Chapter 73

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Chase's POV

"Fuck I don't know what to do...I don't even know where to start." I told myself as Romeo continued to cry out in pain.

His hand shakily reached down to where his ribs were badly bruised, and he held onto them with literal tears coming down the side of his eyes.

It made me feel so bad that I couldn't help him and I felt like shit the more he cried!

"Shit shit shit. Juno said to get ice but is icing really going to help this?" I asked myself lowly as I looked over at the zip lock bag I filled with ice earlier.

It was still sitting down on the table where I left it before I dragged Romeo's ass back over to the couch, but I wasn't fully convinced that would do the trick.

He literally needs a doctor. I can't do this. This was way beyond my capabilities and I knew nothing about healing or medicine.

I was a fashionista for crying out loud! If he wanted to know how to cut a T-Shirt into a really cute and short crop top that was one thing, but fixing ribs? And not the food kind but the body part?!

I was stressed. This whole thing had me stressing so much I started to actually pace back and forth as I thought about what to do.

I wasn't strong enough to do anything big right now since I just finished my heat and my body was still sore from my night with Juno.

I couldn't carry him anywhere and Juno seemed to want him to stay here with me anyways so I had no clue what to do.

Then it hit me. I have a phone now!

I left Romeo on the couch and ran over the kitchen table where Juno tossed my bag from the phone store and quickly pulled it out of it's box.

I turned it on and thankfully it's battery was charged and Juno already set it up for me earlier.

But now I faced a new problem which wiped my hopeful smile off my face.

I didn't have any contacts....

"Dude I'm so fucked." I mumbled to myself as I thought of another new plan.

I went to the trusty internet for tips on what to do if your boyfriends friend comes into your house after getting his ass beat and surprisingly enough, I ended up finding links to help me out.

And man was Juno right about the ice.

I ran back over to Romeo who was still sweating from his forehead and grunting in pain. I gently moved his hands as softly as possible from where he had them holding onto his rib cage, causing him to whimper.

I placed the ziplock bag filled with ice on them and he hissed out so loudly, I almost thought I made it worse with the ice.

I left him again to go into Juno's bathroom to see if he had any pain killers because I had nothing like that in my room to give the poor guy.

And he got lucky because I found a bottle under the sink that had a few pills left and the date on it was still good.

I returned again to the living room to the male groaning out in pain, but before walking over to him I went to grab him some water to take with his pain medication from the kitchen.

I just got him some simple ice water and made my way back to his side to watch over him. I didn't trust leaving him here alone since he still had the urge to leave while being this injured, but I couldn't move him into my room.

He was super heavy from all his muscle and I barely could carry him to the couch without us falling over. Not only that, but Juno would've lost his mind if he found out I had Romeo in my bedroom, friend or not.

"Here. Drink this to help with the pain." I instructed him and he slowly opened his eyes back up to look at me.

He took the cup shakily and it looked like he was going to spill it over, so I grabbed it from him and held his head in place with my free hand.

He blushed at the way I was treating him and holding him, but he couldn't even drink water by himself. He was going to end up making a bigger mess for me so this was the least I could do.

I popped the pills in his mouth and supported his head as he drank the cold water slowly.

Looking at him like this made me feel angry all over again. I don't see how Juno let that guy walk out of here alive after doing something like this.

Once he was finished drinking, I placed his head back down on the pillow on the couch and forced him to lay back down. The sitting position wasn't helping him feel any better and I placed the cup on the table since he can have the rest of the water later.

He was wide awake with his eyes open now, verses when he had them closed in pain earlier, and his loud groaning turned into just a slight whimper that would escape his lips every so often.

"You don't have to pretend the pain doesn't hurt. No one's here but me and you. Plus it's not like I'll tell anyone what happened to you." I said to him as I went to sit down on the floor besides him.

His ribs looked really really bad and usually it would take us a few days to heal from an injury this bad. I'd love to keep him here until they're fully healed only because I knew he'd be overexerting himself without proper treatment and rest; but I'd have to see what Juno thought about that idea first.

I stared in anger at his wounds and I think he caught me staring in the corner of his eye, because he finally broke his silence.

"That guy...we have a treaty with his pack so Juno couldn't physically harm him even though he wanted to. He likes to bother Juno every time he comes to visit, I used to tell Juno I thought the psycho had some kind of fixation on him or something. But each time he came, his temper got worse and worse if Juno wasn't the first thing he saw when he got here." Romeo explained to me as I watched his hand slide down his body again to hold the icy cold ziplock bag in place.

"But this time he's gone too far. Injuring me was something he's done in the past but not to this extent and then threatening to hurt our pack members? He's officially lost it." He mumbled before closing his eyes in pain again.

And now I couldn't tell if he was talking to me anymore or more to himself and was just allowing me to listen.

"I wonder why he's so fixated on what's going on in Juno's life..." he said lowly and now I was starting to agree.

The guy was clearly nuts and I didn't care if we had a treaty, I would've whooped his ass if I could. Maybe that thought alone meant I shouldn't be the next Luna.

Because actions speak louder than words sometimes and this was definitely one of those damn times!

"And thank you...for helping me. I know you're probably tired. I didn't want to say anything but I can see all those love marks on you and you just smell so much like Juno right now. So I'm sure you're exhausted right?" Romeo asked me with his eyes still closed making me smile that he could notice my mark and scent change already.

"Don't worry about me, just focus on getting better." I told him and I wasn't sure if he heard me before he fell asleep or not.

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