Chapter 10

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Chases's POV

"That party's on the night of the full moon. I heard some pack mates talking about it, so I'll pass." Mimi said before she took a huge bite of her cheeseburger.

I was telling them about the party invite from Julio while we ate at Mimi's apartment, but they didn't seem to be as keen on the idea as I thought they would be.

I was sitting on the couch armrest with my arms crossed in thought.

Usually, Mimi loved to party but since it was on the full moon, her entire attitude seemed to change. She was always the type to want to be left alone on the full moon for obvious reasons, and I respected that.

The full moon was something that messed with us every month mostly, more specifically every 29 days exactly. It made our emotions more unstable, made it harder to control our shifting, and made us mad horny most of the time.

Some wolves just used it as an excuse to act out and run around the woods, howling like idiots. But for the most part a lot of wolves will have parties to help vent out their sexual stress. Julio on the other hand was probably just holding that small gathering to make sure his friends didn't do anything they'd regret.

But then there were other wolves like Mimi that just preferred to stay home alone and deal with everything theirselves.

"You don't remember the last time you went out partying on a full moon?" Jean asked with a serious face.

I sighed as the memories suddenly came flooding back to me. I somehow completely forgot about that party.

I was dancing on a lot of wolves and one girl specifically got really upset when I stopped dancing with her. So jealous, she caused a huge scene which made the guy I was dancing with irritated.

Long story short they were both pretty tipsy and tugging at my arms like two kids fighting over a toy. Jean ended up having to get the guy off of me and Daniel got the girl away from me.

It was just a headache after that and we ended up just leaving.

"Ugh. Just remembering that made my arms ache." I told him before a light shiver ran throughout my body.

"Exactly. Plus Jean and I have plans this full moon so is a no from us too." Daniel said before he kissed Jean on his cheek.

Mimi rolled her eyes at his response as she took another bite of her burger.

So I was basically going to go alone. I didn't really mind it but not knowing anyone but one person is kind of awkward.

Julio was the only senior I knew that would be going to that party, and it's with all his friends I've never talked to before. Like I've seen them around and when they played sports in their free time, but I've never spoken to them as a group or anything like that.

"You're still going to go aren't you?" Jean asked and I nodded my head silently.

Julio himself invited me and I wanted to use it as a way to get Juno off my mind.

"I'll be careful. I'll just stick by Julio's side the entire night...and if he needs to go do his own thing, I'll go home." I told Jean but he wasn't happy about it judging by his expression.

"We can come get you if you need us to." Daniel chimed in and that made Jean's expression soften.

I shook my head no though and now even Mimi was frowning. I loved my friends but I couldn't rely on them so much and especially on a full moon.

I'd hate myself if something happened to them on the way to go pick me up, etc.

Plus Jean and Daniel clearly wanted to spend the whole damn day and night being lovey dovey and I didn't want to call Mimi out either.

It was dangerous and I was pretty positive I'd be able to make it home alone if I needed to. I wasn't an omega or a female and those two options seemed to be the ones everyone mostly targeted on nights like they.

And if I didn't want to walk home all by myself, I could just see if Julio could take me or see if there were other options first.

"Just promise us if you need us, you'll contact us? You know even if we're busy we're always there for each other." Mimi told me before wiping her mouth with a napkin.

"Yes ma'am." I said to her and everyone let out a sigh of relief.

The goal of that party was to clear my mind and just try to move on. I wasn't planning on anything to happen to the point where I'd have to contact them.

I just wanted the night to be unproblematic for everyone.

Tensions were high on full moons anyways, there was no need to make it even more stressful.

"So what are you going to wear?" Mimi suddenly asked and my brain froze.

"Yeah isn't the party in like 10 days? You usually prepare your outfits at least a month ahead." Daniel questioned with so much concern in his voice causing Jean and Mimi to laugh.

Oh my goodness I didn't even think about what I'd be wearing! I didn't want to embarrass Julio by showing up in something terrible after he invited me to a party I didn't belong going to!

"He can just wear something he bought at the mall last time we went." Jean suggested and I hummed.

Those weren't really party fits. They were casual college comfy clothes.

But I did have a good selection of party outfits from back in my partying days.

"I don't need to go shopping for this one. The outfit is coming to mind." I told them all dramatically.

"Just promise me it's nothing 98% see through, too revealing OR too out there? It's a party with a lot of male wolves on the full moon and you know I don't want anything to happen to you." Jean said as I sighed.

I knew the point he was trying to make and I understand why he'd be worried but it just sucked that I could never really wear what I wanted to sometimes.

Like how is it my fault that some people couldn't keep their hands to themselves? I mainly dressed the way I wanted for myself and yeah maybe sometimes others...but that shouldn't be why they thought it was ok to just touch me or anyone else for that matter.

"I'll send you a picture while I'm getting ready Dad." I joked and he eased up.

I didn't plan to dress too provocatively anyways.

I wasn't going to wear anything "too crazy" this time. I'd do something sweet and simple.

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