Chapter 46

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Chase's POV

"Would you do it?" I repeated myself a little louder this time causing Juno to nod in response.

I wanted him to verbally confirm so I pouted and he got the hint.

"I'll stop seeing him if you ask me to. Will you stop seeing other guys until we've bonded if I asked you to?" He asked me and I paused.

I was only making him stop seeing one person, he was making me stop seeing an entire gender. I'm sure my dad didn't count but still, it was unfair but relationships had to have compromises.

"I would. So promise me you'll never see him again?" I asked him back seriously and he pressed his forehead against mine.

"I promise. Do you promise to stay away from other males?" He questioned me in the same tone I asked him with my question.

And I leaned in and nuzzled my nose against his as a sign of affection.

"I promise...does this make us cool again?" I asked him and he smiled.

"I'm sorry I got upset with you like that. You looked so crushed but I didn't know what to say or how to control myself." He admitted and he looked hurt.

I leaned back and shoved his head back in my neck roughly, probably confusing the shit out of him but it was the only way I could think of that would distract him right now.

And it worked because he stopped beating himself up and took another huge whiff of my scent. Apparently our necks released our scents more prominently than other areas of our bodies, so that must be why he was addicted to leaving his head in there.

"I'm sorry too. We might be a bit toxic for each other at times but I still have faith in us...and we're going to see your dad sooner than later so you can explain everything." I replied and he hummed while nuzzling his face deeper into my neck.

I wrapped my arms around his head in embrace as he left his head resting on my shoulder.

As I hugged him like this, I started to feel triumphant. It was like I won in a way despite there not being a battle in the first place.

But I wanted him to never go near Emery again.

I was a pretty possessive lover so as a mate I was probably a hundred times worse. And it didn't help that it was targeted towards someone I hated.

I wanted nothing more than to show off the marks we'd put on each other after we bonded but I still had to wait. I had to be patient and wait until Juno was ready.

It wasn't something I'd force on him if he wasn't ready, and I had different ways of proving that he was mine without us being official.

I could scent mark him as much as I could wherever I saw him. I'd put my scent on him so much he'd basically be drowning in it.

If other wolves caught a whiff of him, I wanted their first thought to be that they smelt ME near. Not smelling him nearby. That's how much I wanted him to smell like me.

But I think he had the same idea as me but didn't know how to execute it properly.

I was in his shirt still and it was staring to expose my right shoulder since it was so big. It was huge on me that the collar was sliding off my body.

Having that much skin exposed to him must've caught him by surprise because after he saw his shirt was slipping off my body, he kinda yanked his head away from my neck.

He shoved me off of him and I landed on the floor, right on my cute ass-cheeks might I add, with an 'oof' noise.

"Oh fuck I am so sorry." He apologized quickly and rushed to help me off the floor.

I waved off his hand cause I didn't need any help getting up and I got up myself.

I rubbed my ass annoyed before shooting a glare at him.

"Hey I said I was sorry Chase. I didn't mean to shove you like that I just...lost my cool again for a sec. I swear to you I'm trying to get used to this." He stated and I didn't have anything to say in response.

I couldn't tell what he needed to get used to exactly. I used to think he rejected me because I was a male at first but if he was engaged to be Emery's mate perfectly fine, then that meant he didn't care about gender.

Our pack was very open and accepting of same sex couples but there's always a few with different opinions on the matter, but no matter how much Juno used to mess with me and bully me; he never got on me for sexuality.

I didn't really care about gender when it came to dating and I used to think Juno was straight but he seemed to be the same way.

So then what was this issue?

What did he need to get used to?

Having a mate here to help with his urges? Seeing my body?

I sighed out and pinched the bridge of my nose as I thought about everything with him right in front of me.

I just didn't get it. One second I think we're moving forward then another second I feel like we're going backwards.

"I don't get what you need to get used to." I said aloud before rubbing both my hands down my face.

He looked away from me and I shrugged my shoulders in response.

He had no problem practically nesting in my neck but the second I show some more skin, he acted like I was going to give him some kinda cooties.

"Well for future reference, I'm not going to bite you or anything. You don't gotta shove me so hard either." I explained to him as I rubbed my ass.

I started to walk towards the stairway so I could go back to to my room, but he stopped me by grabbing my arm, mid-stride.

"Wait. I told you I was sorry I just have to try to control myself better okay? It's not you...I guess you can call it my mate urges? Alpha urges? I'm not really sure but I told you I wanted us to take our time to get to know each other better before know." He said and I nodded.

"I get it. I just can't help but feel like shit when my mate makes me land on my ass you know? I'm fine with waiting, take as long as you need. I'm always here if you need me or want to talk about it. But don't worry about it I'll be fine." I told him truthfully and he shot me a small smile before letting me go.

I understood where he was coming from a little better now but we needed to talk to each other to get closer and understand each other better. So communication was going to play a huge part in all of this.

"Thank you...I'm glad you're really understanding." He confessed and my cheeks felt like they were starting to flush.

I didn't say anything back, just nodded silently again before I went back to my journey to the stairs.

This time he didn't stop me, just watched me go up the stairs and I went straight to my room.

Once I was inside, I plopped down face first onto the bed and screamed into my pillow.

Just a few moments ago I was up here crying and now I was up here blushing like some schoolgirl who got acknowledged by her crush.

He was going to be the death of me one way or another but I was glad we were trying to work through this chaos. I wanted to prove my doctor wrong but the more we brought up our feelings the more I saw how different we were.

But we were going to have to try our hardest to move forward in this mate relationship.

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