Chapter 17

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Chase's POV

"Did you prep yourself before going to the party? You're literally soaking." Travis commented as he looked at the lower part of my body.

I wasn't used to my body being like this.

It was changing too quickly for my mind to keep up with it. The realization that I've started to become an omega was starting to hit me again and again.

And every single new thing that happened just reminded me about how my life was about to be from now on.

"It's so slippery...I don't even think I need to stretch you out but let's do it just in case." Travis said as I felt his hands slowly massage my ass.

He had one hand on each cheek as he massaged my ass cheeks and pulled them apart slowly. I was still on top of him, straddling him cowgirl style while he toyed with me.

My body was still burning up and even though I felt weaker, I still had enough strength to over power him so I was trying my best to be very careful and try to stay in control.

The second I felt one of his fingers slip inside me, I think I moaned the loudest I ever have.

His face was so serious and focused as I looked down at him with my eyes watching his every breath. He was just as red in the face as me and I could tell he couldn't wait to fuck me.

Just thinking about all his flirting in class made me think he would be the type to just jump right into it. But instead he was actually taking his time to help me prepare myself.

Not that I really needed it the state I was in now. Being in heat apparently made me wet so he could've just stuck it in me from the get go but he was a human and some humans tended to do this kind of care beforehand it seems.

I moaned again and rocked my hips against his fingers the second he slipped in another one.

He was still stretching me out despite me being ready for him so I just let him do it. He looked really focused on doing whatever he was doing and my body was just glad it was finally starting to get some form of relief.

The slick I was producing from my ass was starting to make me feel self conscious as I heard the sticky noises my ass made as he fingered me.

The noise was so loud it was practically the only thing I heard echoing throughout my house other than my needy whimpers and loud moaning.

After he slipped in his third finger, I placed my hand on his chest and he looked up at me.

"Are you sure? You're pretty loose now but I don't want to hurt you." He said with a stern look on his face and I nodded my head silently.

He removed his fingers at my signal and I let out a little groan. He just took them out for a second but my body was already dissatisfied that I was empty again.

I felt my ass twitch as he lifted me up by my hips a little bit to get his dick out of his pants. He was still fully clothed since I pounced on him naked the second I could, so it took him a while to unzip his pants and move his briefs to the side, giving me a good look at his dick.

I guess just helping me prepare and my moaning got him hard because he was fully erect and ready to go.

I haven't had sex in a while so if he would've fucked me without me being in heat, I would've definitely needed that preparation. He was a good size, probably about 6 inches in length and he had a bit of girth to his dick.

I felt drool escape the corner of my mouth as he held it in his right hand and held my hips up with his left hand.

He started looking around at my bed stand and I frowned.

I wanted him to hurry up and fuck me but he was teasing me and making me impatient.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked him quickly as his eyes still began to look around the room.

"I don't think I have any condoms on me. Do you have any?" He asked me and I raised my eyebrows.

A condom? I don't think I've ever had any of my exes use one of those. I never needed them to. Back then, I couldn't get pregnant and it wasn't like it did much for us anyways.

Wolves didn't just stop having sex after one round so we'd probably go through tons of condoms, especially on nights like tonight when the full moon brought out our sexual desires.

"I've never had anyone use them before...And it's been a while so I don't think I have any just lying around here." I told him truthfully and he almost shot up.

"What?! You have to take good care of your body Chase. Using protection helps with the clean up too, I can't just leave my jizz inside of you. You'll get a stomach ache you know." He sighed out and I pouted.

"So what are you going to do? Leave me here all blue balled while you go get some condoms?" I asked him jokingly but he actually got quiet as if he was thinking it over.

Oh no way. He was not going to get me this riled up and just take off to get a box of condoms. Not after we've come this far.

"Please Travis? Just this once why don't you just let me feel all of you? You can just cum on my stomach after pulling out." I asked him as I leaned back and grinded against him gently.

I saw his face twitch from the pleasure of me rocking against him and he bit down on his bottom lip.

"Oh yeah? Do you think you can handle feeling all of me though? Every inch inside of you? If I fuck you without a condom I don't think my fingers will reach deep enough to help you clean everything out." He said teasingly as he looked over my body seductively.

He still had his left hand on my right hip as he raised me higher, so that I couldn't grind against him anymore, and he slowly began to stroke his dick with his right hand as he looked over my body in anticipation.

"Oh fuck please Travis. I can handle it! I can take it I swear! Just give it to me already please!" I begged needy and pleaded desperately causing him to smirk.

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