers with Juno and he started leading us home.

I was in dire need of a shower and with my body aching like this, I probably needed a hot bath too.

I looked up at Juno's face as we walked and I wondered if he thought the same thing as me.

"Oh I definitely am thinking the same thing as you. But if we shower together, your body is going to be way more sore than you are right now." Juno said through a teethy smile.

I sighed out before groaning dramatically since I really wanted to be lazy and have him wash my body like he did after we had sex.

I stopped walking for the spoiled affect and pouted as I pulled my hand away from his.

He looked at me puzzled at my certain action and I cocked my eyebrow at him.

"My bad my bad. We'll take a shower together." Juno told me as he walked over to where I stopped at.

"And?" I asked him in a high tone causing him to tilt his head.

"We'll eat pizza afterwards?" He asked me confused and my face lit up.

"I was going to say you'd also fuck me in that shower but pizza sounds way better! So let's go so we can wash up quickly." I told him, grabbing his arm and leading us back home.

Juno groaned at himself now, mad he got the answer wrong but now I was super happy. There was nothing like working out then eating pizza as a reward after!

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