Chapter 66

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Chase's POV

A low growl escaped Juno's throat now, causing me to freeze in place as he tried to bury himself even deeper inside of me.

All I heard in the room was his grunts and growls, followed by my moans and panting. There was also the sound of his balls slapping against me and the bed creaking loudly, and with each thrust, I swear I heard the bed frame coming closer and closer to breaking.

I was surprised it even held out for this long.

But the growl that came from his throat just now? It didn't sound like his usual growl at all. It was much deeper and it made my dick twitch from fear and excitement.

His instincts were taking over and the inner omega in me wanted him to breed me so bad and go into rut so he could just lose control further, but I needed to try to stay rational.

I pulled his head back gently by his hair and saw his pretty eyes were glowing. I licked my lips at the feral and wild sight of him.

"Come back to me baby." I told him as I cupped his cheeks into my hands and stared into his eyes.

He was still inside me but his thrusts stopped as he looked into my eyes with his now glowing blue ones. It was a signature glow only wolves with Alpha's blood could do and it was like a signal their inner wolf and instincts were in charge.

"Come on baby." I encouraged as I looked deeper into his eyes and saw my own reflection through them.

I looked a mess. My hair was wild and all over the place, my face was still piping hot and I had some saliva on the corner of my mouth that I wiped away the second I caught it.

But he was starting to fall apart too yet he made it look good. The sweat dripping from his forehead went all the way down his body, his hair messy just looked perfect regardless of how scattered it was, he just looked like walking sex.

A few seconds later, his eyes went back to normal and I sighed with relief.

I adjusted myself under him and grunted since he was still inside of me fully erect. I was glad my womb hasn't finished forming yet because he definitely reaches it without trying, so every time we fuck in the future I'd have to make sure to use protection.

Just the thought of growing a uterus inside me as a male is just wild but I didn't have time to think about this right now.

"I'm sorry, did I hurt you Chase? I blacked out for a second." Juno admitted and I shook my head softly.

He looked like he was about to start panicking and his once seductive gaze now looked extremely worried. Him losing control like that meant he really lost himself in pleasure since I think he started training to control his inner wolf and urges when we were pups, back when we were still friends.

"No you're fine, just don't forget to mark me ok?" I laughed and his worried expression faded into a smile.

He was being cautious this whole time so he didn't go into rut or bond with me but I guess he got too comfortable during our sex that his instincts popped out the second he let his guard down.

He shifted our position again now carefully, forcing me on my hands and knees so that we were in doggy style. This position was probably even more embarrassing to me then the 69 surprisingly because I just know for a fact he was going to be looking at my asshole!

And while I absolutely loved the feeling of his body pressed against mine in this position, I couldn't see his face. I liked facing my partners during sex for the most part so this position was ass to me.

But it was an easier position for him to mark my neck so I just had to put up with it for now.

He moved the pillows that were under me up so that I can lay easier so I did.

I arched my back and leaned forward so I could hug onto the pillow under me tightly as I raised my ass up in the air.

"Man I'm so lucky to have you Chase." Juno said before I felt his hands grip both sides of my hips.

Those words made me tear up with joy because all this time since the beginning those were the only words I ever wanted to hear my mate say. When he rejected me and I went a little crazy, I still craved those words so hearing them now, finally, made me feel at ease.

I wiggled my ass in front of him as a signal I was ready and I heard him suck in some air loudly behind me.

I was face down with my ass up in the air, and it made me feel so exposed. I felt my slick start to trickle down from my ass again and mentally cursed that ass of mine.

He was already fucking me like crazy earlier yet I was still soaking wet and wanting more of him.

My body was definitely going to be sore after this heat and I hated the aftermath it always brought. I've only had one so far but I could tell that now that I slept with my mate during it, I was just going to have more issues.

First I just had headaches and back pains but now I was going to have bruises and hickeys everywhere plus some stray scratches and bite marks to deal with.

I was going to just look a mess but it wasn't like anyone would see me after my heat anyways. Actually, that was a lie.

Juno and I skipping a few pages of his plan had us end up having sex. Sexual things are stories and explanations to always tell friends, at least I did to that only meant one thing.

EVERYONE would be coming over! Not only on my side but his friends on his side will too if he tells them!

I was brought back from my thoughts at the feeling of Juno mounting me from behind.

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