Chapter 77

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Chase's POV

I ran as far as I could with Juno's oversize clothes practically falling off my body. I already heard howling in the distance, signaling everyone here has been alerted that I bolted.

I was still in the same building I was brought to but I took so many turns and stairs I had no clue where I was now.

I think I was in the basement? It was more like a weird jail like cellar down here and it was dark.

The only light in here came from one that was flickering in the corner and I heard the chaotic footsteps from upstairs stomp along the ceiling.

Everyone was searching for me but so far I was still safe. They'd sniff me out eventually but my scent was practically everywhere since I ran all over the place.

It would buy me a bit of time so hiding was all I could do for now until wolves started to search outside the building for me.

No one seemed to be down here with me, or so I thought until I heard a shaky cough.

My ears perked up as I looked around and walked further into the basement to see where the noise came from.

"Ha. You're here too?" I asked Romeo who was chained up in the corner of a cell.

His legs were chained like mine were earlier and I could see his hands were cuffed like mine as he laid down on the cot they had in the cell.

I had no clue why they gave him this shitty dark cell while I had that pain room upstairs but I needed to get him out of here with me. The chances of us escaping doubled if I left with him and there was no way I was going to leave him here with that psycho upstairs.

His ribs looked a bit better than the last time I saw them, unless the darkness in here was masking the injuries, and my words made him look up at me.

"Chase? What the hell are you doing here?" He asked me but I was just as confused as he was as to why he was here too.

Archer must've thought he'd be some use in that weird plan he had so he brought him here too.

"Back at you. Feeling a bit better?" I asked him as I started looking around for a key to enter the cell or at least help him get the chain off his legs.

I felt around the wall and found one on a hook hidden away in the opposite corner, and approached his cell to see if it worked.

There were other cells down here but they were all empty so hopefully this one key was like a skeleton one that opened all of them cause this was all I could find down here in the darkness.

And thankfully it worked, causing us both to sigh with relief.

But as soon as I got the door open, I heard the basement door that I quietly closed earlier, slam open.

Romeo got up fast from his place on the cot and grabbed me quickly with his cuffed hands as I heard wolves enter and talk to each other.

He pulled me onto the cot and shut the door as fast as he could but also really quietly so they didn't hear anything suspicious.

Romeo then crawled on top of me, nearly suffocating me with his damn muscles and weight but I understood his plan once he settled on top of me.

I was laying on my back on the cells bed and he was mounted on top of me, basically hiding me in his cell with his body since he was so much bigger than me.

I didn't like the idea of being under him like this because his fucking pecs were basically getting in the way of me breathing but I let it happen since I didn't know what else we could do.

Plus his dang scent was mad strong since he was all sweaty and stuff from being down in this humid cell. He definitely masked my scent easily but I got feeling he masked Juno's scent now too.

I tsked to myself lowly as I heard the other wolves approaching the cell in search of me so I grew quiet. I held my breath and closed my eyes in hope either it was dark enough that they didn't see me or that Romeo's body really shielded me entirely.

I was shaking under him so I felt bad because I knew he felt it, but he just growled at the wolves as they passed by his cell.

"You shut up in there! I don't even know why the master brought back a half dead mutt like you anyways." One of the wolves, a male that sounded even younger than me, spat at Romeo.

Romeo just continued to growl, which I guess annoyed the two wolves because when they were done doing a light search, I heard their footsteps retreat back the way they came.

After we heard the door from upstairs slam close again, he finally lifted his pecs and body off of me. I gasped for air dramatically and he rolled his eyes before getting up.

"Yeah sorry princess I didn't have the best plan." He said and I couldn't help but look down since we were finally at a good angle for me to see his ribs.

They were at least bandaged up better than how I left him but I could see they weren't just bruising now, I spotted some wetness and a stain; plus the smell that came from the area was screaming that he was bleeding.

Why was he acting fine like he didn't feel them hurting? Was it to make me not worry or was it just the adrenaline he felt just now when we almost got caught?

"What do we do Romeo? Do you think Juno's close by now or would we try to meet him half way?" I asked him without looking at him.

My eyes were glued to his injury as I watched it carefully.

"I'm not really sure. In the state I'm in, I don't think we'll get far honestly...but even if you're allowed to escape, that means I've done my job of clearing you from danger." He explained to me and even without looking up at him, I could tell he probably had on a goofy smile.

I frowned upset at that because I wasn't the type to leave others behind. If one person was going down, we'd all go down. That was just the motto I had.

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