Chapter 62

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Chase's POV

"Who would've thought you'd turn into an omega...just look at how wet you are and I haven't even done much yet." Juno commented as he spread my legs open again.

I covered my face with my hands to hide my embarrassment as he looked down on my body.

Now that he took off my underwear, he could see my hole clearly and I didn't even like looking at it myself but now here it was, just soaking wet and on full display for him.

I was no stranger to sex and this wasn't my first time having sex during my heat; but I still wasn't used to this new body of mine. It made me shy about everything and I hated that everyone could see such a gross side of me.

"Don't...look at's gross and embarrassing." I whispered but I knew he heard me clearly.

   He knew exactly which body part I was talking about but I knew he was still going to keep looking at it despite my orders.

"There's nothing gross about any part of your body. Don't say're beautiful you know?" Juno reassured me but I refused to look at my own ass since I've changed.

I didn't believe him no matter what and I still didn't like the fact that I could even get wet on my own now. Like yes it saved the time it took me to use lube and stuff but it was just strange to me.

   I kept my hands covering my face so I gasped when I realized he was lowering his head between my legs. I felt the soft black hair on his head brush against my inner thighs and I instantly closed my legs, strangling him in the process.

   "I wouldn't mind dying that way but I need my oxygen." He joked as I slowly opened my legs again, unlocking his head and I reached my hands down.

   I finally let my hands leave my face but it was only to cover another area which made him look up at me with pleading eyes.

   "No way in hell." I told him and he started trailing kisses along my inner thighs.

   I shuttered at the pleasure his kisses gave me and he took that as an okay to keep doing what he was doing.

   He nipped and sucked at the skin between my thighs slowly, starting to leave a trail of hickey's literally everywhere between my legs causing me to moan.

   I tried to hold them back but it was no use. We were the only ones here and we didn't have any neighbors I had to worry about; so I was free to be as loud as I wanted.

   But since my body's been changing, I now realized just how different my moan's were in heat. I was normally sensitive but it took a lot to get a moan to leave my lips but with Juno with me and my heat at the same time...

   He could probably just blow air into my ear and I'd be moaning so loud it would probably echo throughout the house with ease.

   "Juno...wait." I moaned his name as I felt him bring his kisses dangerously close to my dick.

He just kept kissing closer and closer until he finally pulled his head away.

I let out a breathless sigh and took in a deep breath but it was short lived since I found his lips on mine.

My eyes widened at the sudden contact and he deepened the kiss hungrily.

We've only kissed less than a handful of times as of today but never like this.

His lips practically smashed into mine roughly and when my mouth was slightly open, he pushed his tongue in past my teeth.

I stopped covering up my lower half and gripped the back of his head as I melted in pleasure.

I worked my mouth against his as best as I could to keep up with his restless pace, but it was no use. His skills made me weak and feel slightly jealous at how much more experience he had against mine.

But fuck was he such a good kisser.
When he kissed me softly before it made me feel butterflies in my stomach but when he kissed me so hungrily and rough like this I felt a different kind of feeling in the pit of my stomach entirely.

And his tongue was quenching my thirst this heat caused and I loved it.

The electricity that sparked between us sent pleasurable shocks throughout my body and those shocks went directly towards my ass the deeper he kissed me.

"Mngh..." I moaned into the kiss and tugged on the hair on the back of his head for the second time the instant I felt his hand sneakily go down between my legs again.

"W-Wait!" I shouted as I pulled away from our steamy kiss.

Usually I wouldn't have EVER pulled away from a kiss like that but he snuck his hand down and started tracing my ass hole teasingly with his thick fingers.

He didn't wait though, just kept his teasing as he got dangerously close to actually fingering my hole as he focused his lips back onto the side of my neck.

I growled lowly when he inhaled my scent and kissed me behind my right ear.

"'re so wet...are you ready?" He asked with shaky breaths in between his words.

I looked down and saw how painfully hard he was through his briefs, and I frowned.

"Why am I the only one completely nude?" I asked him, my eyes never leaving his dick.

He was literally soaking the front of his light blue briefs with precum with how turned on he was. And his dick was anything but average to boot.

The tightness of his briefs and the sight of it just left no imagination needed. I saw his dick's outline front and center and just needed to see him take it out, and I needed to see it now.

It wasn't fair that I was the only one exposed and embarrassed, he needed to feel how I was feeling and since he made no movement to pull them down; I sat up from being on my back and took it upon myself to release the monster he was hiding in his briefs.

"Chase." He warned as I got closer to the bottom half of his body but I didn't care.

He was going to be sticking this thing in me for years to come anyways so I might as well get myself acquainted if he wasn't going to hurry up.

I was starting to get more impatient and needy since my mate was the one in front of me instead of anyone else.

My eyes were locked on his briefs and my hands shakily reached over and pulled them down.

To my surprise I was so close, it ended up smacking me in my face the second I pulled them down.

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